[明報專訊]話說四月二十三號是英國大文豪莎士比亞的四百週年忌辰,不少英美作家都在不同的傳媒寫文拍片悼念這位argubly是英國語文最偉大的作家。蕭叔叔也湊湊熱鬧,在自己的Facebook專頁做講故佬,拍幾段短片分享自己最喜歡的莎劇對白。今天蕭叔叔選了其中一段同大家分享,這段來自莎士比亞的歷史悲劇Julius Caesar凱薩大帝。這段文字不太出名,但是很有「火」,很具煽動性。
話說古羅馬時代的凱撒大帝打了幾場勝仗,在左右手Mark Anthony協助下準備稱帝,打算獨攬國家的權力。當地的仕紳豪族當然不願,於是密謀刺殺凱撒。蕭叔叔選的這段對白,說話的是仕紳Cassius,對象是同樣是當地貴族的Casca。
And why should Caesar be a tyrant then?
Poor man! I know he would not be a wolf,
But that he sees the Romans are but sheep:
He were no lion, were not Romans hinds.
Those that with haste will make a mighty fire
Begin it with weak straws: what trash is Rome,
What rubbish and what offal, when it serves
For the base matter to illuminate
So vile a thing as Caesar!
頭三句的大意是:為什麼凱撒能成為獨裁者?為什麼他會成為嗜血,嗜權的豺狼?歸根究底,是因為羅馬人都是乖巧聽話服從的綿羊。留意第三句的but字,不是「但是」的意思,而是「只是」。所以Romans are but sheep意思是:羅馬人只是綿羊。
第四句是差不多意思,假如羅馬人不是容易捕獲的羚羊,獵物,凱撒又怎能成為這頭猛獅?留意後半句用了倒裝的詞序,以表達condition的語氣。用比較常見的詞序寫,這後半句是:if Romans were not hinds.
中文有句說話:星星之火,可以燎原,是說熊熊的山火,也是由零星火頭開始的,指做大事不怕開始時力量微薄。想不到莎士比亞的文字也有相似的一句:Those that with haste will make a mighty fire begin it with weak straws. 大意:熊熊烈火,也是由小小的稻草開始的。Cassius說這句話的意思很明顯:凱撒好像力強勢大,但拯救羅馬的大業,就是由我們這些小勢力開始的。
最後一句很長,句式複雜,但意思深遠,用字狠辣,大家可以學學。蕭叔叔試翻譯為現代英文:Rome is only trash and rubbish and offal, if all it does is to serve as the fuel for the fire that brightens up so horrible a thing as Caesar. 中文大意:假如我們把羅馬用作照耀凱撒這個壞人的燃料,那它羅馬就只是個垃圾山。
蕭愷一,aka蕭叔叔。夢想做男神、現實是大叔的英文教學狂熱分子,law grad,哲學碩士dropout,語言學愛好者,以speak English like an educated native為教與學的終極目標。Facebook專頁:《蕭叔叔的英式英文學會》
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過60萬的網紅飲食男女,也在其Youtube影片中提到,人生總是五味紛陳,甜酸苦辣交替現身,要留住甜、體會酸、捱得苦、嚐過辣,經歷才算完整。「Son姐」張慧敏今次帶來的酸菜魚,同樣用上各種配料衝擊味蕾,混合起來卻是一道美味佳餚。Son姐希望憑魚寄意,讓心肝寶貝明白母親的一番心意。 炮製酸菜魚難度有限,反而如何在香港尋覓「酸菜」而非鹹酸菜才是難事。買不到...
if should倒裝 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳貼文
🌅 俐媽英文教室:渡輪篇
🚢 安全指示單字精選:
instruction (n.) 指示
for N's sake 看在⋯份上
as well as (conj.) 以及;和
familiarize oneself with N 使自己熟悉於⋯
emergency (n.) 緊急事件
blast (n.) 巨響;爆炸
immediately (adv.) 立刻
assembly (n.) 聚集(assemble v. 聚集)
escape (n.) 逃生
route (n.) 路線
If smoke should develop: 此句之should不表「應該」,而表「萬一」,整句可倒裝為:Should smoke develop, ...
crew (n.) 全體機/船員
life jacket (n.) 救生衣
elevator (n.) 電梯
if possible = if it is possible 如果可能的話
cabin (n.) 船/機艙
address (n.)(v.) 演說;說話
if should倒裝 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最讚貼文
❤️ 俐媽英文教室:The Last Lecture
只剩六個月壽命的大學教授Randy Pausch,會留給我們什麼精采的人生對話呢?
