"Saya betul-betul harap anak kali ni saya dapat anak lelaki!" tegas seorang ibu yang saya santuni di dalam sebuah sesi konsultasi antenatal one-to-one.
Hmmmm saya waktu tu tak terkejut, tapi agak aneh kenapa beliau tiba-tiba tekankan soal jantina anak kandungannya tanpa di tanya.
"Wah ye ke, anak sulung puan perempuan ke?" Sapa saya bersahaja.
"Tak , anak lelaki" jawabnya ringkas.
Saya agak berteka teki tentang ibu ini. Mesti ada yang tak kena.
"Saya kalau boleh nak semua anak lelaki, saya nak didik mereka, sehingga menjadi seorang lelaki dan bergelar suami nanti, jangan jadi lelaki tak guna yang tak tahu hargai perempuan" sambung beliau lagi.
Dah sudah, sebelum mula sesi ni, kene settle dulu luahan ibu ni kalau tidak pasti apa yang di ajar tidak melekat di mindanya nanti.
"Senang jadi laki ni Dr, bangun, mandi, pakai baju dan jamah makanan sedikit kalau mahu, keluar pergi kerja. Tak perlu fikir anak dah siap ke, barang anak dah siap packing ke, sampah dah buang ke, rumah tunggang langgang pun tak kesah, semua kita kena buat. Tapi bila tak elok, mula la perli, cakap sindir-sindir" terang ibu ni panjang lebar.
"So bila ada anak lelaki, saya nak pastikan dia orang ni tak jadi macam bapak dia orang. Tiada ehsan pada wanita, tak sedar rezeki tersekat kerana sifatnya itu" ibu ini memang betul- betul kesal dengan apa yang terjadi di dalam rumah tangganya. Wajahnya sugul, tampak keletihan dan sarat hamil 8 bulan.
Waktu ni saya hanya mampu analize, need & feeling beliau, apa sebenarnya ibu ini perlukan bagaimana dapat meringankan sikit keresahan hatinya agar proses pembelajaran dapay di teruskan.
Teringat proses meditasi pernafasan yang Dr Izam Suziani lakukan pada saya, dan saya pun bentangkan kad need & feeling yang Dr Izam berikan.
Proses 20 minit ini singkat tapi mampu memberikan rasa fokus yang tinggi pada ibu untuk sesi pembelajaran antenatal : persiapan penyusuan.
Nota kaki:
Wahai lelaki yang bergelar suami, isteri bukan pembantu rumah mahupun hamba abdi milikmu. Mereka manusia yang ada emosi, penat, sedih, dan perlu di tatang dengan kasih sayang dan kemesraan.
Komunikasi adalah penting, tapi lebih baik lagi sekiranya di gabung bersama tolak ansur. Era ini ramai wanita yang bekerjaya sama-sama mencari rezeki meringankan keperluan ekonomi keluarga.
Sama-sama bertanya kabar, bersembang mesra, tak mampu memasak dan menyusukan anak, tapi masih mampu bertanya kepada pasangan apakah yang boleh di lakukan untuk meringankan kerja di rumah sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu seorang wanita merasa di hargai.
Hanya dengan bertanya sahaja sudah membuat hati isteri lembut, apatah lagi membantu. Perli dan sindiran itu hanya akan mengeruhkan keadaan.
Ibu di atas adalah ibu kepada 3 orang anak lelaki, dan sarat hamil anak ke 4. Beliau perlu memastikan penyusuan susu ibu berjalan dengan baik katanya, beliau sudah tidak ada peruntukan wang lebih untuk beli susu rumusan sekiranya perlu.
Sebak hati saya mendengar rentetan kisah beliau. Kata beliau sebelum beransur pergi, "saya mohon doa dari Dr dan para ibu lain sekiranya Dr nak tulis kisah saya, mana tahu ada yang mendoakan secara ikhlas dan doanya di makbulkan, letihnya menjadi perempuan. Saya tak nak anak perempuan nanti dia dapat perlayanan yang serupa seperti ibunya, tak ubah seperti seorang kuli"
Sedar atau tidak, masalah penyusuan susu ibu kebanyakkan tidak semata-mata isu penyusuan sahaja. Ia kerap kali melibatkan isu lain yang menjurus kepada kegagalan untuk mengekalkan minta positive ibu. Keletihan yang melampau, tiada sokongan dan tidak punya tempat untuk meluahkan rasa membuatkan emosi seorang ibu tergoncang hebat!
