[餐飲新聞 / News] #餐飲業成防疫犧牲品_法國主廚聯合上書總統 / Victims of COVID curfews, French chefs address Emmanuel Macron
法國疫情如火箭噴射般惡化,目前已 #連續兩日單日確診人數超過4萬人,確診率達到 15.1%(註 1)。繼巴黎與其他八個大城市從上週六(10/17)起自晚間 9 點至隔天清晨 6 點實施宵禁後, 法國總理 Jean Castex 於本週四(10/22)宣布另外 38 個省份也加入宵禁行列,#目前全法共54個省份實施宵禁_影響人數為4600萬人_超過全法6652萬人的一半。與此同時,由於疫情並沒有降溫的跡象,可能再度大規模封城的猜測也隨之而起。
實施宵禁影響最大的便是餐飲業,尤其是在巴黎,許多人的晚餐聚會是在晚間 9 點以後,因此 9 點開始的宵禁,便相當於變相取消晚餐時間、給予業者致命的打擊。雖然政府也宣布了針對餐飲業的財務補助措施(註 2),但由於影響實在太大,#本週四法國主廚們聯合起來簽署了一封公開信(註 3)給總統馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)。這其實不是法國主廚們第一次公開上書總統,在四月疫情最嚴重時,法國專業餐飲協會(Collège Culinaire de France)便與以 Alain Ducasse 為首的 17 位星級餐廳主廚(註 4)一起在費加洛日報(Le Figaro)上發表過一封公開信。與四月時相較,本次的連署人數更多、範圍更廣,不只是星級餐廳主廚,獨立餐廳、廚師工會和各個世代的主廚們都簽了名(但本次 Alain Ducasse 主廚並未參與)。
1. #餐廳倒閉潮:在宣布宵禁之前,業者們已預估到年底將有 30% 的餐廳倒閉,現在情形只會雪上加霜。
2. #政府承諾與現實不合:如之前允諾稅期延展,但最後業者卻需要繳交逾期罰款。
3. #餐飲業者都是遵守規則的好學生:餐飲業者一直根據最新守則減少桌數、安排座位、消毒、登記顧客名單等,且到目前為止,「沒有任何一個群聚感染是在我們的店內爆發」(”aucun cluster n'a été déclaré dans nos établissements”);但政府卻因人力資源不足,無力大規模懲處不守法的人,最後由整個餐飲業承擔苦果。
4. #法國餐飲業舉世無匹的獨特性:如同博物館、電影、劇院,餐廳是法式生活藝術(l’art de vivre)的精髓、是社交和團聚的地點、也是人們在孤絕中的精神堡壘,但現在如此獨一無二的生活藝術卻面臨巨大的生存危機。
5. #呼籲與要求:
- 至少保留晚餐營業時間:9 點以前到達餐廳的消費者能夠把晚餐吃完,餐廳給予他們證明(attestation),讓他們能夠在 11 點以前回家。
- 其他財務補助:延緩租金繳納時間、在國家緊急衛生狀態期間,取消雇主為餐廳員工繳納的社會分攤金、所有在過去三年內有一項營業指標為正的企業,皆能申請國家擔保貸款(PGE, prêt garanti par l'État)、參與調整會計準則的財務法修正案投票,讓餐飲業者能夠調整資產免稅額,避免倒閉。
雖然對餐飲業者來說,這是一則非常沈痛的呼籲,但法國疫情眼看即將再度失控,重新封城大概也只是時間的問題。疫情肆虐到現在,從一個既在局外、也在局內的人眼光看來,受到影響的絕對不是只有餐飲業、需要改變的也絕非只是用餐與社交活動,而是心態與隨之反應的行為。從疫情開始到現在,法國在國家層面從未落實自己宣稱的「篩檢-匡列-隔離」(tester - tracer - isoler)的措施、更無力切斷病毒感染鏈;而許多國民也從未體認個人的自律並非完全等於對個體自由的限制。如果無法體認到生活方式已經不可能回復(起碼在這兩年)、過去的常識如今已難再續,法國的疫情只會持續失控,不只餐飲業,整個世界也將一同為此付出代價。
📌 註解:
1. 根據 WHO 今年五月發佈的疫情與衛生準則,5% 以下的確診率是疫情可控的指標之一。更多法國疫情詳細數字與每日更新,可以參考 馬力的法國主婦生活 A City Trotter in France。
2. 50 人以內的企業,若每月營業額減少在 50-70% 之間,則可以獲得最高 €10,000 的補助。部分失業補助(chômage partiel,如半薪、減薪等情況)100% 由國家負擔,並延續到 12 月。
