Another new day...
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Another new imitation - recreating and reacting, consciously attempting to copy the tone, motivation, inflection, delivery, and phrasing of a particular sound or action. #papahan #macam👍 #identiti
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅CarDebuts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,เผยโฉมตัวจริง All-New Nissan Note e-Power 2021 นิสสัน โน้ต อีเพาเวอร์ โฉมใหม่ เริ่มขาย 23 ธันวาคมนี้ ในประเทศญี่ปุ่น ระบบขับเคลื่อน 2WD เครื่องยนต์รห...
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#G7 #中美關係 #美歐關係 #七大工業國組織
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綠能轉捩點到來?INFLECTION POINT FOR GREEN ENERGY(09/30/2020 Vogue Taiwan)
今年以來石油產業波折重重。布蘭特原油現貨價從年初每桶66.25 美元一路下跌至4 月21 日的19.50美元, 為2002 年二月以來最低點。主要原因是COVID-19 疫情導致終端需求急凍,以及OPEC 和俄羅斯減產談判破裂。這些暫時性經濟因素目前雖已緩解,但在氣候變遷加劇,環保意識高漲,消費行為改變等壓力下,石油產業前景充滿挑戰。擁有全球五分之一石油儲量的沙烏地阿拉伯國營石油公司─沙烏地阿美 ( Saudi Aramco ),去年12 月首次公開招股( IPO ),募股總額為256 億美元,低於公司預期約15%。全球首家市值高達兩兆美元的公司,曇花一現。
能源類型分為非再生能源及再生能源( 或稱綠色能源)。前者包含石油、天然氣、煤炭三種化石能源,以及核能;後者則涵蓋水力、風力、太陽能、生質能源等。根據英國BP 公眾有限公司 ( BP plc ) 分析2019 年全球初級能源使用量,石油和煤炭分別占33% 及27%,天然氣占24%。石油主要用於運輸,而煤炭和天然氣主要用於發電,分別供應全球36%及23% 電力,再生能源占26%,其中60% 為水力發電,而風力發電及太陽能則各占20% 與9%。
現有的能源結構並不利於環境永續發展,有限的化石燃料終會枯竭,汙染亦對生態環境造成極大的傷害。煤炭蘊藏豐富,可供人類使用約200 年。石油和天然氣已探明的蘊藏量估計只能供人類開採約51 ~ 53 年。三種化石能源中,天然氣的碳排放量最低,比煤炭低50% ~ 60%,然而其發電成本較高,以台灣為例,燃氣發電成本比燃煤高48%,而且開採、輸送、儲存的過程中存在燃料外洩的風險,若發生爆炸恐將釀成災害。核能發電穩定、成本低,且不會排放汙染物於大氣中;但有輻射外洩隱憂,且核廢料處置問題至今仍無解。為了減緩氣候變遷,全球能源結構勢必需要轉型,減少對化石能源的依賴,提高再生能源的使用。
根據國際可再生能源機構 ( International Renewable Energy Agency,IRENA )的資料,太陽能的發電成本從2010 年至今下跌超過80%,導致成本下降的主要原因是太陽能電池轉換效率從初期的4% 提升到目前的25%。陸上風電發電成本下跌39%,主要是占成本60% 以上的風電機組價格在十年間下降逾50%。離岸風電則藉由提升設備容量,發電成本下降29%。相較於水力及風力發電,太陽能發電的地理限制少,發電容量大及穩定度高,發展潛力大。根據投資銀行拉札德 ( Lazard Ltd. ) 以及IRENA 的分析,目前無補貼太陽能平均發電成本較燃煤發電高約30%,較風力發電高約20%。隨著成本持續下降,2021 年後新啟用太陽能廠運轉成本將比現有裝置少42%,將低於現有燃煤電廠及風力發電廠的運轉成本,換言之,太陽能將會成為未來再生能源的主流。
不過,太陽能電池的轉換效率已接近極限,需要新的技術提升效率。近期美國國家再生能源團隊利用三五族半導體開發出新型太陽能電池,轉換效率可以達到47.1%,是目前最高的紀錄。此外,太陽能屬於間歇性能源,太陽不可能時時刻刻照耀,夜晚、陰天則無法發電,需要搭配大規模的儲能系統使用。目前主流儲能系統為抽水蓄能電站,地理條件嚴苛。最新趨勢是使用鋰電池儲能技術,其建廠的地理限制少但成本高,且平均6 ~ 8 年即需汰換電池。產學界正積極研發新技術,例如改採用續航力更優異的氫燃料電池,或延長鋰電池的壽命。特斯拉 ( ESLA ) 近期申請的鋰電池專利,聲稱可延長電池壽命三倍之多。然而,新技術距離商業化仍有一段很長的路要走。
聯合國環境規劃署估算,如果要達到巴黎協議中到本世紀末將全球升溫幅度控制於攝氏1.5 度之內的目標,從現在到2030 年,全球溫室氣體排放量每年需減少7.6%。然而各國能源政策大相逕庭,恐讓巴黎協議難以達成目標。
