一直以來都不是K-pop 的big fan
〈On the ground 〉這首歌卻讓我一聽就愛上 我自己也好奇到底這是什麼魔力🤔
《靈魂急轉彎》電影中 有一個小故事:
跟〈on the ground〉歌詞中的 ”When you want it, suddenly you have it. You find out that your gold's just plastic” 不謀而合
時常 我們渴望一個夢想
突然之間 夢想達成之時 也是迷茫的開始
用盡一生的力氣去追求 但也不過這樣而已
在《腦筋急轉彎》和〈on the ground〉都給出我們一個結論
I worked my whole life
Just to get high, just to realise
Everything I need is on the ground
平凡 但好幸運❤️
#2001件事 #since2001podcast
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,230的網紅初心者鉄道探検隊,也在其Youtube影片中提到,GoPro HERO 9→https://amzn.to/2PD1q7k GoPro自撮り棒 + 三脚 + セルカ棒→https://amzn.to/2PxiMCA 鉄道の基礎知識[増補改訂版]→https://amzn.to/2Po6dtx 2020年2月24日撮影 京都駅(きょうとえき) 0:0...
high ground電影 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
每部被選入的電影都有專文介紹說明入選原因,在《色,戒》的部分,影評人安潔莉卡.潔德.巴斯汀(Angelica Jade Bastién)提到《斷背山》原本也獲得討論,但《色,戒》片末易先生的那顆鏡頭(未免暴雷,就不透露),實在對她而言更具力道。
(101)《楊朵 Yentle》(1983)
(100)《灰熊人 Grizzly Man》(2005)
(99)《沙漠之心 Desert Hearts》(1985)
(98)《我們 Us》(2019)
(97)《大幻影 The Grand Illusion》(1937)
(96)《閃亮的馬鞍 Blazing Saddles》(1974)
(95)《麥基與尼基 Mikey and Nicky》(1976)
(94)《姐妹情仇 What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?》(1962)
(93)《醉好的時光 Another Round》(2020)
(92)《巴西 Brazil》(1985)
(91)《愛戀風塵 High Tide》(1987)
(90)《榮耀之役 Lagaan》(2001)
(89)《女畫家與偷畫賊 The Painter and the Thief》(2020)
(88)《懸崖上的野餐 Picnic at Hanging Rock》(1975)
(87)《媽媽咪呀!回來了 Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again》(2018)
(86)《一位陌生女子的來信 Letter From an Unknown Woman》(1948)
(85)《牧師的最後誘惑 First Reformed》(2018)
(84)《怪胎 Freaks》(1932)
(83)《刑與愛的邊緣 Clemency》(2019)
(82)《仲夏夜玫瑰 Eve’s Bayou》(1997)
(81)《沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs》(1991)
(80)《著魔 Possession》(1981)
(79)《贗品 F for Fake》(1973)
(78)《最後迪斯可 The Last Days of Disco》(1998)
(77)《迷失之地 Losing Ground》(1982)
(76)《傾聽我的聲音 Sound of My Voice》(2011)
(75)《發暈 Moonstruck》(1987)
(74)《惡棍特工 Inglourious Basterds》(2009)
(73)《螢火蟲之墓 Grave of the Fireflies》(1988)
(72)《搭便車的人 The Hitch-Hiker》(1953)
(71)《隱藏攝影機 Caché》(2005)
(70)《美國風情畫 American Graffiti》(1973)
(69)《無知時刻 A Moment of Innocence》(1996)
(68)《深入絕地 The Descent》(2005)
(67)《變調搖滾樂 Gimme Shelter》(1970)
(66)《蘭花賊 Adaptation》(2002)
(65)《視差 The Parallax View》(1974)
(64)《鋼琴師與他的情人 The Piano》(1993)
(63)《異教徒 The Wicker Man》(1975)
(62)《顛父人生 Toni Erdmann》(2016)
(61)《社群網戰 The Social Network》(2010)
(60)《與巴席爾跳華爾滋 Waltz with Bashir》(2008)
(59)《頂尖對決 The Prestige》(2006)
(58)《北非諜影 Casablanca》(1943)
(57)《郎心如鐵 A Place in the Sun》(1951)
(56)《厄夜叢林 The Blair Witch Project》(1999)
(55)《末路狂花 Thelma & Louise》(1991)
(54)《捉神弄鬼 Death Becomes Her》(1992)
(53)《芬妮與亞歷山大 Fanny and Alexander》(1983)
(52)《天國與地獄 High and Low》(1963)
(51)《月光下的藍色男孩 Moonlight》(2016)
