(Please scroll down for English)
9月18日 下午6時40分 (辦公完結時間為下午6時)
❗️Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in the statement issued by The Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration (OFNAA) does not reflect the views of the director and the production team.
The Tug of War with the OFNAA over “Taking back the Legislature" + "Inside the Red Brick Wall".
Although “Taking back the Legislature" and "Inside the Red Brick Wall" have not shied away from controversy, yet the production crew have always strived to objectively capture every social movement against all odds, and the films have received a wide swath of responses since their release.
Nevertheless, the OFNAA has gone out of their way to coerce the directors into making statements against their wills. When failed to oblige, they could face having their works barred from screening by the OFNAA with whatever administrative reasons they might come up with.
Therefore, Ying E Chi hereby express our strong discontent to the following actions of the OFNAA:
1. Force the films to be edited under the pretext of protecting everyone, but in fact, only to protect their own interest
2. Request an announcement to be made at the beginning of the film, yet refused to be declared as the one who demanded the announcement
3. Overturn the previous certificate issued by the OFNAA with unspecified reason
4. Fail to issue the certificate on time as promised, whilst shifting the responsibility to the applicant
The statement required by the OFNAA is as follows:
“Taking back the Legislature”:
“This film records the serious incident of the storming of the Legislative Council Complex on 1 July 2019. Some of those depictions or acts may constitute criminal offences under prevailing laws.”
“Inside the Red Brick Wall:
“This film records the serious incidents at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and nearby areas in November 2019. Some of those depictions or acts may constitute criminal offences under prevailing laws. Some of the contents of or commentaries in the film may be unverified or misleading.”
Here is how the negotiation between Ying E Chi and the OFNAA unfolds:
Ying E Chi filed an application for a Certificate of Approval for the old version of “Taking back the Legislature" + "Inside the Red Brick Wall".
7/8/2020 (A month after the National Security Law was enacted)
The first time Ying E Chi were notified by the OFNAA that a warning issued by them must be added at the beginning of the film. Ying E Chi then categorically declared that since the content of the warning does not reflect the will of the director, the films will not be edited as a result. The OFNAA responded by saying the administrative procedure might be delayed if their instructions have not been followed.
3/9/2020 (About 2 months after the National Security Law was enacted)
Ying E Chi handed in the application again with a new version of the films including the warning statement as requested, indicating that the warning is issued by the OFNAA.
Ying E Chi were informed by the OFNAA to remove the statement at the beginning of the film as it does not belong to the film. Ying E Chi responded by calling out the absurdity of such request, as the OFNAA ought not to ask the films to be edited before they even review the whole film. Yet again the OFNAA demanded the changes to be made since it might cause a delay in the reviewing process.
As a result, Ying E Chi submitted a new version at the first instance at the request of the OFNAA.
Ying E Chi phoned in to enquire about the application procedure, since the application was made on the 3 Sep, so the Certificate of Approval should be issued on 17 Sep. However, the OFNAA replied that the Certificate of Approval would in fact not be granted this week for they claimed to have received the updated version on 11 Sep, so they could only have begun the reviewing process officially on the 14th, and thus the earliest time the certificate could be issued would be 21 Sep. (Note: Despite the official application date listed on the application form was 3 Sep, the OFNAA still tried to avoid the responsibility caused by their sluggish bureaucratic process.
18/9/2020 6.40pm (Office Hour ends at 6pm)
The OFNAA informed Ying E Chi that a statement PROVIDED by them must be included at the start of the film, and the new version must be handed in on 21 Sep, otherwise the Certificate of Approval would not be issued on the day of the screening. Ying E Chi again requested to indicate the OFNAA as the one who issued the statement, and that the certificate should be granted on screening day. The OFNAA, however, rejected to be identified as the one who issued such a statement, and insisted that all amendments can only be made subject to their approvals and requirements. At the time, Ying E Chi were informed that the Certificate of Approval obtained for the old version of “ Taking back the Legislature" + "Inside the Red Brick Wall" could no longer be used, as there cannot be two certificates for both old version and the updated version. (Ying E Chi, are deeply confounded by this sudden decision, but the OFNAA has failed to offer any clarifications.)
Not only have Ying E Chi just received the certificate on the day of the screening from OFNAA, but at the same time we have been notified that "Inside the Red Brick Wall” has been classified as a Category III Film, and therefore need to make the refund arrangements.
