這8本書,我特意選出,因為他們都有一個共同點 —— 踢爆。
1) Asura - In early Vedic Religion 作者 Wash Edward Hale
其中有探討到古印度梵文和古伊朗文可能有一個共同的源頭,印度的天人叫做 Deva,魔鬼阿修羅叫做 Asura。
古伊朗文Avestan 也有同音的字 Daeva 和 Ahura。只不過Ahura是神,Daeva是魔。(反轉又反轉)
2)Ruthless Compassion:Wrathful deities in early Indo-Tibetan Esoteric Buddhist Art 作者 Rob Linrothe
這是一本重量級資訊的畫冊,學者Rob Linthrothe 研究密宗神祗裡面的忿怒尊如何的經歷三個階段的進化 —— 從大菩薩的低下奴僕或守門的路人甲,如何進化到成為與大菩薩相輔的配角,最後飛上枝頭成為主角。
3)Tibetan Renaissance 作者 Ronald M Davidson 是一位我很喜歡的學者,把藏傳佛教裡面的一些歷史真相還原,你會看到一些祖師爺是很人性,甚至是很老千。
其中著名的花教道果印度大師 Gayadhara是根據邀請他過去西藏的信徒需求,創作出一些法門,托名是有印度傳承的。他第二次被邀去西藏時,有信使要到印度邀請Maitripa大師,他還冒充自己就是Maitripa,結果到了西藏時,被人認出他是之前來過西藏傳道果的 Gayadhara。
4)Sex and the Spiritual Teacher 作者 Scott Edelstein探討各個宗教及靈修團體裡面最常發生但最多人不敢談的 —— 導師跨過性親密的界限,所帶來的問題。
5)《取經之道與務本之道 —— 西遊記內丹學發微》作者郭建是學者。
第85回有一句:佛在靈山莫遠求, 靈山只在汝心頭, 人人有個靈山塔, 好向靈山塔下修。
6)The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali -- A Biography 作者David Gordon White對一些古代文獻的演變過程,梳理出非常精細脈絡而讀之驚喜連連的書。
目前瑜伽已經紅遍天下,瑜伽經也成為很紅的瑜伽經典。但,這本經典其實有超過七百多年沒人看,在19世紀時,被一系列的洋人炒紅,然後紅回到印度,引領了印度人再重炒Yoga Sutra 瑜伽經。
7)Authorized Lives -- Biography and the early formation of Gelug Identity。作者 Elijah S Ary是一個從小就被認證為西藏活佛的轉世的洋人,他之後出家,研習佛教過程中,發現了他學院的課本的篩選原來隱藏著一段不為人知的歷史。
8) What's wrong with Mindfulness 是一部多個美國禪修老師對於目前也很紅的內觀禪的潮流所做的批判,也討論到內觀禪世俗化後的問題。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅ClumsyCynthia 黃可樂,也在其Youtube影片中提到,▼ 更多Cynthia | More Cynthia ▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴ » YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnPBUIgXwC3tcCwOw3vDZng » Instagram: http://bit.ly/2ggT...
hale art 在 Hannah Tan Facebook 的最佳解答
#Photobombed by my #friend from the anatomy class.😄
#Happiness is an inside job. Don’t assign anyone (or anything) else that much power over your #life. -Mandy Hale ❤️
Learning the art of #patience this week via inconsistent wifi availability. Almost the end of #Week2 here in #Rishikesh.
#Connectivity issues aside, it’s been another great week - #anatomy #classes are interesting, we got a surprise 🕯candlelight dinner (literally) & dessert on 1 meal occasion, mangoes for breakfast twice this week, and a #class outing this #weekend. 👏🏻Yay!
Hope your week went just as well! #Happy weekend super people! ❤️
#YogaTeacherTraining #India #selfie #smileoftheday
hale art 在 มติพล ตั้งมติธรรม Facebook 的最佳解答
ภาพสเก็ตช์ของหอดูดาว Palomar ได้เห็นภาพเก่าๆ ลายเส้นแรเงาแบบนี้ มันก็ดูขลังไปอีกแบบนะครับ
กล้อง Hale Telescope ของ Palomar Observatory เคยเป็นกล้องโทรทรรศน์ที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในโลกระหว่างปี ค.ศ. 1948-1976 และเป็นกล้องที่ใหญ่อันดับสองในเวลาต่อมาจนถึงปี ค.ศ. 1993
Russell Williams Porter (1871 – 1949) was an American artist, engineer, amateur astronomer and explorer. He was a pioneer in the field of “cutaway illustration" and is sometimes referred to as the "founder" or one of the "founders" of amateur telescope making."
