| Konjac noodles |
This is one of the ingredients I always buy from Asia supermarket and never think I can just simply get from normal super market!
Instead of using it as substitute, it is more like a side dish for me.
☛ How to make:
❶Drain water from pack and rinse noodles under the cold water.(This can remove a faint aroma when opening)
❷Boil for 1 min and drain.
❸Add in chopped garlic,apple cider vinegar,sugar and chopped fresh coriander.
❹Mix all ingredients. Serve immediately or store in refrigerator for at least 30mins as a cold, refresh side dish.
#veganfood #foodblogger #konjacnoodles #betterthannoodles #foodphotography #foodstagram
i think替代 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答
It’s Time for a Digital Detox. (You Know You Need It.)
📱Even though the presidential election is over, we’re still doomscrolling through gloomy news about the coronavirus surge. The rest of your daily routine is probably something like mine while stuck at home in the pandemic: Divided among streaming movies on Netflix, watching home improvement videos on YouTube and playing video games. All of these activities involve staring at a screen.
👁No, that doesn’t mean quitting the internet cold turkey. No one would expect that from us right now. Think of it as going on a diet and replacing bad habits with healthier ones to give our weary eyes some much needed downtime from tech.
🏃Too much screen time can take a toll on our mental health, depriving us of sleep and more productive tasks, experts said.I, for one, am experiencing this. Before the pandemic, my average daily screen time on my phone was three and a half hours. Over the last eight months, that has nearly doubled. So I turned to psychology experts for their advice. From setting limits to finding alternatives to being glued to our phones, here’s what we can do.
#告訴我✍🏻「 你都花多少時間滑手機? 」
i think替代 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
『Husbands and wives had a special obligation beyond the rest of the family.』
『For so many years throughout my son's childhood, I had taken his temperature, I had given him his medicine, I had nursed him back to health. It was me he came to when he broke his arm or cut his leg. The doctors turned to me to ask if I wanted him to have stitches, a splint, and antibiotic. And now, in the greatest struggle of his life, I wanted to sit the doctors down and demand to know our options. Who else could know better what he needed? Who else could make those decisions other than someone who had watched him grow up? But there was only on answer: Hallie. She was his wife.
It wasn't my job anymore-it wasn't my place. It hurt like hell, but that's the way of it. Our roles within our families change and shift and evolve, and we have to learn to let go.』
雖然父母在孩子生命中曾經是主要角色,卻不是永遠。放手讓孩子為自己做決策,你沒有權責干涉,只能祈禱祝福 。這處境再心酸難過,都得保持冷靜、沉穩;並要懂得適時遞上一則智慧的建議或是給予一個適時地擁抱。
『A part of us wants our children to always need us, always be around, always prefer our sock-folding, or always think we are the most important people in their lives. But we know that would mean they weren't growing or living their fullest lives. Success in parenthood means preparing your children to go out into the world and leave you behind. You try to give your kids everything so that one day they will give their kids everything. I think it's a little bit heartbreaking for parents when they realize they have to take a back seat in the life of someone they love so much, but in the end, it's a small price to pay for their happiness.』
(❤️我們有時會希望孩子永遠需要我們,永遠在身邊,永遠比較喜歡我們折的襪子,一直視我們為一生中最重要的人。 但是那意味著孩子並沒有長大或是生活過得並不圓滿。 成功父母的真義是確保孩子能全副武裝做好準備去面對外面的世界,他能完全與妳脫離。 而當妳嘗試將一切給孩子,他們有一天也會毫無保留地為他們孩子付出。 我承認當父母意識到自己必須在摯愛的生活中退居次位時,這有點令人心碎,但是為了他們全然的幸福,妳必須付出小小的犧牲。)
十. 永遠相互扶持的家人
『In hell, we starve alone. In heaven, we feed each other.』
『We are broken and bruised, but we are not alone. We rejoice together. We preserve together. We walk hand in hand through the twists and turns, and when we can't walk, we let ourselves be carried. It is the gift we give; our strength, our vulnerability, our faith in each other. We know we cannot heal ourselves, but we can lean on each other; we can lift each other up.
This is what makes us family. This is where the light enters.』
(❤️雖然我們曾如此破碎且身負傷痕,但我們並不孤單。 只要我們聚在一起便感到歡樂且珍惜。 我們攜手走過人生的曲折,直到無力行走時,我們會扛著彼此。我們給出的力量、脆弱及信仰,那皆是美好的饋贈。縱使傷痕無法自行癒合,但我們可以彼此依偎,相互打氣。
i think替代 在 雙語|別再說「I think」啦,YouTube女神教你21個高級替代 ... 的推薦與評價
時長13′38″,雙語字幕,建議在WiFi環境下觀看). 雙語全文English With Lucy. 1:I'm not going to lie/ not gonna lie… ... <看更多>