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Crowdfunding for the project《Wounds of Hong Kong 港傷》https://bit.ly/2WuNqw2
*for English please scroll down
雄仔(化名) 護士 31歲
除了提供情緒支援,雄仔也為子女提供零用錢,「『文具』 好貴,我常叫他們以安全為先,有事就棄裝,再買過。」「仔女都好生性。要把塞錢偷偷攝入gear(抗爭裝備),怕他們不肯要。」「文具」就是防毒面具和濾罐,每套大約1000港元,「我有工作,可以撐住,只是花了積蓄,對不起女友啦。」至今他已花了6、7萬元在子女身上,「她知道我花了1000元都肉赤到死(心疼得要死),怎敢跟她說?」
需要接濟的少年很多來自建制家庭,因為政見而被斷糧草、甚至斷六親。 若雄仔晚生十幾年,他很可能是其中之一,「我爸是紅底。自細他就跟我說票投民建聯(親北京政黨),不然就脫離父子關係。」2016年立法會新界東補選,他仍是投民建聯的周浩鼎,2014年雨傘運動當然沒有參與,「之前的抗爭關於政制,可能我未感受到對人生自由有重大威脅。實行雙普選需要時間,香港社會始終未成熟。」直到政府強推《逃犯條例》修訂,他才感到刀刃在脖子上,「明明是一國兩制, 可以引渡逃犯,就會造成破窗。事事都要跟大陸接軌,要引入計分制(社會信用評分制度)嗎?」怕中港區隔蕩然無存。
Hung(alias) 31 years old Nurse
In the middle of the night of November 8th, 2019, Hung and his girlfriend passed by Wai Fung Plaza in Mongkok and stumbled upon a confrontation between citizens and the riot police. The police fired tear gas bombs when the two started to leave. Hung was hit by a bullet case on his head, leaving a three-centimeter long scar.
“I get so mad every time I talk about this incident. It would have been worthwhile if I was injured at the frontline in a protest,” said Hung. At the time, there were riot police on the streets of Mong Kok. The public was yelling and having arguments with them. That made the police angry, so they retaliated. “Nowadays, the riot police use tear gas bombs as bullets,” said Hung. Hung’s girlfriend, a nurse, was crying from fear when he was hit. However, Hung was calm, only worrying about if he would need to cancel their trip for the day after.
Because of his participation in protests and long working hours, Hung hadn’t spent much time with his girlfriend since June. “She is also a pro-democracy supporter so she understands and never complains, but I knew she was upset about me not spending enough time with her. The get-away trip we had planned was considered to be ‘compensation’ for her. We were also taking my future mother-in-law with us. As a girl, I understand she wants company, care, and time from her boyfriend,” said Hung. After getting stitches at the hospital for his wound, Hung went on the trip.
Hung’s girlfriend and his family know that he participates in protests, but they don’t know he is also a “parent” who helps “raise” 9 teenagers. On the protest on August 18th, he was at Harcourt Road after the end of the protest. He heard someone calling for a social worker. A kid was crying and saying he wanted to commit suicide because his parents are pro-establishment supporters. Hung thought he could do something to help. That’s how he became a “parent” and ended up helping more kids.
In addition to providing emotional support, Hung also helps them financially by giving them money. “ ‘Stationery’ is expensive. I always remind them that safety is the first priority. They should leave their gear behind if they need to run. They can always repurchase their gear. These are good kids, and they don’t always accept my offers, so I need to secretly hide money into their gear for them,” said Hung. The ‘stationery’ is actually protective gear like gas masks and filter canisters. Each set costs approximately HK$1,000. “I have a job, so I can afford them. I spent my savings, so it made me feel bad for my girlfriend, as I didn’t tell her exactly how much I had spent on the kids,” said Hung. Until now, Hung had already spent over HK$60,000 to HK$70,000.
