有別於美式的芝士蛋糕, 巴斯克焦香芝士蛋糕表面呈深焦糖色,邊緣不整理,沒有餅底或海綿蛋糕。 材料不多步驟簡單,但吃起來有淡淡的焦香味及柔滑的奶香,也被紐約時報評選為2019年度甜點。
It is not like any other American-styled cheesecakes. Basque burnt cheesecake has a top that is overly dark (almost like burnt), the side is rough and uneven. It does not have any base like a crust or sponge cake. Only 5 ingredients and the steps are relatively simple. It is soft and creamy. It is nominated by New York Times Magazine as Dessert of the Year in 2019.
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↓ Very soft and creamy Basque burnt cheesecake recipe ↓
Mold size: 6-inch cake mould 模具: 一個6吋蛋糕模
忌廉芝士(室溫) 450克
糖 110克
3 顆蛋 (室溫)
低筋麵粉 10克
淡忌廉 225毫升
檸檬汁 2茶匙(可不加)
Cream Cheese (softened at room-temperature) 450g
Sugar 110g
3 eggs (at room-temperature)
Cake Flour 10g
Whipping Cream 225ml
Lemon juice 2 teaspoons (optional)
►►步驟 :
1) 預熱焗爐至230C (446F)
2) 準備一個六吋模具
3) 用一張大的烘焙紙, 把它放在中間之後從中間擠壓下去
4) 模具旁邊也需要壓下去
5) 一隻手按着中間一隻手把邊邊反出來接好
6) 檢查忌廉芝士是否柔軟
7) 在一個碗中加入已放室溫的忌廉芝士
8) 用中低速打發至順滑 (我的打蛋器有10個速度我用了3速 (3/10))
9) 加入糖
10) 繼續用中低速打發至順滑及糖完全溶化
11) 蛋分三次放入 一次一顆
12) 改用低速攪拌至混合再放下一顆 我用的是1速 1/10
13) 在另一個碗中加入篩入低筋麵粉
14) 加入少許淡忌廉攪拌均勻這樣可以減少產生顆粒
15) 再加入一半的淡忌廉攪拌均勻
16) 再加入其餘的淡忌廉攪拌均勻
17) 加入芝士糊中
18) 加入檸檬汁
19) 繼續用低速攪拌均勻
20) 把蛋糕糊過篩可以隔去氣泡
21) 慢慢倒入蛋糕糊以免產生氣泡
22) 放在枱面敲打幾下
23) 焗230C (446F): 中層15 分鐘 上層10分鐘 中層 5分鐘
(因為我的焗爐放在中層表面不夠深色所以15分鐘後我把蛋糕放在上層10 分鐘上色, 每個焗爐都不一樣, 如果你的蛋糕放在中層很快上色, 你不用像我這樣放到上層)
24) 焗至蛋糕表面焦糖色, 搖的時候中間會抖
25) 取出放涼
26) 喜歡吃軟心的可以放涼一點後取出食用
27) 喜歡口感硬一點的可以放至室溫後冷藏6小時
28) 慢慢的撕開烘焙紙
29) 刀子用熱水浸熱 擦乾 每次切完用紙擦乾淨再放熱水中 重複步驟
1) Preheat oven to 230C (446F)
2) Line a 6-inch cake mould with a large piece of parchment paper
3) Put it on top of the cake pan and press in the middle of pan
4) Press carefully and firmly on the side
5) Use one hand to fold the excess of the parchment paper outward while the other hand firmly pressing the middle
6) Check if the cream cheese has softened
7) In a big bowl, add the room temperature cream cheese
8) Beat at medium-low speed until smooth (My electric mixer has 10 speeds and I’m using 3rd speed. )
9) Add in sugar
10) Continue using medium low speed to beat until sugar has dissolved
11) Add eggs one by one in 3 times
12) Change to low speed to mix. One egg at a time. I’m using speed 1 out of 10
13) In another bowl, sift cake flour
14) Add a little bit of whipping cream and mix to prevent lumps
15) Once it is mixed, add half of the whipping cream and mix
16) Add the rest of the whipping cream and mix until combined
17) Add the flour whipped cream mixture into the cheese batter
18) Add lemon juices
19) Continue beating in low speed until combined
20) Sift the batter to remove bubbles
21) Pour the batter slowly and carefully to prevent bubbles
22) Tap on the table for a few times
23) Bake at 230C (446F): Middle rack for 15 mins Top rack for 10 mins Middle rack for 5 mins
Note: The top of my cheesecake didn’t get as brown as I want it to be so I moved it to the top rack after 15 mins. It all depends on your oven you can leave it on the middle rack for the entire time if the top get browned easily.
24) Bake until the top is dark brownish. When you shake the pan, the middle of the cake should jiggle
25) Take out the cake and let cool
26) If you like the gooey texture with a melty middle, you can serve it after it has cooled down
27) If you would like it to be firm, let cool at room temperature then put in the Refrigerate for at least 6 hours
28) Slowly peel off the parchment paper
29) Wet the knife with hot water and wipe dry. Repeat after every cut
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