🏈If you can dream it, you can do it.
🏈We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.
🏈Open the encyclopedia. Open the dictionary. Open your mind.
🏈You've got to get the fundamentals down, because otherwise the fancy stuff is not going to work.
🏈Self-esteem is not something you can give; it's something children have to build.
🏈Tenacity is a virtue.
🏈The brick walls are there for a reason. They're not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.
🏈Look, I'm going to find a way to be happy, and I'd really love to be happy with you, but if I can't be happy with you, then I'll find a way to be happy without you.
🏈Live in the moment.
🏈Luck is indeed where preparation meets opportunity.
🏈Do not focus on little issues while ignoring the major ones.
🏈The person who failed often knows how to avoid future failures. The person who knows only success can be more oblivious to all the pitfalls.
🏈Hard work is like compound interest in the bank. The rewards build faster.
🏈A good apology is like an antibiotic; a bad apology is like rubbing salt in the wound.
🏈If you want something bad enough, never give up.
🏈Kids, don't try to figure out what I wanted you to become. I want you to become what you want to become.
🏈If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.
🏆 重點句型:
🎾Left at the bottom of the box was "hope." 此為主詞與主詞補語對調的倒裝句,原句為:"Hope" was left at the bottom of the box.
🎾I insisted that she be given another ultrasound. 動詞insist表"堅持",為意志動詞之一,因此後面的that子句應為S + (should) + V,故原句為...that she should be given another...,而should省略之後留下that she be given...的形式。
🎾If I were able to live, we'd be making those mistakes together.表「與現在事實相反」的假設語氣應用過去式,而此時be動詞固定使用were。本句亦可倒裝為:Were I able to live, ...
if should倒裝 在 飲食男女 Youtube 的最佳貼文
Hot and Sour Fish with Pickled Chinese Cabbage
Blackhead Seabream
Pickled Chinese cabbage
Pickled pepper
White pepper
Egg white
White wine
1. When buying the fish from the market, ask to remove blood and bones from the fish. At home, clean and check if all bones have been removed, then fillet and sliced.
2. Pat fish pieces dry, marinate with white pepper and egg white. The mixture should feel sticky. Set aside.
3. Julienne thinly unpeeled ginger, scallion, and celery. Set aside.
4. Heat pan with oil, sauté ginger until cooked; add fish head and bone to sauté both sides until golden in color.
5. Add boiling water to cover fish head, cover and bring to rolling boil. Add the stems of cilantro, stems of scallion, and peppercorn, boil for 10 minutes.
6. In a dry pan, sauté pickled Chinese cabbage until dry; dice pickled peppers. Once the soup from step 5 is done, remove all ingredients and only keep the broth.
7. Heat pan with oil, sauté ginger and pickled Chinese cabbage for a few minutes, and add pickled peppers. Add fish soup into wok, season with salt and sugar.
8. Add fish slices into fish soup by adding thicker slices first, and then add celery.
9. Heat a clean pan until you see smoke, and then add oil, heat until you see smoke from oil.
10. Add cilantro into fish soup, can also add red chili peppers to garnish; lastly, add heated oil into the fish soup, mix in some cilantro to finish.
足本食譜: https://bit.ly/34P9dEA
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現有日費訂戶亦可轉訂? http://bit.ly/2YwE3Ma ?