3. 本封公開信全文刊載於法國媒體 Le Point:https://tinyurl.com/y54zg7z4
4. 四月的公開信中,列出了以下 17 位主廚的名字:Yannick Alléno、Frédéric Anton、Christophe Bacquié、Georges Blanc、Eric Briffard、Arnaud Donckele、Alain Ducasse、Eric Frechon、Gilles Goujon、Michel Guérard、Marc Haeberlin、Régis Marcon、Anne-Sophie Pic、Eric Pras、Emmanuel Renaut、Guy Savoy、Mathieu Viannay,皆是法國最知名的主廚們,但根據餐飲媒體 Atabula 報導的內幕消息指出,這封公開信是出於 Alain Ducasse 一人獨斷,其他主廚們(除了 Yannick Alléno 與 Régis Marcon 外)都是在見報當日才知道自己被掛名,因而引起許多爭議及不滿。
🔖 延伸閱讀:#疫情之下的法國餐飲業
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[Paris desserts / 巴黎甜點] Guy Savoy 三星餐廳甜點體驗 / 3 Michelin-starred desserts at Guy Savoy restaurant (for English, please click "see more")
本週連續幾天參加了一些餐會,其中最幸運的是去 Supu Ramen avec Guy Savoy 時,竟然在試吃完拉麵後被招待去品嚐了 Guy Savoy 三星餐廳的甜點。
拉麵與壽司在巴黎很流行不是新聞,但在巴黎有三星餐廳、紐約有二星餐廳,甚至訓練出 Gordon Ramsay 的傳奇主廚 Guy Savoy 竟然在自己旗下另外一家餐廳「Les Bouquinistes」結束營業後,改成賣拉麵就是新聞。不過這並不是本文的重點,週四我原本是去參加 Supu Ramen avec Guy Savoy 的工作坊,但沒想到 Guy Savoy 主廚得知我們一行人來訪,便非常親切地說要招待我們去他同一條街上的三星餐廳吃甜點。要知道 Guy Savoy 連午間套餐都要 €250(不含酒水),平常沒事是沒什麼機會可以去的,而且還是主廚本人親自邀請,用千載難逢來形容都不為過。
我們被安排在餐廳最裡面的包廂,外面就是塞納河的秋日風景。當天很難得地出了太陽,整個包廂被黃葉映染、美不勝收。Guy Savoy 主廚隨後出現,很親切地歡迎我們。本來還在想主廚毫無架子,但當他說出會先招待我們他招牌的朝鮮薊黑松露濃湯(Soupe d’artichaut à la truffe noire)搭配塗了黑松露奶油的酥皮蘑菇布里歐許麵包(brioche feuilletée aux champignons et beurre de truffe)、然後會讓我們品嚐各種餐後甜點(搭配酒)的時候,在場所有人都為他的慷慨和自己的幸運感到驚奇、甚至有些說不出話。
在湯與布里歐許麵包之後,依照一般上菜順序上來了前甜點(pré-dessert)與兩輪的甜點(請直接點圖依序欣賞),每一樣都以完美的平衡擄獲了大家的心。正當我們以為幸福已經到達頂峰的時候,侍者竟然來提醒我們還沒結束,後面還有「一整車」的雪酪、冰淇淋、米布丁、花式小點(mignardise)等可自由選擇、與咖啡或茶搭配。在我們驚嘆連連、最後也實在吃不下的過程中,Guy Savoy 主廚與他的助理多次過來關心狀況、並與我們親切閒聊。那天因為當場太震撼、甜點也上得很快,有些沒有品嚐到、有些來不及記下,照片中的甜點元素組成,都得感謝主廚的助理 Carine Polito 女士的協助,不然我也無法精確地傳達這些作品的細緻之處。其實這是整個體驗中最讓我印象之處,餐廳與甜點作品本身的風格真切地反映了主廚的個性,能夠讓人感受到深厚功力、沈穩但毫不做作。雖然是三星餐廳,但卻沒有任何拘謹的距離感,可以感受到主廚本人希望藉著美食讓更多人感到幸福的信念。
當天餐會結束之後走出 Guy Savoy 大門,持續陰雨的巴黎因為短暫放晴,竟然在塞納河岸出現彩虹,真的是從頭到尾都很完美的一天呢!