(50)《撫養亞利桑那 Raising Arizona》(1987)
(49)《神秘失蹤 The Vanishing》(1988)
(48)《歡迎光臨奇幻城堡 The Florida Project》(2017)
(47)《活死人之夜 Night of the Living Dead》(1968)
(46)《不羈夜 Boogie Nights》(1997)
(45)《性昏迷 Bad Timing》(1980)
(44)《無為而治 Being There》(1979)
(43)《千金小姐 The Heiress》(1949)
(42)《美好的星期五 The Long Good Friday》(1980)
(41)《大樹之歌The World of Apu》(1959)
(40)《萬世魔星 Monty Python’s Life of Brian》(1979)
(39)《大淘金 The Italian Job》(1969)
(38)《色,戒 Lust, Caution》(2007)
(37)《驚悚末日 Melancholia》(2011)
(36)《天涯芳蹤 Morvern Callar》(2002)
(35)《地方英雄 Local Hero》(1983)
(34)《甜蜜蜜 Comrades: Almost a Love Story》(1996)
(33)《焦點新聞 Z》(1969)
(32)《法櫃奇兵 Raiders of the Lost Ark》(1981)
(31)《城市之光 City Lights》(1931)
(30)《正義難伸The Thin Blue Line》(1988)
(29)《納許維爾 Nashville》(1975)
(28)《彗星美人 All About Eve》(1950)
(27)《鳥 The Birds》(1963)
(26)《搜索者 The Searchers》(1956)
(25)《25小時 25th Hour》(2002)
(24)《馬里奧普佐的教父,尾聲:麥克柯里昂之死 Mario Puzo’s The Godfather, Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone》(2020)
(23)《相見恨晚 Brief Encounter》(1945)
(22)《花樣年華 In the Mood for Love》(2000)
(21)《揚帆 Now, Voyager》(1942)
(20)《基督的最後誘惑 The Last Temptation of Christ》(1998)
(19)《新娘不是我 My Best Friend’s Wedding》(1997)
(18)《驚爆點 Point Break》(1991)
(17)《愛在日落巴黎時 Before Sunset》(2004)
(16)《烈火悍將 Heat》(1995)
(15)《珍妮德爾曼 Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles》(1975)
(14)《橄欖樹下的情人 Through the Olive Trees》(1994)
(13)《殺人一舉 The Act of Killing》(2012)
(12)《突變第三型 The Thing》(1982)
(11)《穆荷蘭大道 Mulholland Drive》(2001)
(10)《燃燒女子的畫像 Portrait of a Lady on Fire》(2019)
(9)《孤獨地方 In a Lonely Place》(1950)
(8)《大開眼戒 Eyes Wide Shut》(1999)
(7)《八又二分之一 8 1/2》(1963)
(6)《回不去的時光 Phoenix》(2014)
(5)《熱情如火 Some Like It Hot》(1959)
(4)《狂宴 Big Night》(1996)
(3)《非常母親 Mother》(2009)
(2)《黑獄亡魂 The Third Man》(1949)
(1)《軍中禁戀 Beau Travail》(1999)
(附圖來自《Vulture》,插畫家為James Clapham。)
high ground電影 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
▼ 1. 脫身良機:萬達可能準備(或者已經)出售部分AMC股票
在日前的鄉民大戰華爾街的戰役中成為炒作對象的 AMC 娛樂上週五向美國SEC證交會提出一份文件,顯示其大股東中國萬達集團將其持有的B級普通股轉換為A級普通股。這種轉換會損及股東的投票權,甚至有機會使萬達失去公司的控制權,所以一般會這麼做都是為了進行股份出售獲利了結。萬達在2012年以26億美元收購了AMC的多數股份而取得這家世界最大連鎖電影院的控制權,是當時中國民營企業最大的海外收購個案。提交美國證交會的文件看不出來萬達實際轉換了多少A類普通股,也看不出來是否已經開始出售股票。在這波鄉民炒作潮中,AMC股價一度攀上將近每股20美元高點,但上週五收盤時已經跌到6.83美元。
▼ 2. 如何用一首爛歌在 Spotify 上致富(然後被逮)
網路媒體 Vice 仰賴一些數據和科學道具,完成了一個「一首歌發大財」的神奇計畫:他說如果你用自己的 Spotify 帳號連續播放自己的歌前30秒(版權計次基準)24小時,大約可以獲得7.89英鎊的版權費收入。雖然無法賴以維生,但也算是一筆額外收入,唯一的缺點是必須忍受自己的音樂,因為靜音播放將不被 Spotify 計入次數。接著作者引用了台灣寶可夢阿伯的國際知名案例,建議用上成本最低的 Raspberry Pi 樹莓派主機板360部,並用最容易取得的 IKEA 衣櫃當機櫃。如此一來,360個帳號(當然要用最划算的家庭帳號)連續播放自己的歌前30秒一整年,將有機會使你賺到超過100萬英鎊。問題在於這種版權費農場的神奇機制早就被 Spotify 看破,並將「用自動化程序操弄」列在違反使用者條款的態樣中。It's over Anakin. Spotify have the high ground!