We are profoundly sorry about the inconvenience caused.
It is not the wish of Ying E Chi and Hong Kong Documentary Filmmakers to set the wrong example for the industry, yet we would hate to have the truth to be buried by the Hong Kong Government or to let those in power rewrite the history. Ying E Chi have compromised for this instance in order to facilitate this screening, we, nevertheless, will keep on protesting, so please spread the words and make our story known. Thank you for continuing to support Hong Kong films, and from now on please do not be misled by any bizarre statements in movies and misunderstand the directors.
*Note: Under the Film Censorship Ordinance (Cap 392), a film intended for exhibition in Hong Kong at any public place has to be submitted to the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration for prior approval. Failing to comply with such requirement may constitute a criminal offence.
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,900的網紅HowtinFlix,也在其Youtube影片中提到,又係一齣冇尾的末日冚球鏟公路電影, 點解Netflix不斷翻拍同一個故事? sosad Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/howtindog FB page: https://www.facebook.com/howtindogs/...
how it ends電影 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Uber 的精彩故事,半天內一口氣看完,不可思議的故事發展讓我完全停不下來啊!繼2018年讀的 “Bad Blood” (“惡血”)和2019 年的 “Billion Dollar Whale" (“鯨吞億萬”)之後,今年也來了一個這麼Juicy的故事,完全可以想像這變成一部好萊塢電影的可能性。
一開場先是描述了Uber 在達到千萬用戶時,公司在拉斯維加斯舉辦的誇張派對和員工大會。大部分員工在老闆的“我們要顛覆世界”和公司豪氣砸錢(投資人的錢)中一起狂歡,但也有一些參與其中的人覺得不太對勁,但身處在這個氛圍中,也就不多說破壞氣氛了。
被Apple 抓到開後門危害客戶隱私權,被Apple CEO 訓話後的反應竟然是...?
“it is a story that touches on the major themes of silicon valley in the last decade: how rapid deployments in technology can crash into long entrenched labor systems, throw urban development into upheaval, and over turn an entire industry in a matter of years.....it is the story of the ugly decisions made around user data and personal information as technology firms seek to exploit consumer data. But most of all, it is a story about how blind worship of start-up founders can go wildly wrong, and a cautionary tale that ends in spectacular disaster"
昨天半夜讀完以後,剛好也看到Uber 在台灣成立合法公司的新聞。科技顛覆既有產業是不太可逆的趨勢,所以這個故事之後還會怎麼發展,共享經濟如何找到與社會結構和延續性的平衡,都還有得瞧呢!
#Uber #Superpumped
how it ends電影 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
去年去了現在感到特別遙遠的東京,看了在六本木的 Pixar 展,深深感覺到電影職人的魅力。
但雖喜歡看電影的人很多,真正看完後能夠用英文聊電影的人卻很少。除了某些熟人出了電影院後會立馬忘記劇情外 (絕對沒在說我媽),大多的人常常就是說 The movie was good. / I didn't enjoy the movie. / I don't like it. 有程度一點的,頂多把 good 換成別的比較高檔的形容詞。
今天想要用我很喜歡的一部 Pixar 的 Toy Story 3 跟大家分享,我自己看電影學英文的方法 (之一) 。
➠ 看電影要得到不止「爽」、「放鬆」,要能真的學到英文,可能要在過程中跟我一樣做,有點像瘋子,有點刻意。
• 通常我會這樣做:
1️⃣ 邊看邊把把聽到的東西記下來、或是把想要看完後確認的東西、台詞記下來。
2️⃣ 回家後去 Youtube 上這部電影的演員被採訪的影片。像是 Ellen Degeneres 跟 Jimmy Kimmel 都會約很多大片的主角上節目談該部電影拍攝的幕後花絮。
3️⃣ 最關鍵的一步,也就是這篇文章的重點:我會 IMDB、Rotten Tomatoes 看看英語母語人士是如何花300字,甚至是 500字、1000字,敘述一部電影好看、或是批評一部電影。
➠ 在Step 3 的過程中,大家可以分2個面向整理:
1️⃣ 對看電影的「經驗」、對電影「本質」的描述 (每一部電影都適用)
2️⃣ 敘述「劇情」的描述。
✔︎ 我實際上從針對 Toy Story 3 評論的 film reviews 中,整理出了這些。你將會發現,好像有時不見得要買「語言書」,你也可以自學學得很好!