Most of the kids Hung helps are from pro-establishment families. Having different political views, these kids don’t get support from their families and are left with no money and no place to stay. Hung thinks if he were born ten years later, he could have been one of these kids. “My father is an extreme Beijing-backed establishment supporter. He has told me to vote for Democratic Alliance for the Betterment (DAB), a pro-Beijing party since I was a kid. Otherwise, he would disown me,” said Hung. Up until the 2016 New Territories East by-election in the Legislative Council, he still voted for DAB’s Chow Ho-ding, Holden. Of course, he didn’t participate in the Umbrella Movement in 2014. He said the previous protests were about the political system, so he might not have felt a major threat to his freedom then. “It took time to implement universal suffrage, and Hong Kong wasn’t ready.” It wasn’t until the government forced the revision of the “Fugitive Offenders Ordinance” that he finally realized, “If the one country two systems could extradite the fugitives, this change would become a breaking point, with everything in line with the mainland China.”
In the November 2019 District Council election, it was Hung’s first time he didn’t vote for the DAB, “Voters voted based on their political stance. I don’t believe the pan-democrats but I don’t want the pro-establishment parties to win either. Although I still feel that in terms of local affairs, the pro-establishment parties had done more,” said Hung, since the bureaucrats are willing to give favors to the pro-establishment parties. For example, a relative of Hung was caught buying illegal cigarettes, he was suspected of reselling them. The Housing Department wanted to take back his public housing unit on the grounds of engaging in illegal activities. Later, it was the district councilor of the pro-establishment party that helped resolve the issue.
Hung and his family live in a tiny public housing unit, which doesn’t allow him to keep all the ‘stationery’ there, so he moved in with his friend. But he never thought about moving in with his girlfriend. “Rent is expensive. If we could afford to move out, we would get married. She is very dependent and needs to be taken care of. We will wait and talk about marriage later until the civil rights protests are over,” said Hung.
攝 photo:高仲明 Ko Chung Ming
文 text:蔡慧敏 Choi Wai Man
譯 translate:Joanna Ng
hide女朋友 在 AJ 談電影 Facebook 的精選貼文
「我們沒有參與這場戰爭,也不用偷偷摸摸地做愛。這時代是如此的幸運能夠感受我們父母無暇顧及的悲傷,和體會他們從來沒有擁有過的快樂。」(We didn't go to this war. We didn't have to hide to have sex. Our good fortune allowed us to feel a sadness that our parents didn't have time for and a happiness that I never saw with them.)