▼ 3. 馬上要變成好萊塢大亨的 Amazon 執行長接班人
隨著 Amazon 創辦人 Jeff Bezos 宣佈要交出執行長位置,原本主管 AWS 雲端運算服務、從來沒有任何媒體產業經驗的 Andy Jassy 將毫無準備地在今年夏天擠身成為好萊塢大亨。Amazon 的執行長一職毫無疑問符合是好萊塢大亨的標準:Amazon 不僅經營有7500萬用戶的串流服務 Prime Video,同時也擁有全球直播平台霸主 Twitch,此外他們的 Fire TV 機上盒平台以及 Channels 服務更是牢牢掌握了美國 5000萬人的電視機入口。著名的洛杉磯鄉野奇談是 Bezos 曾在 Prime Video 辦公室咆哮,質問為什麼我們還沒有自己的《Games of Thrones 冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》,隨後 Amazon 立刻以2.5億美元的高價搶走《Lord of the Rings 魔戒》的電視改編權。這十足顯示了 Amazon 執行長這個位置對好萊塢吹皺一池春水的影響力。即將上任的新執行長 Andy Jassy 雖然沒有好萊塢媒體經驗,卻已經用過去主管的雲端運算業務和數家好萊塢片廠密切合作多年。對許多片廠來說,他都不是一張新面孔。
▽ 其他今天也可以知道一下的事請見留言
high ground電影 在 初心者鉄道探検隊 Youtube 的最讚貼文
GoPro HERO 9→https://amzn.to/2PD1q7k
GoPro自撮り棒 + 三脚 + セルカ棒→https://amzn.to/2PxiMCA
0:00 冒頭はSKYWAY(スカイウェイ)
6:13 下りのエスカレーター
11:32 駅北口
12:56 0番線ホーム
20:27 京都線(東海道本線)ホーム
JR西日本 東海道本線・山陰本線・奈良線
中央コンコースの巨大な吹き抜け空間は、映画『ガメラ3 邪神覚醒』ではガメラとイリスの決戦の舞台とされた。
Kyōto Station
6:13 Escalator
11:32 Station North Exit
12:56 Platform 0
20:27 Kyoto Line (Tokaido Main Line) Platform
JR West Tokaido Main Line, Sanin Main Line, Nara Line
Opened February 6, 1877.
Kyoto Station on the Tokaido Shinkansen opened on October 1, 1964.
The Kyoto Station Building was fully opened on September 11, 1997.
Platform 0 is the longest platform in Japan with a total length of 558m.
The central concourse has a spacious atrium (147m wide, 29m deep, 50m high) covered with a front and a large roof made of 4000 sheets of glass. At the top of the atrium, there is an aerial path (SKYWAY) 45m above the ground.
The huge atrium of the central concourse was the stage of the decisive battle between Gamera and Iris in the movie "Gamera 3 Evil Awakening".
JR West Japan has a daily average of 200,426 passengers in FY2018, ranking second at JR West Station.
0:00 開啟空中通道
6:13 自動扶梯
11:32 站北口
12:56 0線站台
中央大廳有一個寬敞的中庭(寬147m,深29m,高50m),前面覆蓋著頂棚,頂棚由4000片玻璃製成。 在中庭的頂部,離地面45m有一條空中路徑(SKYWAY)。
在電影《 Gamera 3 Evil Awakening》中,中央大廳的巨大中庭被設置為Gamera和Iris之間決戰的舞台。
0:00 开启空中通道
6:13 自动扶梯
11:32 站北口
12:56 0线站台
20:27 京都线(东海道本线)站台
JR西 东海道本线,山阴本线,奈良线
在电影《 Gamera 3 Evil Awakening》中,中央大厅的巨大中庭被设置为Gamera和Iris之间决战的舞台。
교토 역
0:00 스카이 웨이
6:13 에스컬레이터
11:32 에키 키타
12:56 0 번선 플랫폼
20:27 교토 선 (도카이도 본선) 플랫폼
JR 서일본 도카이도 본선 · 산인 본선 · 나라 선
1877 년 2 월 6 일에 개업.
