桂花 vs 薄荷 vs 檸檬泡水喝
桂花 ── 性溫,有安心寧神、暖胃止痛的功效。
薄荷 ── 性涼,有疏散風熱及透疹的作用,能紓緩風熱感冒而起的頭痛目赤、喉嚨不適、口瘡、熱咳黃痰、牙痛等症狀,對於風疹及消化不良也有紓緩作用,亦可令口氣清新。惟注意陰虛體質人士不宜多服。
檸檬 ── 性溫,能開胃消滯、生津止渴、消暑、安胎。能紓緩炎夏的無胃口、消化不良、潤膚及改善色斑等美顏功效。
✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:玻璃肚
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Effective ways to get rid of bad breath
Osmanthus vs mint vs lemon juice
We are now used to wearing masks due to the pandemic, but it can be unbearable during summer when we can smell our own bad breath when we speak!
Many factors cause bad breath. Among them are poor oral hygiene and periodontal diseases. Not drinking enough water can lead to a decrease in salivation, hence, causing the mouth to become dry. Constipation and dampness accumulation in the intestines and stomach are also the main causes of bad breath.
To get rid of bad breath, we should get to the root of the problem. We can consume an appropriate amount of drinks that are made from mint, osmanthus, and lemon to keep our breath fresh. Avoid adding sugar to these drinks! These drinks can get rid of the bad odor in the mouth especially after having a heavy meal like hotpot and barbecue.
Sweet osmanthus - warm in nature. Calms the mind, warms the stomach to relieve pain.
Mint - cool in nature, and can dispel wind-heat, alleviate flu-related headaches, swollen and sore throat, mouth ulcers, hot cough with yellow phlegm, and toothache. Mint can also relieve pain caused by rubella infection and indigestion, as well as freshen one’s breath. Nonetheless, individuals with yin deficiency should not consume mint excessively.
Lemon - warm in nature and can stimulate appetite and relieve stagnancy, promote fluid production and quench thirst, clear summer heat, and stabilize pregnancy. It alleviates summer heat related symptoms such as lack of appetite and indigestion, and it can also moisten skin and improve discoloration on skin.
✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Sensitive stomach
Ingredients: jasmine, sweet osmanthus, Chinese yam, fried hyacinth bean
Effects: Soothes the liver and strengthens the spleen. Relieves stress-induced stomach gurgling, abdominal bloating, loose stool.
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16/5/2021 米蘭馬拉松 Milan Marathon
Result: 2:31’24 (updated)
Position: 18/28
Start time: 6:30am
今次比賽其實敗筆於羅馬大磚地😭 外國選手健步如飛,我卻舉步維艱,最長的一段約有1公里,半程後站不穩腳扭了兩扭,影響了其後發力,步速急劇下滑,慘不忍睹⋯⋯
0-5km: 第一圈由「愛心」出發到 I 路線,可能愛人首先要懂得愛自己,正所謂愛人如己,所以大會有此安排。一開始我留守於第二集團,有數位男士領航,目標是22930,步速很準確。
5-12.5km: 第二圈開始會是 U->❤️-> I 。這圈是為感謝主而跑,能夠上戰場是我的榮幸。羅馬大磚路周圍都會經過,但U型路線內的是最長,每經過一次,我就比第二集團拋離一些,但頭10公里還是預算時間。
12.5-20km: 第三圈的15公里又再度被拋離遠一點,在我面前一直帶跑的男士開始感到吃力,步伐逐點減慢,不如之前那麼準確了,時間上跟不上預算。曾經想突圍,但他繼續擁前領跑,而且遇上逆風我還得躲在後邊,因為前面的已經離我太遠。加上胃部不知為何咕哩咕嚕,可能準備的私家飲料由收集到比賽時間隔得太長,不夠新鮮。
20-27.5km: 第四圈有兩個站都沒有再喝飲料或只喝水,雖然肚不適減低,嘗試再提高速度想衝過U段大磚路,結果很快就乾醣,就在此刻,左腳扭了兩次,起初不以為然,其後卻發覺用力有問題,但還有唔知幾多圈要輪迴🥶途中還看到一個肯雅女選手倒在在地上,心都離一離😖
27.5-35km: 第五圈開始好迷惘,是否還剩下兩圈?我跑了多少公里?因為有些路段是重覆經過,路牌滿佈數字,我的腦袋缺糖又缺氧⋯唯一了解到的是達標渺茫。後來約114意大利選手Anna 與她兩名領跑朋友後上,才令我有目標跟上去。
35-42.5km: 第六圈最後一次經過U段大磚地啦,當然我又被拋開了,左腳傷痛更加明顯,望着其背影,停着隊友嗌道”Go” Anna,我就諗起我個女 Yelena,再本著代表香港🇭🇰跑,頂硬上。
Race reflection:
This time I was totally defeated by the big tiles of Rome. Other foreign competitors were striving like flying, but I was struggling. The longest section of such road was about 1km. After half of the race, I got twisted my foot twice, which affected the muscle power leading to sharp drop in pace🤯
Racing details:
The first lap starts from "heart" to “I” When we love the others we must first know how to love ourself. As the saying goes, love your neighbor as yourself, so the conference has this arrangement. At the beginning, I stayed at the second group with a few men leading the way. The goal was 22930 and the pace was very accurate.