中國是全球最大碳排放國,排放量比排名第二的美國高出90%,主要是因為65% 的電力來自於成本低廉的燃煤發電,但人民卻深受霧霾之苦。為了改善空汙,政府原計畫以天然氣取代煤炭並加速發展再生能源。然而在歷經2019 年初因天然氣供應不穩所導致的缺電窘境,政府去年底宣布擴大使用化石能源來穩定能源供給,興建多座燃煤電廠,加大國內油氣開發力度,再生能源從政策核心退於配角。
在美國,前總統歐巴馬提倡增加綠能發電來減緩氣候暖化,而川普卻計畫擴大化石能源使用量,振興煤炭產業,增加頁岩油開採量。未來十年內,美國頁岩油日產量預估將增加近七成至1,400 萬至1,500 萬桶。然而,各州政府反其道而行,持續關閉老舊的燃煤電廠,提供各種政策及補貼發展綠能。美國能源資訊局預估,今年再生能源發電占比將首度超越燃煤達21%。
歐洲高度仰賴能源進口,因而積極發展綠能。2019 年再生能源( 含水力發電) 占總發電量達到37%,高於中國的27% 及美國的17%。去年12 月,歐盟頒布綠色新政綱要 ( European Green Deal ),並在今年3月公布氣候法草案 ( Climate Law ),目標到2030 年碳排放量將比現在減少50% ~ 55%,2050 年前要讓歐洲成為世界上第一個碳中和的大陸。歐盟也針對各產業詳細規劃能源轉型方案,提供金融工具支持企業採用綠能;若從碳定價不如歐盟的國家進口貨物,歐盟也考慮進行徵稅,將對全球貿易帶來巨大影響。中美是否會因此加速能源轉型,亦成為各方關注的焦點。
如同歐洲各國,台灣90% 以上的能源仰賴進口。煤炭及天然氣發電占比分別達46% 及33%,再生能源只占4.9%。偏重於化石燃料的能源結構,使得台灣人均碳排放量高於全球平均,世界排名二十五,亞洲排名第一。為提升能源自主與兼顧環境永續發展,政府從2016 年開始推動能源轉型,目標到2025 年燃煤發電比重降到30%,核能退場,天然氣占比則提高至50%,再生能源比重增加到20%。再生能源裝置總容量需達27GW,其中20GW 來自太陽能,其餘為風力發電。
台灣位於亞熱帶,日照充足,且海岸狹長,東北季風強,具有發展太陽能及風力發電的潛力。然而,至今年三月,累積太陽能發電容量僅有3.9GW,風力發電容量只有0.8GW。導致進度嚴重落後的原因是政府缺乏全面性的規劃、複雜的土地變更及環評過程,加上鼓勵業者使用較昂貴的國產設備,降低業者投資再生能源的意願。再者,台灣電價為全球第三低,營業用電最低每千瓦新台幣2.12 元,民眾擔憂能源轉型會導致電價上漲。台灣應借鏡歐洲經驗,建構有系統且長遠的轉型政策,提供綠色金融工具及補貼吸引產業提高綠能使用量,並深耕綠色電力消費的宣導與教育,才能真正落實能源轉型。
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เผยโฉมตัวจริง All-New Nissan Note e-Power 2021 นิสสัน โน้ต อีเพาเวอร์ โฉมใหม่ เริ่มขาย 23 ธันวาคมนี้ ในประเทศญี่ปุ่น
ระบบขับเคลื่อน 2WD เครื่องยนต์รหัส HR12DE-EM47
รุ่น F ราคา 2,054,800 เยน
รุ่น S ราคา 2,029,500 เยน
รุ่น X ราคา 2,186,800 เยน
Evolution of e-POWER "e-POWER", which has evolved into the second generation, has renewed its motor and inverter. Compared to the predecessor "Note", the motor has improved torque by 10% and output by 6%, achieving more powerful and comfortable starting acceleration and a powerful feeling of acceleration when overtaking from medium and high speeds. The inverter is 40% smaller and 30% lighter than the first generation, and the efficiency of the engine is also improved, which not only improves acceleration performance but also improves fuel efficiency. In addition, by reducing the frequency of engine operation by controlling the system and improving the sound insulation performance of the car body, we have achieved a class of quietness despite being a compact car. In addition, we have developed the world's first control system that actively generates electricity when it is judged that road noise is large based on the road surface condition, and we are improving the quietness.