Bersyukurlah ibu yang memiliki sokongan dari pasangan, masyarakat, keluarga dan tempat kerja. Ini adalah rezeki yang wajar kita syukuri. Tag pasangan, keluarga dan rakan-rakan ibu agar mereka tahu yang ibu sangat menghargai sokongan dan bantuan mereka!
Tugas kami bukan sahaja mempromosikan penyusuan susu ibu, tetapi ia juga merangkumi aspek sokongan penyusuan susu ibu dan melindungi amalan penyusuan susu ibu dengan baik dan padu!
Selamat menyambut minggu penyusuan susu ibu sedunia : Memperkasa ibu bapa , Mengupaya penyusuan susu ibu adalah tema sambutan tahun ini. Sangat dalam maksudnya namun ia wajar untuk di beri penekanan!
Dr Nurhaya Yacob
Sekiranya kita lihat ibu menyusu, santuni mereka sebaik mungkin, sekiranya tidak ada sebarang perkataan/ tindakan yang baik yang boleh di lontarkan, maka lebih baik diam.
Selaku you all baca tips dan info penyusuan, hari saya kongsi sedikit realiti kehidupan seorang ibu yang cuba untuk menyusu dan menjayakan penyusuan susu ibu.
Kredit : Dr Nurhaya Lactation Center
′′ I really hope my son this time I get a son!" firmly a mother that I'm in a one-to-one antenatal consultation session.
Hmmmm I wasn't surprised at the time, but it's kinda weird why he suddenly pressed on his gender of his content without being asked.
′′ Wow, is it the eldest daughter of a woman?" Who am I apart.
′′ No, son ′′ answered simple.
I'm pretty riddle about this mom. There must be something wrong.
′′ If I can want all boys, I want to educate them, until I become a man and be a husband, don't be a man who doesn't know how to appreciate women ′′ continue him again.
It's done, before the start of this session, you have to settle first if you don't know what you are taught won't stick to her mind later.
′′ It's easy to be this man Dr, wake up, shower, wear clothes and jamah a little food if you want to, get off work. Don't have to think that the child is done, the child's stuff is done packing, the trash has been thrown away, even the house isn't good, all we have to do But when it's not good, start to go home, say sarcastic ′′ this mother's bright is long.
′′ So when I have a son, I want to make sure that he doesn't become like his father. There's no concern on women, not realizing the fortune stuck because of her nature ′′ this mother is really upset with what's going on in her household. Her face is sugulous, looking tired and 8 months pregnant.
At this time I can only analyze, need & feeling her, what exactly is this mother needs how to relieve her anxiety so that the process of mushroom learning is continued.
Remembered the respiratory meditation process that Dr. Izam Suziani did to me, and I also presented the need & feeling card that Dr Izam gave.
This 20-minute process is short but able to give a high sense of focus to mom for an antenatal learning session: breastfeeding preparation.
Foot notes:
Dear man who is called husband, wife is not your housekeeper or your slave. They are humans who are emotional, tired, sad, and need to be tackled with affection and affection.
Communication is important, but it's even better if joined together with installment. This era many women who work together looking for sustenance to ease the family's economic needs.
Asking news, talking friendly, unable to cook and breastfeeding children, but still able to ask the couple what can be done to ease homework a little bit as much as can help a woman feel appreciated.
Just asking, has made the wife's heart soft, you know how to help. Those perli and sarcasm will only heal things.
The mother above is a mother of 3 sons, and pregnant laden 4. th child. She needs to ensure the mother milk breastfeeding runs well she said, she has no more money allocation to buy home milk if necessary.
It's my heart hearing his story line. He said before going away, ′′ I ask for prayers from Dr and other mothers if Dr would like to write my story, who knows there is a sincere prayer and pray that is granted, tired of being a woman. I don't want a girl to get a similar service like her mother, not change like a college ′′
Realize or not, the problem of breastfeeding is mostly not just breastfeeding issues. It often involves other issues that manage failure to keep mom positive. Extreme exhaustion, no support and nowhere to express the feeling of making a mother's emotion trembling!
