Get your cameras ready! 💧Photos of water environment wanted💧
Share photos of water environment on # WATER-ENVIRONMENT, FRIENDLY event and win surprising gifts!
聯合國自1993年起,將每年的3月22日定為「世界水日」(WORLD WATER DAY)
2020年世界水日的主題為:水與氣候變遷(WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE)
❗Event Objective❗
The United Nations stipulated March 22 as the World Water Day in 1993. The theme of the World Water Day this year is WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE. Crisis brought by global climate change are closely related to water resources. Water circulation fluctuates more because of varied climate, resulting in extreme weathers and in turn impacts the water quality.
環保署推動「322世界水日愛水森活愛地球活動」,響應聯合國3月22日「世界水日」主題「水與氣候變遷」(WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE),推薦全臺24處河岸淨水設施或親水綠帶(桃園市6處~其他縣市共18處)
This year, the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) launches “WATER-ENVIRONMENT, FRIENDLY”event to echo UN’s World Water Day on March 22, and recommends 24 water purification facilities or people-friendly green belts around water environment all over Taiwan (6 in Taoyuan City, and 18 in other cities and counties)
這些水環境不只淨化水質 也提升城市韌性 因應暴雨讓大水有處去
我們邀請您 前往推薦場址或拍攝自己住家附近美麗水環境
一起響應珍惜水資源💧 好水質💧~也為減緩氣候變遷貢獻一己之力。
These water environment sites are not just for water purification. They also enhance cities’ resilience by directing run-offs brought by torrential rainfalls on the right track. We invite you to visit these recommended sites or take photos of any beautiful water environment in your own neighborhood. Let’s all preserve our water resources, 💧 protect water quality, 💧 and contribute to the best of our ability in mitigating climate change.
109年3月22日世界水日起 至 4月22日23:59止
❗Event Time❗
From March 22 (World Water Day) to 23:59, April 22, 2020
發布「愛水森活」照片,並Tag 3位朋友
3⃣標註拍攝地點(縣市/鄉鎮市區,限國內), 分享美麗親水環境留言, 留言要有「#水與氣候變遷」
❗Photo-sharing Procedure❗
1⃣”Like” the FB page of EPA
2⃣ Leave a comment on the event page
Publish your photos of water environment site and tag 3 friends
The water environment site can be one of the recommended sites or any beautiful water environment (excluding hot spring, swimming pool and beach) in your neighborhood. Upload the photo to the comment area and tag 3 friends to participate.
3⃣Mark the location (must be a county/ city/ township in Taiwan) where the photo was taken, leave a comment, which must contain “WATER and CLIMATE CHANGE”.
~Complete these 3 steps and you are qualified to join the lucky draw!
❗ Details & Notice❗
Please check event details on Water Quality Protection Web
❗❗ 活動獎項:(桃園場址的愛水粉絲獲獎機會特多!!)
參加獎 200名(每名給予綠點 5,000 點及環保購物袋 1 份(綠點會員註冊說明詳見 環保集點網站 https://www.greenpoint.org.tw/GpHome/)
❗❗ Awards: (fans in Taoyuan City have more chances to win a prize!)
World Water Day Award: 10
Purer Water, Better Life Award: 50
Participation award: 200 (each winner will be given 5000 green points and 1 eco-friendly shopping bag. Please refer to https://www.greenpoint.org.tw/GpHome/ to see how to register a membership for green points)
Special Award for Taoyuan Fan: 50, Participation Award for Taoyuan Fan: 200
獲奬名單於109年4月30日前公布於行政院環境保護署官方FB粉絲團原活動貼文下方,另將同步公布於「美麗臺灣 愛水就是我」FB專頁(https://zh-tw.facebook.com/iwaterTW/)及「水質保護網」活動網頁下方,如遇不可抗力之因素,本署得調整公布時間。
❗ Result❗
List of award winners will be announced underneath the event notice on EPA’s official FB fan page. It will also be announced on the FB page of iwaterTW (https://zh-tw.facebook.com/iwaterTW/) as well as the event page on Water Quality Protection Web. The time of announcement is subject to change if a force majeure is involved.