Advanced safety technology
in all directions Equipped with advanced safety technology that realizes 360 ° safety support, safety in all directions has been improved. In addition, "ProPilot (with Navilink function)" is installed for the first time * 2 . By adding a function linked with the navigation system to the professional pilot who supports driving operations when driving in the same lane on the highway, it is possible to switch the set speed according to the change in the speed limit and decelerate according to the size of the curve. The system assists the driver to reduce the frequency of operation and realize a safe and comfortable drive.
In addition, Nissan's first 1470MPa class ultra-high-tensile steel (ultra-high-strength steel plate for cold pressing) is used for the body frame to achieve both weight reduction and collision safety at a high level.
Exterior design that goes beyond the conventional wisdom of compact cars
A thin headlamp integrated with the front grille, a new V-motion chrome that connects to it, a character line that connects from the front to the rear with a single line, and a clean view that extends below it The advanced, clean and dynamic design of Nissan's new design language, such as the inflection of the richly sloping surface depending on the angle and the distinctive signature rear combination lamp with the shape of one horizontal character that spreads horizontally, while being compact It also has a striking presence. In addition, the front grille has a pattern inspired by Kumiko, a traditional Japanese craft, and has a "design that blends into the Japanese landscape." The sleek and advanced headlamps use a 4-unit LED projector * 3 . Similarly, the optional 16-inch aluminum wheels have a sharp and sophisticated design inspired by Japanese swords, and are designed to remind you of the driving performance of the "e-POWER." We have prepared a wide range of 13 body colors, including 2 tones of 2 colors, to create a lineup that customers can enjoy and choose according to their tastes. Nissan's new cool tone "Opera Move", which was developed for the advanced and dynamic "Vivid Blue" and the new "Note", is a color that suits sophisticated adults.
Advanced and comfortable interior space The
interior design realizes an advanced and comfortable space that overturns the common sense of compact cars. The instrument panel that expands outward is equipped with a meter integrated with the center display, embodying Nissan's new interior design concept that combines advanced feeling and ease of use suitable for electrification. In addition, the bridge-type center console on which a small electronically controlled shift lever sits is equipped with a large storage space and long reach armrests, so you can enjoy both comfortable driving with an innovative design. In addition, the center console in the front seat is equipped with highly convenient functions such as a wireless charger for smartphones * 3 . The rear seats are equipped with a reclining function, ensuring a class-leading spacious space in both the knee room and headroom. Furthermore, in the luggage compartment, by securing a wide opening and luggage compartment width, it is possible to store luggage without stress. Three types of interior colors and materials are available. The X grade is a combination of a jersey seat with gradation stripes and a synthetic leather armrest. The instrument panel also features carbon-like decorations and a long, horizontally-spreading matte chrome finisher for a clean, modern color coordination.

inflection 在 Josh the Intern Youtube 的最讚貼文
This stunning mountain top lake is found in Wales, UK just below the peak of Penygader. The lake is called Llyn Cau and is absolutely a hidden gem in the UK that is the perfect location for wild swimming.
We hiked up the Minffordd Path to reach the lake. We chose this hiking trail as it is said to be the most scenic as it is filled with mossy forests, waterfalls and incredible views of Snowdonia National Park.
I really hope you enjoy this hiking adventure in Snowdonia National Park, Wales and please let me know if you would like to see more hiking vlogs in the UK!
Music Used:
“Inflection” by Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0
“Soar” by Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0
#hiking #Wales #adventure
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inflection 在 快樂大學Happiness University Youtube 的最佳解答
感謝快樂大學x合作夥伴 lanyi 協助翻譯。
原影片頻道:Be Inspired
🔥人氣No.1影片:停止浪費你的生命【中文翻譯】STOP wasting your life|HU大推影片

inflection 在 jinzhu/inflection: Pluralizes and singularizes English nouns 的推薦與評價
Pluralizes and singularizes English nouns. Contribute to jinzhu/inflection development by creating an account on GitHub. ... <看更多>
inflection 在 Inflection Point - 服務內容 的推薦與評價
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