Hopefully hari ni punya stream cable saya tak buat hal la huhuhu. Btw, Thank you ada yang post hadiah birthday kat saya. Walaupon birthday korang saya tak bagi pape pon. showie shomey. i luv u guys.
Jawapan semalam, Nisje bagi saya camera guys!! lepas ni saya kena start fogging ke canne? psstt psst 🤣
Target star bulan Julai : 113,173 /350,000
Tops star sender bulan Julai :
1. Nurul Asyiqin-10000 🤩
2.Khartini Musbi- 9000 🤩
3. Piki Pikii- 6480 🤩
4. Ain Farahin- 6000 🤩
5.Naqiuddin Ahmad -4379🤩
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hal 9000 在 Papa Azri Facebook 的最佳貼文
Baca sampai habis Guys
Realiti sebenar isu tahanan PATI
1. Dakwaan beberapa pemimpin PH dan NGO pro-liberalisme bahawa Malaysia menindas dan menzalimi PATI, adalah melampau. Ia kemudiannya dituruti dengan kecaman antarabangsa, kononnya PATI di dalam Depot Tahanan Imigresen (DPI) dilayan dengan begitu teruk, khususnya wanita dan kanak-kanak. [1]
2. Hakikatnya, DPI bahkan menyediakan kemudahan kepada tahanan termasuk taman permainan kanak-kanak dilengkapi sudut bacaan, alat permainan, alat tulis, kerusi dan kolam mandi mudah alih selain daripada makan minum, rawatan kesihatan dan keperluan asas lain.
3. Tahanan wanita yang mengandung dan mempunyai anak turut disediakan katil, tilam serta bantal untuk keselesaan mereka, bukan tidur di atas lantai sel seperti yang diburuk-burukkan.
4. Berapakah kos tanggungan keseluruhan DPI untuk tahanan PATI ini? RM3.4 juta sebulan. [2]
5. Berapa lama PATI ditahan dalam sebelum dihantar pulang ke negara asal? 3 minggu sehingga 4 bulan.
6. Kerajaan tentulah tidak mahu menanggung beban kewangan dengan menahan lama-lama PATI ini, tetapi ia bukan sesuatu yang mudah untuk menghantar mereka pulang segera. Berikut merupakan antara sebab-sebabnya:
- PATI gagal mendedahkan identiti kewarganegaraan negara asal
- Ketiadaan dokumen negara asal
- Tertakluk di bawah perintah mahkamah (hukuman penjara)
- Menunggu dokumen dikeluarkan oleh pihak kedutaan negara asal
7. Hal demikian dijelaskan oleh bekas Ketua Pengarah Imigresen, Mustafar Ali seperti berikut:
“…Apabila seseorang itu ditangkap, mereka tiada dokumen, kita memerlukan dokumen mereka dari kedutaan. Kedutaan mereka akan mengeluarkan dokumen untuk membolehkan mereka dihantar pulang ke negara asal.
Jika tiada dokumen langsung, mereka akan digelar sebagai warga tidak bernegara, sebagai contohnya, apabila pihak kami menghubungi kedutaan berkenaan, PATI mengatakan mereka bukan dari negara terbabit. Sama juga kedutaan yang tidak mengaku PATI tersebut warganegara mereka. Jadi, pihak kedutaan tidak akan mengeluarkan dokumen. Bila tidak dikeluarkan dokumen, berapa lama mereka terpaksa tunggu?” [3]
8. Kita sebenarnya tersepit. Rakyat dan kerajaan mahu PATI segera ditangani. Tetapi PH dan NGO dengan desakan antarabangsa (kumpulan hak asasi), mahu sebaliknya.
9. Bagaimanapun, semalam, ketegasan Menteri Kanan (Keselamatan), walaupun bukan seorang yang lantang berbicara, namun jawapan dan tindakannya tegas:
"Walau apa alasan yang diberikan oleh kumpulan yang menentang tindakan kerajaan ini, kita tidak akan tunduk kepada mereka kerana tindakan kita adalah untuk menjaga kepentingan dan keselamatan rakyat kita."
10. Justeru, kerajaan akan menyegerakan penghantaran pulang PATI (yang didapati negatif Covid-19) ke negara asal. [4]
[1] https://www.hmetro.com.my/…/20…/07/473509/dakwaan-tanpa-asas
[2] https://www.bharian.com.my/…/9000-pati-ditahan-di-depot-imi…
[3] Nurina Awanis Mohamed, Mohd Na’eim Ajis, Zawiyah Md. Zain, 2019. Cabaran dalam menguruskan pendatang asing tanpa izin di depot tahanan imigresen Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Society and Space 15:3 (76-89). Bangi: UKM Press (http://ejournals.ukm.my/gmjss/article/view/32219)
[4] http://www.astroawani.com/…/isu-pati-kerajaan-tidak-akan-tu…
The real reality of the home issue of pati
1. Claims of some ph leaders and pro-liberalism ngo that Malaysia is bullying and terrorizing the essence, is extreme. It was later obeyed with international censure, supposedly the essence in the Immigration Prisoner Depot (dpi) was treated so badly, especially women and children. [1]
2. In fact, dpi even provides facilities to prisoners including children's playground equipped with reading corner, game tools, writing tools, chairs and mobile bath pools instead of eating drinks, health treatment and other basic needs.
3. Pregnant Women's homes and children are also prepared for bed, mattress and pillow for their comfort, not sleeping on the cell floor as they are being are.
4. How much is the overall cost of dpi for this pati prisoner? Rm3. 4 million a month. [2]
5. How long has the essence been held in before being sent back to the country of origin? 3 WEEKS UP TO 4 months.
6. Government would not want to bear financial burden by holding on for a long time, but it's not something easy to send them home immediately. Here are some of the reasons:
- pati fails to reveal the identity of the nationality of the country
- the absence of original country documents
- subject under court order (prison sentence)
- waiting for documents to be issued by the original embassy
7. Things are explained by former immigration director mustafar ali as follows:
"... when a person is arrested, they don't have documents, we need their documents from the embassy. Their Embassy will release documents to allow them to be sent back to the country of origin.
If there are no documents at all, they will be held as citizens citizens, for example, when our party calls the embassy, the essence says they are not from the country involved. It's the same embassy who doesn't admit that the essence is their citizen. So the embassy won't release the documents. When the documents are not issued, how long do they have to wait?" [3]
8. We are actually stuck. The people and the government want the essence to be treated immediately. But Ph and ngo with international pressure (rights group), want the other way around.
9. However, yesterday, the firmness of the right minister (safety), even though not a loud person speaks, but his answers and actions are firm:
" no matter what the reason that the group that opposes the actions of this government, we will not bow down to them because our actions are to keep the importance and safety of our people."
10. Thus, the government will hasten the return of the pati (found negative covid-19) to the country of origin. [4]
[1] https://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2019/07/473509/dakwaan-tanpa-asas
[2] https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/2019/09/606472/9000-pati-ditahan-di-depot-imigresen
[3] Nurina Awanis Mohamed, MOHD NA ' Eim Ajis, zawiyah MD. Zain, 2019. Challenges in managing foreign immigrants at the Malaysia Immigration Prisoner Depot. Malaysian Journal of society and space 15:3 (76-89). Bangi: Ukm Press (http://ejournals.ukm.my/gmjss/article/view/32219)
[4] http://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/isu-pati-kerajaan-tidak-akan-tunduk-ismail-sabri-244387Translated
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