1️⃣ 敘述看電影的「經驗」、對電影「本質」的描述 (每一部電影都適用)
• This is the go-to movie of the summer. (今夏一定要看的電影!)
• The movie wraps up all loose ends. (這部電影將前幾集所有的迷都解開了)
• It’s hard to find any slow moments in this movie. (形容電影從頭到尾都精彩)
• It took hold of me from the very beginning. (從一開始就讓人目不轉睛)
• I went in with high expectations, and it did live up to my expectations. (看之前期待很高,看完也沒有失望)
➠ 類似的概念,有人說: I went in with HIGH hopes and I was not disappointed!
講到「期待」,有人說: This sequel really greatly exceeded my expectations (完全超出期待).
• The technical aspects are, again, flawless. (技術層面近乎完美)
• It definitely lived up to the hype. (如大家所說的一樣好看)
• "Toy Story 3" is an excellent movie for all ages. (是部老少咸宜的電影)
•I was moved to tears. (看到感動到哭出來)
• How Pixar does it blows my mind. Time and again. (皮可斯一次又一次的讓我感到驚艷。)
至於第2部分有關於對劇情的描述,我就留給我的好友Howard & Wesley (FB: 浩爾口筆譯 ft. 創譯兄弟) 最近在Voicetube 的 Vclass 開的課程「最好玩的電影英文課」跟大家介紹了!(裡面也有選 Toy Story 喔~) 裡面會透過單字「字根字首」延伸,擴充你的單字量、利用電影經典台詞學「句型」、「文法」、「常見用語」,帶你學英文。
很可愛的一個課程,早鳥5折剩下最後1天,有興趣的人可以手刀從這邊了解: https://bit.ly/37o6GhZ
how it ends電影 在 HowtinFlix Youtube 的最佳解答
又係一齣冇尾的末日冚球鏟公路電影, 點解Netflix不斷翻拍同一個故事? sosad
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/howtindog
FB page: https://www.facebook.com/howtindogs/

how it ends電影 在 Jess Wy 雷婉妍 Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hi, I did a jazz cover of Maroon 5's song - Sunday Morning. Hope you enjoy my piano arrangement and have a nice day! :)
Hope you all enjoy my piano arrangement and interpretation of the song!
Please LIKE & SHARE if you do! ?
如果你喜歡我的影片,記得分享並訂閱我的頻道。*開啟小鈴鐺* 謝謝你們!
訂閱我的頻道!!! Subscribe to my channel !!!??????
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/jesswymusic
IG : https://www.instagram.com/jesswymusic
JJ 《交換餘生》: https://youtu.be/fqN27zHRmaQ
自創曲 《巨嬰》: https://youtu.be/a1ZpAUBe9-8
周杰倫 《Mojito》: https://youtu.be/gSHk7Y2cEKM
Love Song- 方大同 : https://youtu.be/dDYgn6BUTXA
與我無關: https://youtu.be/kYEHVo_UhxA
踮起腳尖愛 - 洪佩瑜: https://youtu.be/9eyf3nw78xw
Forever Young- 艾怡良 : https://youtu.be/T6nwsfdQt7U
周杰倫 -說好不哭 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ksHoFCmknk
林宥嘉 - 兜圈 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0tP4XrPJ18
陳綺貞-殘缺的彩虹 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S87YcebHRI
五月天 - 好好 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKzbkPdgyng
延禧攻略《雪落下的聲音》: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwldExheULs
我還年輕 我還年輕:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8I2yDcWSlM
旋木 X 梦一场 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f13LGH9zv6w
《 答案 》:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af8ZN9w9MAA
戴佩妮 -你要的愛 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0xK8ok6hQw
Sejahtera Malaysia 安宁的马来西亚 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj13RenTxzc
最長的電影 x 偷故事的人 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyvZx7uhjfQ
田馥甄 -愛了很久的朋友: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAE0bQv7s44&t=51s
體面 X 說散就散 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIAjhp-6OrE
莫文蔚 《慢慢喜歡你》: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NL2oVwPvbpI
Imagine Dragons - Next To Me : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4I4RP8F4m4
周杰倫 《等你下課》 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKEkbpPUbV0
連名帶姓 X 聽見下雨的聲音: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePy5vVsxsOs
盧廣仲 《幾分之幾》 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5jFUAeAhHo
"Sunday Morning"
Sunday morning rain is falling
Steal some covers share some skin
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
You twist to fit the mold that I am in
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
And I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knew
That someday it would lead me back to you
That someday it would lead me back to you
That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
And I never want to leave
Fingers trace your every outline
Paint a picture with my hands
Back and forth we sway like branches in a storm
Change the weather still together when it ends
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
Sunday morning rain is falling and I'm calling out to you
Singing someday it'll bring me back to you
Singing someday it'll bring me back to you
That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
And I never want to leave
Find a way to bring myself back home to you
If you enjoy my video, please like and share it.