《新手人生》改編自是導演 Mike Mills 的真實人生。劇情交錯在男主角 Oliver 與新女朋友 Anna 交往過程中,不斷回憶起父母的故事。Oliver 的爸爸在75歲時,因為太太的去世,決定跟兒子出櫃。但同時爸爸也被診斷出癌症,所剩日子不多。於是 Oliver 一邊試圖接受爸爸晚年的劇變,承認父母婚姻的假象,但另一方面,也努力要在父親晚年的日子不留下遺憾。Oliver 因為從小看著媽媽被冷落的孤獨,和爸爸長期的冷漠,使 Oliver 過去的戀情都無法開花結果,碰巧遇上另外一個受傷的靈魂 Anna,兩人努力在新戀情裡,開始重新把對人的信任和安全感找回來。
本片可以與 Mike Mills 的接續作品《二十世紀的她們》一同食用。前者是關於爸爸的故事,後者則是獻給他的母親,兩部片都以個人的私密口白和情緒作為故事基調,討論巨觀的歷史脈絡。Mills 的本業為插畫家,因此《新手人生》有許多利用照片、圖畫...等非傳統說故事的手法。剛開始看似像是嚴肅簡報一般的影像呈現,但隨著劇情的推進,重複性的圖像結構,反而創造出濃厚的詩意節奏。導演巧妙用 Oliver 和 Anna 的戀情,對比爸爸晚年和年輕男友的熱戀,來告訴大家無論性別或年紀,只要是「愛」,都是一樣的。透過父母年代的復古照片,和現代的生活的光景,一層一層拼湊出生命與歷史的巨大連結,具像時間的改變,過去與現代價值觀的差異,非常細膩的敘事手法。
電影四位主角都很立體,連狗狗存在感都超級重。飾演爸爸的 Christopher Plummer 把晚年出櫃的父親演的超級可愛,外表年老但內心和眼神都還青春炙熱,積極擁抱自己的新生活。而主角 Ewan McGregor 充滿磁性的口白,成功串起電影情緒,帶領觀眾一同踏上自我療癒旅程。男女主角的火花也很棒,一個內心不安但保持真誠善良,另一個迷人無懼但害怕無法回饋別人的愛,他們都是背著傷痕的靈魂,試圖要打破循環。McGregor 把脆弱不安與內心衝突詮釋的很讓人憐惜。
最後,當 Oliver 和 Anna 讀著爸爸在交友社的自我介紹,突然明白即使爸爸年過七十,還依然勇敢追逐愛情時,兩人也有了勇氣面對未來,攜手重新來過,來場新手人生。
Beginners (2010)
#AJxCinesteampunk #CinemaTzu #電影 #看電影 #movie #film #Beginners #新手人生 #克里斯多夫普拉瑪 #ChristopherPlummer #EwanMcGregor #伊旺麥奎格 #MélanieLaurent #梅蘭妮蘿倫 #MikeMills
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這次翻唱蔡依林的神曲?雖然不是完美 但算是我的小小心意
送給大家 希望你會喜歡❤️
Party Room場地贊助: Hide n" Seek 僕匿匿 Party Room
#蔡依林 #說愛你
蔥蔥 / 說愛你【MV】
主唱 ♪ 蔥蔥
原曲 ♪ 蔡依林 - 說愛你
錄音 / 混音 ♪ RT王浚聲
拍攝 ♪ Roy Sir
我的世界 變得奇妙更難以言喻
還以為 是從天而降的夢境
直到確定 手的溫度來自你心裡
這一刻 我終於勇敢說愛你
一開始 我只顧著看你 裝做不經意 心卻飄過去
還竊喜 你 沒 發現我 躲在角落
忙著快樂 忙著感動 從彼此陌生到熟 會是我們從沒想過
真愛 到現在不敢期待
要證明自己曾被你想起 Really
我胡思亂想 就從今天起 I wish
像一個陷阱 卻從未猶豫 相信
你真的願意 就請給我驚喜
關於愛情 過去沒有異想的結局
那天起 卻顛覆了自己邏輯
我的懷疑 所有答案因你而明白
轉啊轉 就真的遇見 Mr.right

hide女朋友 在 Namewee Youtube 的精選貼文
低低頭 Nod Nod
Composer/Lyrics: Namewee
Singer: Namewee / Iris Woo
Produced by: Fred Chong
Arranger: Bo Amir Iqram
Special Thanks: MBI / Mface / MiTalk
Directed by: Namewee / Lai
My head starts nodding the moment I wake up
看你低低頭 她也低低頭
I see you're nodding and she's nodding too
Why is everyone on the street looking down?
無論在吃飯 還是在行走
Nodding while walking and eating while nodding
面對老師我低低頭 (hello)
I face down in front of my teacher
看見老闆也低低頭 (follow)
I bow down in front of my boss
We are living under a burdened society
你也只能夠 永遠低低頭
Nobody dare to stand up anymore
霹靂啪啦蹦 霹靂啪啦蹦蹦!
Pilipalaboom... Pilipalaboom Boom!
Why not take chances and ask her out?
霹靂啪啦蹦 霹靂啪啦蹦蹦!
Pilipalaboom... Pilipalaboom Boom!
Try looking up and see the blue blue sky
霹靂啪啦蹦 霹靂啪啦蹦蹦!
Pilipalaboom... Pilipalaboom Boom!
Start by holding her hands instead
霹靂啪啦蹦 霹靂啪啦蹦蹦!
Pilipalaboom... Pilipalaboom Boom!
