INJ兒童特點 (內傾、直覺、判斷) Portrait of an INJ Child (Introverted iNtuitive Judging) *註: INJ包括INTJ及INFJ型 INJ特徵 INJ Traits They have vivid imaginations 有鮮明的想像 2. They're curious about everything, and are always asking "Why?" 對萬事好奇,總在問“為什麼?” 3. They enjoy spending time one-on-one with others, rather than in large groups 享受與他人單獨相處的時光,而非投入大團體中 4. They're often off in their own world, and have a dreamlike quality 通常抽離入自我的世界中,有夢幻般的特質 5. They enjoy art and music… [ 1,351 more word ]…/mbti%e5%85%92%e7%ab%a…
infj特徵 在 ISFJ 每種性格密碼的特徵ISTJ:實際,有責任感 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
認識你的子女規劃美好生涯#MBTI #ISTJ #ISFJ #INFJ #INTJ MBTI 十六種性格透視(二) 大家有沒有記住你的子女在四個範疇上屬於哪一種? 1. I(內向)/E(外向) 2. ... <看更多>
infj特徵 在 15個跡象你是世界上最罕見的INFJ性格 - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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