Your love and support will keep me going! :)
#sundaymorning #maroon5 #jazzcover #pianocover

how it ends電影 在 Hane & Mari's World Youtube 的最讚貼文
Movie Maho Girl Precure 💛 miracle makeover 💛 CureMofurun! Take the screening premiere Mofurun went to see the movie theater
영화 마법사 프리큐어 💛 기적의 변신 💛 큐아모후룬! 상영 개봉 첫날 모후룬를 데리고 영화관에 보러 갔다
■チャンネル登録はこちら / Channel subscript → https://goo.gl/in9442
広く愛され続けている「プリキュア」シリーズ。その最新作となる『映画 魔法つかいプリキュア!奇跡の変身!キュアモフルン!』と同時上映の短編『キュアミラクルとモフルンの魔法レッスン!』が10月29日(土)に公開決定しました!
2つの異なる世界、こちらの世界(ナシマホウ界)で生まれたみらい(キュアミラクル/CV・高橋李依)と魔法界で生まれたリコ(キュアマジカル/CV・堀江由衣)が手をつなぐことによって生まれる友情と奇跡がテーマの本作。7月3日(日)の放送では、3人目のプリキュアとなるキュアフェリーチェ(ことは/CV・早見沙織)も登場し、物語の盛り上がりはもちろん、シリーズへの期待と人気が日に日に高まっています! 最新映画では、みらいの大切な存在であり、みらいとリコの変身に欠かせない存在でもあるクマのぬいぐるみ“モフルン”が、100年に一度、どんな願いでもかなえてくれる伝説の石【願いの石】に選ばれたことにより、奇跡の力でプリキュアに変身してしまう!というストーリー。
子供たちに大人気のモフルンが、どんな願いを抱き、願いの石に選ばれたのか…。この秋、みらいとモフルンの友情が巻き起こす感動のストーリーが映画館に登場します。 さらに、同時上映の短編は、キュアミラクルとモフルンの2人による魔法レッスンが描かれたフルCG作品。およそ5分のストーリーの後半では、無事レッスンを終えたキュアミラクルとモフルンの2人がテーマソングに合わせて楽しくダンスを披露!
■Video Description / Overview
It has been loved widely "Pretty Cure" series. That the latest "movie witch Pretty Cure! Miracle makeover! Kyuamofurun! "Simultaneous screenings of short stories" cure Miracle and Mofurun magic lessons! "Was published decision on October 29 (Saturday)!
Friendship born by the two different world, this world Rico was born in born future (cure Miracle / CV · Takahashi Lyot) and the magic world in (Nashimahou boundaries) (cure Magical / CV · Yui Horie) is connecting the hand this work miracles theme with. In the broadcast of the July 3 (Sunday), 3 cure the pre-cure of a glance Felice (it / CV · Saori Hayami) also appeared, climax of the story, of course, heightened expectations and popularity of the series is day by day users had! In the latest film, is a precious presence of the future, future and Rico is stuffed "Mofurun" of the bear, which is also in the presence essential to the transformation of once in 100 years, the legend that will grant any wish stone [wishes of stone by chosen to], it ends up transformed into a pre-cure in the miracle of power! Story of.
Popular Mofurun to children, embrace any wish, or was chosen in the stone of hope .... This fall, inspiring stories that stir up the friendship of the future and Mofurun will appear in a movie theater. In addition, simultaneous screenings of the short story, cure Miracle and full CG works that magic lesson is drawn by two Mofurun. In the second half of the approximately 5 minutes of stories, two of cure Miracle and Mofurun finishing the successful lessons showing off a fun dance to fit the theme song!
The theme song Mayu Watanabe sing "correct magic of how to use" decision!
■↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓次のおすすめ動画/Next Recommend Video/下一個推薦視訊/下一个推荐视频/다음의 추천 동영상↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓■
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