Got invited for several tasting events this week, and the most memorable one is for sure the unexpected visit to restaurant Guy Savoy. Initially we were participating a workshop at Supu Ramen avec Guy Savoy, a new ramen restaurant of the brand transformed from “Les Bouqunistes”, but the chef Guy Savoy was so kind that he would like to say hi in person and let us taste the desserts at his Michelin 3-starred restaurant.
All of us actually got really thrilled as visiting a Michelin 3-starred restaurant is not a casual thing and being salué and invited by the legendary chef is a one-of-a-kind experience for sure.
We sat in a room situating with a gorgeous view at the bottom of the restaurant and received a very warm welcome by the staff and the chef. As we already got surprised by the chef’s friendliness, what he said later on further stunned us. We were told that we would be served with the restaurant's signature entrée, the artichoke soup with black truffle that comes with a layered mushroom brioche with truffle butter, followed by a series of desserts and wine pairings. I believe all of us got speechless by the generosity of the chef and our good luck for a moment.
After the amazing soup and brioche (the best I’ve ever tasted!), came the pré-dessert and two-rounds of plated dessert (check the photos for details). Everything was made of a perfect balance among different textures and tastes. As we thought we’ve reached the peak of happiness and that was probably the end of this whole incredible experience, the waiter informed us that it wasn’t finishing yet as a dessert trolley would come after this and we could choose what we’d like to taste among the rice puddings, sorbets, ice-creams, and mignardises that go with our coffee or tea. We were wowed so many times during that 1 and half hours that it was very difficult to note down what exactly have we tasted. Mme. Carine Polito helped me to distinguish the components of each dessert so that I could share this post with you all.
Everything that we’ve tasted that day was exceptionally good but the most remarkable thing to me is probably the friendliness of the chef. His warm hospitality and charm are well-reflected in the dishes served. Those desserts are undoubtedly made with a brilliant talent, top quality and skills, but they’re never pretentious and distant, just as himself. Taste them and you’ll realise without any difficulty the chef’s philosophy to make people happy with great food.
There was sun shining on the Seine river with a rainbow in the sky when we went out of the restaurant. It was for sure one of most wonderful days I’ve had recently.
More photos and videos on this experience (including the ramen workshop), check my Instagram featured stories “Guy Savoy” 👉👉🏻👉https://tinyurl.com/tcjf76u
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[News / 甜點新聞] 巴黎豪華酒店甜點主廚大洗牌 / Parisan palace pastry chefs swapped around after September (for English, please click "see more")
上回說到 Maxime Frederic 主廚將在今年十月離開 Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris,前往明年春天開幕的 Cheval Blanc Paris(巴黎白馬莊園豪華酒店,屬於 LVMH 集團),當時我已預期巴黎甜點圈將有一波大變動,昨天新消息公佈,果然是一場大風吹啊!以下為大家整理各主廚的新去處:
👨🍳 Maxime Frédéric:Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris --> Cheval Blanc Paris
👨🍳 Michael Bartocetti:Shangri-La Hotel, Paris --> Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris
(Michael 主廚以他 vegan 純素的甜點出名,所以接下來 George V 可能也會有純素的甜點出現!)
