Rupanya Lepas Kematian Suami, Tanggungjawab Cari Nafkah Anak-Anak Jatuh Pada Datuk Atau Pakcik, Bukan Ibu
Sering kita mendengar kisah di mana tanah kubur masih merah, tetapi harta peninggalan arwah sudah ada yang direbut.
Dan yang menjadi masalahnya apabila harta yang ada menjadi rebutan antara keluarga arwah dengan isteri/balu arwah dan anak-anak.
...Continue ReadingApparently After Death Of Husband, Responsible To Find Children's Living Falling On Datuk Or Uncle, Not Mother
We often hear the story where the grave land is still red, but the spirit of the deceased's property is already taken.
And the problem is when the property that has become the grab between the late family and the wife / balu of the deceased and the children.
What about the fate and rights of the orphans if the possessions that exist become seized. Don't they know that eating orphan s' property is illegal and the properties that should have to go through the faraid law process.
Let's follow this man's share Hishamuddin Abd Majid on Facebook social page for us as Muslims to know the law that should be.
IMPORTANT!!! MUSLIMS MUST READ!! Many people don't know and look at it...
Apparently after death the husband is responsible for making a living for the children to fall to his guardian... that is his grandfather or uncle, not the mother's responsibility. Be fit in terms of giving faraid the fewest wife parts compared to other heirs. I wonder why the wife is the least part while the wife is the one who will bear the needs of the children later. Even husband's house and car relics can be claimed by guardians if not listed as property dedicated to the wife..
Many of us don't know because we haven't heard of it yet, there are guardians who earn a living for orphans who still This is the trust of Allah that is forgotten. This is how big a man's responsibility is... your responsibility is not only to children and wife but also to his guardian..
When religion is taken half half, the one who is in favor of it is taken away is left behind.
Let's think of the true story that happened to a balu who died by husband.
1. During the life of a difficult person, siblings never visited, let alone give a treat for their nephews even though everything works best.
2. Provisions for the children of Simati to buy a piece of land and buy a terrace house. Not long later, the dead bought another piece of land for gardening purpose but did not reach (died first)
3. Simati savings are in 10 k in the bank, a house and a piece of land.
4. Simati always told his wife if he's not around, wife and children are not difficult, there's a place to depend, there's a little money and there's a shelter (home). How big is simati's hope for the wife and children.
5. Destined for the dead to die due to shortness of breath (heart problem).. simati left balu and 2 daughters.
6. As soon as simati was buried, simati siblings including simati's mother had asked the wife to talk about simati's property, simati will be tortured in the grave if not solved as soon as possible.
7. Simati has no son, so the properties of simati will also get to his siblings.
8. Not even a week the dead died, came to the siblings to visit the house, after doing a sketch in the paper according to the law of faraid, part for the wife, children, the mother of simati and siblings of simati.
8. Laws of faraid-part of the wife get the fewest, but don't care about the sadness that is still sad, the fate of the faraid division is also given to the faraid division.
9. Most heartbreaking, rated once a house occupied by Sibalu and children according to market value. Then they give two choices to the balu, pay the price of the house to the heirs who deserve it if you want to stay there, or get out of the house because the house will be sold and the sales money will be divided by the law.
10. Where to find 150 k? If you don't want to be forced to get out of the house, the house is sold, the parts of Sibalu and the children with the amount of Sibalu and the children of Simati can be impossible to find a new
The episode of the orphans has started, moving to randomly, renting here, not busy, even the child is working after going back to school, saving money / single land / house is sold by siwaris. Simati's hope not to trouble children and wife after their underarm is broken at all. All the heirs are gone after getting their own share.
Even though it is entitled to simat property but have to look at the responsibility that must be held, don't take the religion is half half for your own interest.. yes it is not sinful to take the property that is indeed our right in the law, but sin is failing to run the responsibility of the living in the children of clothes / eat drink.
If we are among such groups before this change and may our offspring be kept away from our children, our husbands, our children from being cruel.
Take the teaching of brothers and sisters, once again I remind you of what religion is taught, if simati leaves children who have not been baligh, it is mandatory for the guardian to follow the guardian's order next to simati and provide a living for simati children. If not taken care, bear in the afterlife.
The faraid law is very fair and beautiful, given more to men because men are the leader of the family who has to bear the people below, why when there is no son, the property will be given to the simati siblings? Clearly Allah says that it is the responsibility of the guardians to bear the orphan (especially the orphans are women) and hopefully with the division of the faraid can relieve the burden / help the guardians to protect and give a living to the orphans.