Be grateful mothers who have the support of their spouse, community, family and workplace. This is a reasonable provision we are grateful for. Tag your partner, family and friends so they know that mom really appreciate their support and help!
Our task is not only to promote mother milk breastfeeding, but it also includes the support aspect of mother milk breastfeeding and protects the practices of mother's milk breastfeeding well and solid!
Happy worldwide mother milk breastfeeding week: Enhancing parents, Appreciating mother milk breastfeeding is the theme of this year's celebration. Very deep meaning but it's normal to be emphasized!
Dr Nurhaya Yacob
If we see breastfeeding mothers, give them the best possible, if there are no good words / actions that can be thrown away, then it's better to be silent.
As you all read tips and breastfeeding info, my day I share some of the reality of the life of a mother who is trying to breastfeed and make mother milk breastfeeding.
Credit: @[1681178608816716:274:Dr Nurhaya Lactation Center]Translated
housekeeper meaning 在 有故事的旅人 (澳洲首都不是悉尼) Facebook 的最佳貼文
在這裡工作,活像置身於一個動物園般,住客隨時打開房門便能看見野生動物。跟著一個可愛的嬸嬸,一邊工作一邊跳舞,在袋鼠的眼中,我們置身在玻璃酒店內的人,可才會是牠們的焦點?在這裡的工作環境實在太好,不過,種族歧視這回事,仍是不分你我。哪管你是韓國人、香港人,還是台灣人,在澳洲人眼中,大家都是「Fucking Asian」,這定理,還是不變的。再不願意,你也得默默接受。
Ch. 30 一群怪人 (Part 5)
在這美好的一刻,無獨有偶,隨機歌曲播放著陳綺貞《旅行的意義》,Charmaine陶醉地說:「Hm… I love the melody… What’s the lyrics about?」
「It’s about travel, a girl searching for the meaning of travel for her ex-boyfriend, I love this song so much.」
很久以後,我仍難忘在這美好風景中工作的日子,這裡的美景,比Fraser Island給我更強烈的「打工渡假」感覺。
「Can you give this song to me?」Charmaine老實不客氣地問,而她竟隨身帶著USB手指。
「Of course!」我把USB手指接過,Charmaine竟像個小孩般,興奮得手舞足蹈,大叫:「YES! Thanks Jacky!」
「You made such a mess!」Jack對Kim說,他卻擺出一副「與我無關」的姿態。我深感未來一個月,將是訓練我EQ的時候。
「Such a shitty place, damn it!」Jack狠狠地把衣櫃頂的杯麵摔到垃圾箱內。我住過很多更不堪的地方,這裡相比之下已能接受了。最起碼,如今氣溫寒冷,不用擔心昆蟲滋生的問題。Kim說:「If they didn’t well-prepared, there’s no reason for us to wait for one night.」
「At least, you can stay in the hotel room for one night.」我說。
「No, it’s not “pair”!」Kim大叫,再跟Jack說了一段韓語,Jack馬上解釋:「He means fair.」未幾,Kim怒然說:「Let me show you.」
他帶我們到一列平房前,我看到一位昨夜認識的德國背包客走出來,向我們點點頭,待他走開後,Kim壓低聲音說:「The foreigner can live in the bigger rooms! Better environment! See?」我窺看一個房間,裡面的環境確與酒店無異,非但是單人房,更有一部平板電視,Kim仍然不忿:「All the Asians live in such place! All! How come?」我想起在Fraser Island甚至亞洲人與西方人的工資有異,起碼這裡的工資平等。種族歧視問題向來嚴重,這些事情根本不能改變。大是大非前,過份的種族歧視當然得反抗,這類環境問題,我們確很難爭論。同一道理,這家酒店何以除了Charmaine外,每個Housekeeper都是亞洲人?何以所有Kitchen Hand皆是亞洲人?難道,有工作你不做嗎?
「So what do you want? Huh?」Jack語帶諷刺地問Kim。
「Foul language, haha.」Jack向我解釋,「I feel unfair too, but what can we do?」
「Same feeling as you.」
「We are just a group of fucking Asian right?」Jack無奈地笑。
的確,韓國背包客或與其他亞洲背包客時有衝突,也是港台背包客覺得神憎鬼厭的一群。可是,在外國人面前,我們也是一模一樣的「Fucking Asian」,沒有分別。人在異地,你也得無奈接受。
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