Take some action and stop daydreaming!
Your finger's scrolling fast but you're standing still
Refreshing your screen will only make you lonelier
You based your happiness on the number of 'likes'
Your mood swings according to your Wi-Fi reception
世界太大 你低著頭 就能夠了解?
You will never see the real real world by looking down
打開留言 怎麼留下了一堆誤解
Spams and scams in your inbox won't teach you anything!
昨天纏綿 今天無言
You could be in love today and at war tomorrow
有人網上是師爺 私底下卻是太監
You may be an online hero but an offline coward!
有人忙裏偷閑 有人到處留言
Some hide their tails and some always leave trails
有人自怨 有人自戀 有人賺了大錢
There are optimistic, pessimistic and opportunistic people
被捉奸 有人犯賤
Some got caught committing adultery and some acting like adults
恢復單身不到兩天 就已經熱戀
Two strangers can become lovers after one night
你是黑特 還是飛客
Whether you're hater or faker
In reality you're just a loser!
You think you've got what it takes to be a winner?
Oh father 有人說著道德
Oh father! Giving me a moral lesson
And yet you're ignoring your own conscience
數位音樂下載 Online Music Download【低低頭 Nod Nod】:https://lnk.to/EtNbOH8q
數位音樂下載 Online Music Download【亞洲通緝 Asia Most Wanted】:https://lnk.to/Egp28QLS
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Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:
Namewee YouTube Channel Link:
#Namewee #黃明志 #低低頭

hide女朋友 在 Uncle Siu Youtube 的最讚貼文
Well, trust me. I would love to be with you all the time, but I just don't wanna "blunt the fine point of seldom pleasure".
So am I as the rich, whose blessed key,
Can bring him to his sweet up-locked treasure,
The which he will not every hour survey,
For blunting the fine point of seldom pleasure.
Therefore are feasts so solemn and so rare,
Since, seldom coming in the long year set,
Like stones of worth they thinly placed are,
Or captain jewels in the carcanet.
So is the time that keeps you as my chest,
Or as the wardrobe which the robe doth hide,
To make some special instant special-blest,
By new unfolding his imprisoned pride.
Blessed are you whose worthiness gives scope,
Being had, to triumph, being lacked, to hope.
Sometimes I feel like a rich man who has to refrain from looking at his treasure all the time, because he fears that would blunt the pleasure of rare viewing. In the same way, jewels are rare and feasts infrequent, so that we would cherish them more.
The time that keeps you away from me is the chest that I keep you in. It's like the wardrobe that conceals my beautiful clothes - open only to make special occasions even more special, by setting free my imprisoned pride.
You are so precious, that when you're with me, I triumph; when you're not, I crave.

hide女朋友 在 躲迷藏Hide-N-Seek Tiki Bar - Facebook 的推薦與評價
各位親愛的酒友們~ 因躲迷藏員工集體失戀~~~ 所以店休一天療傷⋯⋯老闆說找到女朋友才會回來⋯⋯⋯ . . . . . . . . . . . . (其實是都去參加花式調酒賽事了ㄎ ... ... <看更多>
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米麗卡給庫接Q 下一集有辦法反殺嗎https://i.imgur.com/pp8MmFd.jpg. 0 這集作畫好很多臉型都沒有前幾集怪看來下回要著重紫乃線了-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢 ... ... <看更多>
hide女朋友 在 [閒聊] Hide會喜歡哪種女生...? - 看板X-Japan 的推薦與評價
剛無意間翻了m-flo跟melody的miss you出來聽
melody被雅娶走啦◢▆▅▄▃崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰▃▄▅▇◣ (LAG
話說回來X的大叔們對於終身大事是在低調什麼啊( ′-`)y-~
▃▅██▆▄ ▃抖。 ∮lovemama
((▼ ∕ | ﹨ ▼))不可以把我吃掉喔~
▄ ∕ | ﹨ ▄
██◣ ▆▄▃▃▃▄▆ ◢███████████
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