REMEMBER YEA..! get the division of simati property not directly buying a new house, shopping or traveling first, but fulfill the orphan's responsibility.
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(Jakarta ➡️ Bogor ➡️ Bandung ➡️ Jogja)
Assalamualaikum, hi kali ni kami nak share itirenarary kami sepanjang trip indonesia baru-baru ni.. Alhamdulillah everything going smoothly even ada beberapa perkara yg spoil mood holiday kami.. After almost 10months book ticket flight, survey penginapan, supir, tempat lawatan, berjaya juga kami berempat travel bersama untuk kali kedua 🤗.. Cerita ni untuk holiday 5hari je sampai Bandung sbb saya tak pergi ke Jogja 😢, so yg baki holiday di Jogja (selama 5hari) tunggu kawan-kawan saya update ye..
Total lost lebih kurang rm600 (entrance fee, makan & minum, penginapan, pengangkutan) sepanjang 5hari4malam..
Okay jom tengok iti kami & total lost.. Semua kos ni dah kira siap-siap untuk seorang ye.. Tapi tak termasuk tiket flight sbb tiket flight tu rezeki masing-masing, so pandai hunting dpt la yg murmur je 😅.. Dan tak termasuk shopping 🤦🏼♀️, sorry faham-faham la perempuan kalau shopping, mulut kata tak nak beli, last-last penuh beg 💁🏻♀️..
Day 1 (🛫 KUL ➡️ 🛬 CGK ➡️ 🚶🏼♀️Jakarta)
Tempat Dikunjungi & Bayaran
entrance fee = rp3k/person (student price), ini untuk masuk ke kawasan cawan sahaja, bukan sekali ke puncak menara MONAS tu
📍Masjid Istiqlal
📍Mangga 2
📍Family Mart at CGK Airport
Kos Makan
🍲 Lunch di Medan Selera MONAS = rp123k/3person = rp41k/person
🍲 Dinner di A&W Mangga 2 = rp184k/3person = rp61.33k/person
🍲 Jajan di Family Mart = rp 103k/4person = rp25.72k/person
🏠 Check in Apartment Garuda Property Jakarta = rp300k/1night/4person = rp75k/night/person
🚘 Supir Jakarta = rp550k/1day/4person = rp137.5k/day/person
Total Lost for Day 1
💸 rp343.55k/person
Day 2 (Jakarta ➡️ Bogor ➡️ Bandung)
Tempat Dikunjungi & Bayaran
📍Restoren Nasi Padang Bogor
📍Taman Safari Indonesia
entrance fee = rp180k/person (harga local), kereta gantung (cable car) = rp50k/person, carrot (bagi haiwan makan) = rp15k/5ikat/4person = rp3.75k/person
📍Restoren Nasi Ayam Penyet Surabaya
📍Alfamart Jardin Apartment
Kos Makan
🍲 Breakfast di Restoren Nasi Padang Bogor = rp100k/4person = rp25k/person
🍲 Lunch di Restoren Nasi Ayam Penyet Surabaya = rp156k/4person = rp39k/person
🍲 Dinner (Beli makanan di Alfamart Jardin Apartment) = rp84k/4person = rp21k/person
🏠 Check in Hotel Harapan Indah Bandung = rp1005k/3night/4person = rp83.75k/night/person
🚘 Supir Jakarta ➡️ Bogor ➡️ Bandung = rp1050k/1day/4person = rp262.5k/day/person
🚘 Supir Bandung, Mas Dicky Wahyudi (ig: @pakej_murah_bandung) = rp150k/4person = rp37.5k/person
~ supir jakarta drop kami di apartment & then supir bandung take over kami bila kami sampai di sana.. so kos rp150k tu adalah untuk Mas Dicky Wahyudi pick up kami, tlg kami cari hotel & lain2..