訂閱《飲食男女》YouTube: http://bit.ly/2Md5V2k
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2MJejcp
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2EA3qpR
【生命鬥士】值得鄭秀文都讚 前女歌手車禍癱足27年 靠聲控製花椒辣椒油:即使手腳不能動 腦袋仍可很靈活(飲食男女) (https://youtu.be/gREGjaLELTg)
【大廚出軌實錄】居酒屋大廚挑機做小炒 堅持飲住酒開工 蟶子炒到又燶又韌 自家製辣霸鮑魚好惹味 (飲食男女) (https://youtu.be/hdKT95_zh3E)
【灣仔燒味老字號】17歲做大廚 自立門戶35年 油雞酒味濃 老闆:好做嘅食物唔會好食(飲食男女) (https://youtu.be/svAF8pKszw0)
【問問日本人】點樣分辨中國人VS香港人中國旅客經常大聲說話? (果籽)(https://youtu.be/MaMNuX7464I)
【白化病】全身白色途人見到即彈開 白化三兄弟:變相唔使排隊都幾好 (果籽) (https://youtu.be/eZfM1wgm84w)
【的士急色男女】 男女車廂纏綿全城睇晒 業界轟放片者累死同行 20200712 (壹週刊) https://youtu.be/qCtU5Lc07Sg
#酸菜魚食譜 #張慧敏 #Son姐
#飲食男女 #StayHome #WithMe #跟我一樣 #宅在家
飲食男女 打卡大街小巷搵食地圖
《蘋果》每日為你增值 立即訂閱
if should倒裝 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的最佳貼文
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️
芒果 (細)6~8個
1. 糯米,清水浸8小時以上。
2. 糯米已浸好,清水沖洗乾淨,輕手攪動它,擎乾水。
3. 已擎乾水的糯米,放入玻璃盤內,封上保鮮紙。
4. 大火在鑊中煲滾1鑊水,大火蒸糯米25分鐘。
5. 椰漿,倒入煲內,加入糖2茶匙半,中慢火慢慢煮熱,不時輕力攪拌,煮至滾起,熄火,攤凍。
6. 糯米,已蒸了25分鐘,拿起,打開保鮮紙,看看糯米是否比較硬身,如果是的話,椰漿落多一點;相反,如果糯米比較軟,椰漿就落少一點。攪勻。
7. 煲滾1鑊水,再大火蒸糯米10分鐘。
8. 糯米已蒸了10分鐘,試一試味及軟硬度。
9. 攤凍糯米飯。
10. 芒果,去皮,放碟上。
11. 裝好糯米飯在碗中,倒轉在玻璃盤上。
12. 隨意放好大塊的芒果肉在糯米飯上。
13. 椰漿,淋在糯米飯上。
14. 在上面灑上芒果粒。
15. 完成,可享用。
Glutinous rice with fresh mangoes
Glutinous plain rice 2 measure cups
Coconut milk (large) 1 can
Mangoes (small) 6~8 Nos.
1. Glutinous plain rice, soak in tap water for 8 hours or more.
2. Glutinous plain rice, has been soaked well. Rinse with tap water. Stir it lightly. Hang dry.
3. Glutinous plain rice, has been hung dry. Put in a glass ware and cover it with cling wrap.
4. Heat up a wok of water at high flame. Steam the glutinous plain rice at high flame for 25 minutes.
5. Coconut milk, pour into a pot. Add sugar 2.5 tsp. Heat up at medium~low flame. Stir it lightly until it has been boiled~up. Turn off fire. Wait for cooling down.
6. Glutinous rice, has been steamed for 25 minutes. Take it up, lift the cling wrap. Check if the rice is a little tough, coconut milk should be added a little bit more, otherwise, should be a little bit less. Mix well.
7. Heat up a wok of water at high flame. Steam the glutinous rice at high flame for another 10 minutes.
8. Glutinous rice has been steamed for 10 minutes. Check the taste and see if it is chewy or not.
9. Glutinous rice, is to be waited for cooling down.
10. Mangoes, get them peeled. Put on plate.
11. Put glutinous rice in a bowl. Then put the rice on a glass ware.
12. Put big mango flesh casually on glutinous rice.
13. Coconut milk, pour on top of rice.
14. Put mango cubes on top of rice casually.
15. Complete. Serve.
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