Thank you dear Martha for this Amazon review of my book “Sandcastles Don’t Last Forever”!
About the book:
One day when I was singing praises to God, an image floated up in my spirit: a big and beautiful sandcastle being washed away by the waves from the sea. God was teaching me the futility of holding tightly onto worldly possessions because like the sandcastle, they won't last, and one day will cease to exist.
He taught me from His word to focus on Him and by doing so, I would reap great eternal rewards before Jesus' throne at the start of the Millennium. These rewards will last forever and can't be destroyed or stolen.
It is my prayer that the revelations in this book will help you to live with a focus on the things above where God is, fulfill your God-given calling in life, be happier and to accumulate more eternal rewards to your account.
In this book, you will learn about:
- Heavenly investment advice and the futility of worldly pursuits from a trillionaire in the Bible
- Why God has to reward us in order to be righteous
- When and how God will destroy the current earth and sky to make way for new ones
- The types of fireproof works that earn eternal rewards at the end of time
- The abundant rewards of doing good works while abiding by the non-disclosure agreement between God and you
- The difference between the temporary places of torment: Sheol and Abaddon
- Who is the Antichrist and his name revealed in the Bible
- What is the Mark of the Beast and why it disqualifies its recipients from receiving salvation
- The different judgments at the throne of Jesus Christ and what it means for you as a believer
- How to fulfill your calling and maximize your gifts to receive the best eternal rewards
As Martha said, I believe that the revelation in this book was given “for such a time as this”. Jesus’ return is so close, and we need to be thinking about the eternal impact of our lives. This book will do exactly that for you!
Get the digital eBook here (there is also a link to the Amazon paperback version) ===>
「how to end a prayer in jesus' name」的推薦目錄:
how to end a prayer in jesus' name 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳解答
I am sharing a vision that one of our readers, Heather Snell, received. It bears witness with my spirit. Hopefully it will show you how to pray for the destruction of COVID-19.
I received in my spirit that the COVID-19 is a man-made biological agent—not something that just happened to come from wild animals.
Without further ado, here is the vision Heather received.
28 March 2020 vision:
Fasting, praying, worshipping retreat: 10 hours straight praying in the spirit.
These words were coming to me: “Shifting things, shifting things, moving!”
2AM. Sitting in the silence and peace, listening to a recording of shofar. I began to notice the room was fading and the form of its space was becoming transparent, fading from existence.
My eyes were becoming aware of space beyond the natural. The walls and ceiling seemed to disappear. I was sensing angels busy and active doing errands?
Then I see a space with no limits or confinements, huge, no ending, but it was special in its form. There appeared to be rooms within rooms.
I heard the word “COZ”. Then I could see lines and strands of mathematical equations.
Seemed to be shifting and moving things, changing things. Then it changed from a line to a coil, never-ending, actively doing things. It is a live, living organism, but mathematical.
While continuing to pray all the while seeking to find answers, I saw more information on this.
The Holy Spirit whispered, “Coronavirus”. The Holy Spirit said, “While you have been praying in the spirit these last few hours, you have been working on shifting and moving things, the structural genetic DNA, which is the mathematical structure of the form of coronavirus at the root.
A flawed DNA genetic structure cannot stand—it will implode, and self destruct, be dismantled from within. It will wipe itself out.
As a man-made virus and constructed DNA of mathematical equations, the answer is to remove part of the mathematical pattern.
I took this revelation, released in prayer and decreed the command into the earth. I sat overwhelmed at this revelation as it was far beyond myself, my education, intelligence and my own thoughts.
(End of Heather’s vision)
On Sunday 29 March 2020, Pastor Prince shared something like this in his sermon:
Exodus 14:24-25 - The morning watch is the darkest part of the night, between 3am to 6am.
It is at this dark time that the Lord took off the Egyptian chariots’ wheels.
Pastor Prince has been praying for the Lord to mess up the DNA/ RNA of COVID-19 and destroy them.
“In the morning watch, Yahweh looked out on the Egyptian army through the pillar of fire and of cloud, and confused the Egyptian army. He took off their chariot wheels, and they drove them heavily; so that the Egyptians said, “Let’s flee from the face of Israel, for Yahweh fights for them against the Egyptians!”” (Exodus 14:24-25 WEB)
This is confirmation that we should be praying for God to dismantle the DNA/ genetic structure of COVID-19 so that it will implode and destroy itself.
This is probably how the swift end to the pandemic will happen. Praise Jesus!