👨🍳 Nicolas Paciello:Prince de Galles, a Luxury Collection Hotel --> Hôtel Barrière Le Fouquet's Paris
(Nicolas 主廚之前在 Prince de Galles 的知名創作包括 2017 年的「Tahitensis」香草莢聖誕節蛋糕、「Tarte au chocolat & sarrasin」巧克力蕎麥塔、「Omelette norvégienne à la vanille」香草熱烤阿拉斯加蛋糕等。他去年參加 MOF 法國最佳工藝職人大賽,可惜最後失利。)
👨🍳 Tristan Rousselot:Ecole Ritz Escoffier --> Prince de Galles, a Luxury Collection Hotel
(Tristan 年僅 27 歲,但經歷豐富。之前曾是 Qui sera le prochain grand pâtissier ? 甜點競賽節目第三季亞軍,接著被 Christophe Michalak 主廚招攬入自己的團隊,主理 Pâtisseries et Ecole Michalak 瑪黑店,後來帶領整個團隊擔任執行主廚、並負責食譜創作。在今秋加入 Prince de Galles 之前,他擔任 Ritz 甜點學校的教學甜點主廚。)
👨🍳 Matthieu Carlin:Guy Savoy --> Hôtel de Crillon, A Rosewood Hotel
(Matthieu 主廚於 2017 年 2 月開始擔任巴黎知名三星餐廳 Guy Savoy 甜點主廚,在前曾在 Ritz 酒店擔任行政副主廚(Chef adjoint)與 Shangri-La 酒店的副主廚。早期更歷任各星級餐廳,資歷顯赫、實力堅強。)
🔖 延伸閱讀:
Maxime Frédéric 主廚與巴黎白馬莊園豪華酒店:https://tinyurl.com/y4ytazng
沈靜絕美的冬之花園-Hôtel de Crillon 下午茶:https://tinyurl.com/y3vzg2wv
赤子之心打造完美極限-專訪 Maxime Frédéric 主廚(上)、(下):https://tinyurl.com/y2cyv5dp、https://tinyurl.com/y3kclncu
Two weeks ago, we got informed that Maxime Frédéric, present executive pastry chef at Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris is leaving the hotel to join Cheval Blanc Paris, opening in Spring, 2020. A swap-around among pastry chefs in Parisian palaces and restaurants was expected. The news released yesterday has confirmed the speculations:
👨🍳 Maxime Frédéric: Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris --> Cheval Blanc Paris
👨🍳 Michael Bartocetti: Shangri-La Hotel, Paris --> Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris
(Michael Bartocetti is known for his vegan tea time at Shangri-La Hotel. Some changes of the dessert menu at Hotel George V could be expected. )
👨🍳 Nicolas Paciello: Prince de Galles, a Luxury Collection Hotel --> Hôtel Barrière Le Fouquet's Paris
(Nicolas's signatures include his "Tahitensis" Christmas cake in 2017, "Tarte au chocolat & sarrasin" (chocolate and buckwheat tart), and "Omelette norvégienne à la vanille" (Vanilla bombe Alaska). He has joined the MOF compeition last year and was one of the finalists.)
👨🍳 Tristan Rousselot: Ecole Ritz Escoffier --> Prince de Galles, a Luxury Collection Hotel
(The 27-year-old talent finished at the 2nd place in season 3 of "Qui sera le prochain grand pâtissier?", a popular French TV competition show featuring professional pastry chefs. He was then recruited by Christophe Michalak and led the team while being responsable for exclusive recipes. He is currently the head pastry chef instructor at the prestigious Ecole Ritz Escoffier.)
👨🍳 Matthieu Carlin: Guy Savoy --> Hôtel de Crillon, A Rosewood Hotel
(Matthieu Carlin has been the head of the pastry kitchen at Guy Savoy*** since February 2017. A seasoned professional, the chef was the Deputy pastry chef at Ritz Paris and Sous-chef pâtissier at Shangri-La Hotel before joining Guy Savoy.)
Did you find out which palaces/restaurants will still be missing their head pastry chefs, and whose new posts are not confirmed yet?
To be honest, I'm quite looking forward to the new picture of Parisian pastry circle as many new creations can be expected. But if you're keen to taste any specific desserts or work of a certain chef, go for it as soon as possible since they might be replaced very soon!
🔖 You might also be interested:
Maxime Frédéric to join Cheval Blanc Paris: https://tinyurl.com/y4ytazng
Tea time at Jardin d'Hiver, Hôtel de Crillon: https://tinyurl.com/y3vzg2wv
Interview with Maxime Frédéric: https://tinyurl.com/y2cyv5dp, https://tinyurl.com/y3kclncu
#yingspastryguide #paris
guy savoy paris 在 Guy Savoy | Paris - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Guy Savoy , 巴黎。 54460 個讚 · 963 人正在談論這個 · 8535 個打卡次。 Chef cuisinier 3 étoiles/3 star Chef #guysavoy Instagram @Guysavoy ... ... <看更多>
guy savoy paris 在 Guy Savoy – Paris - a MICHELIN Guide Restaurant in 2023 的推薦與評價
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guy savoy paris 在 No 1 World Rank 3 Stars Michelin Guy Savoy $652pp(€574 ... 的推薦與評價
... Star Restaurant Fine dining at the World No1 Restaurant Guy Savoy, 13 Course Colours, Textures, Flavour Tasting menu Paris, FranceG... ... <看更多>