Total Lost for Day 2
💸 rp702.5k/person
Day 3 (Bandung - Bandung Utara)
Tempat Dikunjungi & Bayaran
📍Gerai Nasi Kuning Bandung
📍The Lodge Maribaya
entrance fee = rp35k/person, bayaran spot bergambar (zipbike = rp20k/person) & (hot air ballon hydraullic = rp30k/person), bayaran gambar 6keping = rp60k/6keping/4person = rp15k/person
📍Floating Market Lembang
entrance fee = rp20k/person
📍Dusun Bambu
entrance fee = rp25k/person, bayaran hammock tower = rp20k/person
📍Sangkuriang Resto
📍Bandung Exclusive Textile
📍Rumah Kain M Collection
Kos Makan
🍲 Breakfast di Gerai Nasi Kuning Bandung = rp40k/4person = rp10k/person
🍲 Brunch di The Lodge Maribayar = rp 220k/4person = rp55k/person
🍲 Dinner di Sangkuriang Resto = rp187.375k/4person = rp46.84k/person
🏠 Check in Hotel Harapan Indah Bandung = rp1005k/3night/4person = rp83.75k/night/person
🚘 Supir Bandung, Mas Dicky Wahyudi (ig: @pakej_murah_bandung) = rp1200k/3day/4person = rp100k/day/person
~ Tapi disebabkan kami last minute booking dengan Mas Dicky Wahyudi, so Mas Dicky Wahyudi tak dapat jadi supir merangkap tour guide kami, maka Vrie Gerrard Vierry (pekerja Mas Dicky Wahyudi) yg jadi supir kami sepanjang 3hari kami di Bandung.. Even bukan Mas Dicky Wahyudi yg bawa kami jalan-jalan, almost setiap tempat kami pergi mesti terserempak dengannya 🤪..
Total Lost for Day 3
💸 rp460.59k/person
Day 4 (Bandung - Bandung Selatan)
Tempat Dikunjungi & Bayaran
📍Gerai Bubur Ayam Aa Kumis
📍Kawah Putih
entrance fee = rp75k/person, bayaran masuk kereta = rp150k/kereta/4person = rp37.5k/person, bayaran gambar 4keping = rp40k/4keping/4person = rp10k/person, beli buah strawberry (sebab mengidam 🙊) = rp20k/4person = rp5k/person
📍Glamping Lakeside
entrance fee = rp20k/org
📍Rumah Makan Saung Andir Ciwidey
📍Rumah Sulam Kana
📍Bakso Malang Langgeng
📍Jalan Asia Afrika
📍Guardian Braga City Walk
Kos Makan
🍲 Breakfast di Gerai Bubur Aa Kumis = rp52k/4person = rp13k/person
🍲 Lunch di Rumah Makan Saung Andir Ciwidey = rp213k/4person = rp53.25k/person
🍲 Dinner di Bakso Malang Lenggeng = rp199k/4person = rp49.75k/person
🏠 Check in Hotel Harapan Indah Bandung = rp1005k/3night/4person = rp83.75k/night/person
🚘 Supir Bandung, Mas Dicky Wahyudi (ig: @pakej_murah_bandung) = rp1200k/3day/4person = rp100k/day/person
Total Lost for Day 4
💸 rp447.25k/person
Day 5 (Bandung City ➡️ 🛬 KUL)
Tempat Dikunjungi & Bayaran
📍Station Train Bandung
📍Pasar Baru
📍Win Parfume
📍Restoren Ikan Bakar Nelayan
Kos Makan
🍲 Breakfast di Pasar Baru = rp120k/4person = rp30k/person
🍲 Lunch di Restoren Ikan Bakar Nelayan (Tak tau harga sbb supir belanja, Tq Mas Dicky Wahyudi 😘)
🚘 Supir Bandung, Mas Dicky Wahyudi (ig: @pakej_murah_bandung) = rp1200k/3day/4person = rp100k/day/person
Total Lost for Day 5
💸 rp130k/person
Overall untuk sepanjang 5hari holiday ni, kos yg dikeluarkan adalah seperti berikut
💰 Entrance Fee & Lain-lain Bayaran= rp549.25k/person
🍲 Makan/Minum = rp470.89k/person
🏠 Penginapan = rp326.25k/person
🚘 Pengangkutan = rp737.5k/person
Total lost 💸 = rp2083.89k/person
~ masa tukar dulu currency rp1000k = rm285, so plus minus kos untuk fee, makan minum, penginapan, supir sepanjang holiday 5hari ni dalam rm590-rm600/person
Okay harap-harap coretan ni dapat bantu anda semua untuk plan trip ke Indonesia.. Anyting feel free to dm me or my bff merangkap travel buddies 🙊.. Di gambar-gambar ada extra caption supaya lagi nampak feel kat sana.. Bye, doakan lepas ni kami dapat travel ke tempat lain 🤗..
Owh lupa kalau nak lagi details jenguk-jenguk la blog my friend, lagi details kot dia cerita..