Let’s pray:
Dear Abba God, we know You are in control. Thank You for teaching us how to pray for COVID-19’s swift destruction. In Jesus’ name, we declare for COVID-19’s genetic DNA structure to be messed up. Dismantle it by Your power and let us see a swift end to this pandemic. Heal all those who have been infected and protect everyone else from COVID-19. We plead the blood of Jesus over all the nations of the world. Amen!
In the meantime, keep feeding on God’s love for you. Stay focused on Jesus and not the raging waves all around!
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how to end a prayer in jesus' name 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
The Word of Knowledge
“For to one is given through the Spirit the word of wisdom, and to another the word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit;” (1 Corinthians 12:8 WEB)
The word of knowledge is an amazing gift of the Holy Spirit. It allows you to supernaturally know things about another person’s past or present, that you wouldn’t have known in the natural.
This gift can effectively cast out unbelief in a person’s heart and give them bold faith to receive further follow-up blessings, such as a healing miracle through prayer.
Imagine the shock and awe of an effective word of knowledge being delivered to an unsuspecting listener.
It’s like shooting an arrow that pierces the heart, making them feel like God is so real and that He cares for them individually.
Personally, this gift operates through me when I pray in tongues.
When someone asks me to prophesy for them, I pray in tongues and rely on the Holy Spirit to show me facts that I wouldn’t have known in the natural, about people that I don’t even know at all.
The key is to quiet yourself, close your eyes and sense what is the Holy Spirit showing you. Is it a picture, a word, or a sound?
The thing about this gift is it takes courage to tell the other person what you saw from the Holy Spirit.
There’s always the annoying worry that “What if I’m wrong? What if I’m just imagining things?”
The key is to practice and be okay with being wrong at times.
I was afraid of being wrong too, but if I didn’t choose to trust the Holy Spirit anyway and just boldly tell them what the Spirit showed me, I wouldn’t be able to walk effectively in this gift.
At times, God will show me parts of the other person’s body that needs healing. There was once where a reader asked for healing prayer, and the Spirit accurately showed me that it was an ailment of his eyes.
Another time, a reader asked for healing prayer for her family member who was ill. I saw the words “cancer” and “leukemia”.
I was afraid that I’d be wrong because saying leukemia is so specific, but it turns out that it was correct.
Another time, a lady asked for healing prayer for an unspoken request. I asked her if it happened due to pregnancy and I sensed in my spirit that she wanted to lose excess fats. It turned out to be accurate.
How is this possible? Only through the Holy Spirit who knows the omniscient mind of God and reveals what God knows, to us.
I’m still a baby at exercising this gift—I need Him to train me more in it. Occasionally, I still make up things in my mind sometimes and end up saying something that’s not true.
We can always keep growing if we remain humble and teachable.
“However when he, the Spirit of truth, has come, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak from himself; but whatever he hears, he will speak. He will declare to you things that are coming. He will glorify me, for he will take from what is mine, and will declare it to you. All things whatever the Father has are mine; therefore I said that he takes of mine, and will declare it to you.” (John 16:13-15 WEB)
Dear brethren, we need to depend on the Holy Spirit to minister to others effectively in God’s power. The power of God will accompany the true Gospel being preached.
It is our privilege to partner with the Holy Spirit as a fellow worker in bringing God’s plans to pass on this earth. Let’s cooperate with Him in this worthy task.
Impartation prayer:
Dear Abba Father, for those that desire to operate in the gift of word of knowledge, I impart this gift that you’ve given to me onto them as well. The anointing is transferable and can be shared among believers. Help them to grow in this gift and let it be effective for them in ministering to others. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!
Are you tired of a boring, ordinary Christian journey? Want to walk more in the miraculous?
In my new book “Messiah’s Miracles—The Power of Having Faith in Jesus Christ”, I expound on every one of Jesus’ 37 recorded miracles in the four gospels.
I believe that as you see Jesus working miracles in the four gospels, unveiling God’s heart of love, goodness and mercy towards man, you will also receive faith to see miracles in every area of your life!
You will also be able to walk in the power of God when you expect to see the supernatural gifts in operation.
Testimonials for the book:
“One of my most trusted teachers has truly written a masterpiece. I can't put this book down.”
- Michael Clark, Highly Sought-After Preacher in USA
“Thank you, Milton for the anointed sharing of the 37 miracles of Jesus. Right from the 1st miracle, God dropped fresh revelations of His heart to me. It wasn't head knowledge that I experienced. I felt His personality, His loving heart's intents towards me. On top of that, there's also revelation of His healing power. Praise Jesus for transforming my heart and bringing me closer to Him through Milton's sharing.”
- Ann Tan, GEM patron from Singapore
Get the paperback (hardcopy) edition on Amazon:
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#WordofKnowledge #HolySpirit