In 1927 George Ellery Hale recruited Porter to work on the design of what was then to be the largest telescope on earth, the 200-inch (5,100 mm) Mt. Palomar telescope. Porter moved to Pasadena in December 1928 to work as an associate in optics and instrument design. During the conceptual development of the telescope Porter produced extremely detailed cutaway drawings that were noted for their precision and beauty. Porter's designs were vital to success of the large telescope, which was completed in 1948.
The following was written by James S. Fassero, a colleague of Russell W. Porter's at Caltech, and is from the introduction to Fassero's 1947 book of Porter's cutaway drawings Photographic Giants of Palomar:
Dr. Russell W. Porter, well known to amateur telescope makers the world over, made this fine collection of drawings possible by his ability to faithfully portray mechanical objects in perspective. With pencil and paper he was able to "cut away" sections of the telescope to show the inside details; something which cannot be done with a camera. His artistic and mechanical abilities have combined to produce a set of drawings which have proved of indispensable value not only to the laymen but to all those who already are familiar with the instrument. Dr. Porter is shown here working on one of the drawings in this book.
Maxfield Parrish, celebrated fellow artist had this to say of the Porter drawings: "If these drawings had been made from the telescope and its machinery after it had been erected they would have been of exceptional excellence, giving an uncanny sense of reality, with shadows accurately cast and well nigh perfect perspective; but to think that any artist had his pictorial imagination in such working order as to construct these pictures with no other mechanical data than blue prints of plans and elevation of the various intricate forms -- is simply beyond belief."
"These drawings should be in a government museum of standards, in a glass case, along with the platinum pound weight, yard stick, etc., to show the world and what comes after just what a mechanical drawing should be. Not only that, but the rendering is a work of art, exact and life like, and done with delightful freedom of technique."
"I doubt if there are drawings anywhere which can in any way compare with these for perfection in showing what a stupendous piece of machinery is going to look like when finished. Their creation should be world news."
Some of R. W. Porter's drawings:
hale art 在 ClumsyCynthia 黃可樂 Youtube 的精選貼文
▼ 更多Cynthia | More Cynthia
» YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnPBUIgXwC3tcCwOw3vDZng
» Instagram: http://bit.ly/2ggTEOM
» Email: imclumsycynthia@gmail.com
✂ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
因為10月實在太爆炸 所以沒能很準時
雖然英文筆記好像都沒什麼人看 但還是想堅持做做看
我真的會很感激的! (跪)
希望大家的11月也都能快快樂樂哦 :)
有提到的 Things Mentioned
▶ NOMO App (在App Store或是Google的應該搜一下都有)
▶ Innisfree Vivid Oil Tint in #4
▶ America's Got Talent Show (Celine Tam, Darci Lynn, Courtney Hawin, Angelica Hale)
▶ Songs:
- Who’s loving you - Jackson 5, or Michael Jackson
- Natural Woman - Aretha Franklin
- How am I supposed to live without you - Michael Bolton
✂ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
▼ 推薦你這些Cynthia的私心推薦影片 | Recommended Videos
» 美國V.S.台灣工作經驗談:https://bit.ly/2HsCuWT
» 遠距日常:給男友的一週年驚喜!https://bit.ly/2JJB3IQ
» 遠距日常:外公見男友的反應?https://bit.ly/2HTlw3D
» 畢業季!名校光環下的甘苦談 https://bit.ly/2LUh7zx
» 今天你快樂嗎?我快樂的秘密 https://bit.ly/2MxvBGL
» 24件我在24歲學到的事情 https://bit.ly/2LUWzHj
▼ 新朋友嗎?哈囉!| About Me
我是Cynthia 黃可樂
如果今天還沒有人跟你說這句話... You’re beautiful :)
▼ What I use 拍攝相關
» 相機: Canon M50
» 剪輯軟體: Final Cut Pro X
» BGM: epidemic sounds & Art list
» Ending Music: Renee Dominique: https://www.youtube.com/user/heyimreneeee
▼ key words 關鍵字
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柏克萊大學 加州大學 柏克萊分校 UC Berkeley 經濟系
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