From 2nd lap on the route will be U->❤️-> I. This lap is to thank the Lord and it is my honor to be on the battlefield. Rome brick road is everywhere in the race, but the U-shaped route is the longest. Every time I pass, I will leave behind the second group, but the first 10 km is still within budget time.
I was thrown a little further away again from the 15 kilometers of the 3rd lap. The man who had been leading in front of me began to pant and slowed down little by little. The pace was no longer 330. I started to be nervous as the time could not keep up. Once I wanted to break through, but he continued to try and lead the front. And I had to hide behind in the headwind, because the second pack girls were too far away from me. In addition, my stomach was gurgling. Perhaps my private drinks have been kept for too long from
last evening and not fresh enough for my weak stomach.
Therefore I did not drink or water only in the following two stations of the 4th lap. Yes, the stomach discomfort was reduced and I tried to increase the speed to cross the U section of the big brick road. However, as a result, the sugar was dried quickly. At this moment, my left foot was twisted twice. I didn’t notice at first, but later on I found that there’s problem of exertion. And I could not count how many laps to go la.. On the way, I saw a Kenyan female competitor lying on the ground, and my heart was 🥶
27.5-35km: I felt lost from the 5th lap. Are there still two laps left? How many km did I run? Because some sections of the road are repeatedly passing by, the road signs are full of numbers, and my head is lack of sugar and oxygen... The only thing I realised is that it is slim to meet the Olympic qualification time. Nevertheless, 114 Italian athlete Anna and her two leading friends came up suddenly, which made me continue to move on.
On the 6th lap, so great that it’s the last time to pass the U-segment long brick floor. Of course, I was thrown away again. The pain in my left foot was more obvious. I could only keep staring at 114’s back. When her teammate said "Goker” Anna, I thought of my daughter Yelena. And also on behalf of Hong Kong, I have to run hard.
Before crossing the line, I didn’t dare to look at the clock because I didn’t dare to face the facts 🥺
I am Eliminated.
With 2-3-1 only.
The second half is such horrible. But this is my ability.
Three-seven confidence. Number bib 127 even more clearly divides three into one-two: 1 point for hesitation and 2 points for confidence.
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Learn about sichuan pepper
“I was told that drinking Sichuan pepper water can treat nasal allergies; chewing on Sichuan pepper can relieve toothache too, are these true?”
CheckCheckCin: Sichuan pepper, commonly used as a condiment, is also a type of medicine. From Chinese medicine perspective, Sichuan pepper is hot and spicy in nature, able to warm the body and dispel colds, and help get rid of the fishy odour.
The ability to dispel cold and remove dampness from the body makes Sichuan pepper a good food choice for individuals who experience the feeling of pain and cold on the stomach and the abdomen, poor appetite, abdominal gurgling and loose stools, rheumatoid arthritis, and menstrual cramps caused by cold conditions.
There are many causes of nasal allergies, and if cold-dampness is the culprit, perhaps Sichuan pepper might alleviate the symptoms, but will unlikely to resolve the root cause.
We often feel a numbing sensation when savouring the Sichuan pepper, this is because the pepper itself contains an essential oil that can relieve pain and is analgesic in nature. This is probably why chewing on Sichuan pepper helps relieve toothache. But again, the effect is just temporary as it does not address the core problem. Hence, consulting a dentist should be the ultimate solution.
Moreover, Sichuan pepper being hot in nature can easily cause individuals with hot body conditions to experience heat related symptoms such as sore throat, if this aromatic spice were to be consumed on a daily basis.
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