主持: 沈旭輝教授(香港中文大學社會科學院客座副教授)
日期: 2013年4月8日
時間: 13:00
地點: 香港中文大學康本國際學術園(YIA) (由於出席人數眾多,大會將會加開YIA LT2現場直播,如欲於LT1親會祖堯與大同,請提早前往。)
信仰巴哈伊教的方大同,將會與基督教徒中大沈祖堯校長聚首一堂,談宗教、談世界觀。歡迎公眾人士出席,先到先得,請提早前往。另外大會亦加開了YIA LT2現場直播!大家一起來聽聽他們的分享吧~
【Joseph Sung x Khalil Fong: From Christianity to Bahá'í Faith】
Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung (The Vice Chancellor of Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Khalil Fong (Singer-songwriter)
Moderator: Professor Simon Xu-hui Shen (Adjunct Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Science, CUHK)
Date:8 April, 2013
Venue: LT1 Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA) LT1 (There will be a very high turnout for the event. The live broadcast will be at LT2. If you want to meet Joseph and Khalil in person at LT1, please come early.)
"I like to talk about a lot of social issues and things I see in the world. Everything in the world is affected by love. I would like the dialogue with Prof. Sung to be a mutual exploration of how faith and religion can inspire our work, our art, our science, and our service to humanity. I would be glad to share my views on these topics, drawing on my own personal experience as an artiste." - Khalil Fong
【Joseph Sung x Khalil Fong: From Christianity to Bahá'í Faith】
Khalil Fong is invited to be a speech guest of the seminar with Prof Joseph Sung, the Vice Chancellor of Chinese University of Hong Kong, to share their faith and world views in the opening ceremony of the Diversity-in-Asia Fest. See you on CUHK campus on 8th April~