1964 년 10 월 1 일에 도카이도 신칸센 교토 역 개업.
1997 년 9 월 11 일에 교토 역 빌딩이 전면 개업.
0 번선 플랫폼은 길이 558m로 일본 제일 긴 플랫폼으로 알려져있다.
중앙 광장은 4000 장의 유리를 사용하여 정면과 큰 지붕으로 덮는 넓은 불어 (폭 147m, 깊이 29m, 높이 50m)가있다. 상단에는 지상 45m의 공중 径路 (SKYWAY)이 다니고있다.
중앙 광장의 거대한 아치형 공간은 영화 '가메라 3 사신 각성'는 가메라와 이리스의 결전의 무대가되었다.
JR 서일본의 2018 년도 1 일 평균 승차 인원은 200,426 명으로 JR 니시 역에서 2 위.
high ground電影 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳解答
很多人知道首爾的Commond Ground shopping mall(exit 6), 但其實它座落的建國大學站,是首爾一個夜蒲熱區,把從3號出口,有一列街頭美食,還有過百間餐廳和酒吧!越夜越美麗,感受一下當地的流行文化。
Common Ground in Konkuk University, an eye-catching large blue building, is Korea’s first pop-up container shopping mall. The place is garnering so much attention that the number of visitors exceeded a million just in 100 days since its opening and it has become the new landmark of the Kondae area. Unique and trendy smaller brands, new designers’ shops, and editorial shops pack the mall, adding to the enthusiasm of youngsters. In addition, it is the venue of diverse events such as exhibitions and performances, thereby playing its role as a cultural space.
If you get hungry while looking around a myriad of shops there, you can go to the Market Terrace, just a few steps up to the third floor. The terrace interestingly features a collection of famous restaurants from various parts of the city, such as Hongdae, Gyeongnidan-gil Road, and Sinsadong Garosu-gil Road. If you are up for more of lighter versions of foods, you can enjoy some snacks at one of the food trucks found on the Market Ground, where exotic gastronomic performance is also seen!
Kondae Taste Street is packed with restaurants serving a vast assortment of foods that are popular in Korea. Dining choices range from all-time favorite Korean dishes, such as samgyeopsal (grilled pork belly) and galbi (grilled beef ribs), to exotic Western cuisine. You can choose among a variety of trendy dessert cafés found here. Moreover, many of the restaurants and bars stay open late into the night, so the street remains illuminated until dawn.
Now it’s time for a look around the heartwarming traditional markets hidden in the small alley (golmok means small streets in Korean), instead of the high-end shopping malls. Located about 15 minutes’ walking distance from Kondae University Station are Norunsan Golmok Market and Yeongdonggyo Golmok Market, where you can purchase food as well as diverse inexpensive household items.
Savory snacks sold at reasonable prices lure travelers to try them and before you know, you will find yourself feeling full as you try one snack after another. Visitors are advised to take cash as cards are not always accepted.
high ground電影 在 Dena Chang Youtube 的最佳貼文
if you like my covers, please rate, comment and subscribe=)it would mean alot!!!!
i just LOVE her songs sooo much=)
thanks Taylor and to those who requested it!
i did it on capo zero, ha~cuz it suits my voice better since i can't really sing to high notes=(
lyrics and chords:
Capo 1
Strum Pattern DDUDU
D A Em G
Verse 1
(D D A A Em Em G G/A) X2
I never gone with the wind
Just let it flow
let it take me where it wants to go
till you open the door
there so much more
i never seen it before
(Em Em G G Em Em G G)
i was trying to fly
but i couldn find wings
but you came along and you changed everything
(D D A A Em Em G G)X2
you lift my feet off the ground you spin me around
you make me crazier crazier
feels like I falling
and I lost in your eyes
you make me crazier crazier crazier
Verse 2
i watched from a distance as you made life your own
every sky was your own kind of blue
and i wanted to know how that would feel
and you made it so real
you showed me something that I couldn't see
you opened my eyes and you made me believe
you lift my feet off the ground you spin me around
you make me crazier crazier
feels like I'm falling
and I'mlost in your eyes
you make me crazier crazier crazier
(Em F G G Em F G)
Baby you showed me what living is for
i don'twant to hide anymore
you lift my feet off the ground you spin me around
you make me crazier crazier
feels like I'm falling
and I'm lost in your eyes
you make me crazier crazier crazier
crazier craizer