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Facing financial problems during the fighting periods against the pandemic
Dr Tan Chuan Hong: Welcome to free registration for attending 711 Mandarin Personal Financial Planning Forum.
The Chairman of the Malaysian Financial Planning Council Penang Chapter, Dr. Tan Chuan Hong urged the public to register to join the forum which will be held on July 11 (Sunday) at 2:30 pm. The forum “Knowledge, Attitude and Implementation of Personal Financial Planning during the Fighting Period against the Pandemic" is organised by Penang Chinese Town Hall Youth together with live broadcaster "Ling Listening to Your Heart".
He said that during the fighting period of more than a year against the pandemic, many people are facing financial pressures and suffering from mental illnesses such as depression, and there is a gradual increase in them.
Dr Tan Chuan Hong said that beside public hope that the government can give more assistance and revitalization packages to assist them, the council also hopes to provide more correct and positive financial management knowledge through this Personal Financial Planning forum. So that, the public can have a broader and long-term vision to deal with their own financial problems, whether it is to increase income and reduce expenditure, relieve debt pressure, prudent and smart investment or asset allocation and other arrangements as well as have a better understanding and wise decision-making.
"In terms of financial management attitude, we should handle financial crisis more carefully, and at the same time avoid overconfidence and fluke mentality to seek for opportunities of rapid gaining investment.”
Dr Tan Chuan Hong hopes that through this Personal Financial Planning forum, people can have a more rational attitude and strive to reduce emotional consumption when implementing their own money and avoid falling into investment scams with smarter financial management.
In addition, Penang Chinese Town Hall Youth YouTalk Online Bureau Chief said that the online live broadcast sharing session planned by Penang Chinese Town Hall Youth will mainly discuss about public welfare content related to citizens' awareness.
This is the sixth event which was also co-organized by the Penang Chapter of MFPC collaborated with famous artist Cindy Po 傅丽玲 ; and an interview will be carried out among Deputy President of Malaysian Financial Plaining Council Dr Chong Kok Fei who is also a Financial Education Manager of AKPK together with Chairman of MFPC Penang Chapter and Certified MFPC Trainer Dr Tan Chuan Hong.
Those who are interested in participating in this online Personal Financial Planning online forum can register for free (for the public) https://1st.mfpc.org.my/PublicEventRegistration/280, and (for MFPC members) through https://1st.mfpc .org.my and will get 2 CPDs points.
investment management中文 在 彭博商業周刊 / 中文版 Facebook 的精選貼文
【未來科技】Cathie Wood的烏托邦式變革福音
Cathie Wood成為了規模達6.3萬億美元的交易所買賣基金(ETF)行業的第一位明星──這行業本來不該有這種人物。她創辦了名為ARK Investment Management的公司,在短短幾年內從無利可圖的利基經營者發展成勢如破竹的成功人士。在疫情最嚴峻的時候,她依然堅決捍衛美好的未來,認為將來科技會讓一切事物變得更好、更有利可圖。這種看法是對科技變革和金融冒險深信不疑的次文化(subculture)的一部份,而這種日漸高漲的次文化在今年冬天臻於狂熱。即使是在新冠病毒大肆屠戮的情況下,股市依然飆升,毫不理會高企的失業率、大量倒閉的企業和逝去的生命。得到政府派發現金支票的散戶推高GameStop和其他迷因股票的行為令對沖基金震驚不已。Cathie Wood的迅速崛起象徵在金融市場上展開的一場鬥爭,在這裡,對加密貨幣之類的新科技帶來的成功希望(以及娛樂價值)興奮不已的投資者似乎正在戰勝懷疑論者。在玩笑中誕生的狗狗幣暴升了20000%。
正如Cathie Wood本人和她公司的研究經常提醒投資者的一點,一個世紀前,電氣化、電話和內燃引擎顛覆了這個世界。現在,她會告訴任何願意傾聽的人:人工智能、區塊鏈、DNA測序、能源儲存和機械人這五項科技正在帶來同樣深遠的經濟轉型。這些創新科技將匯集在一起,重新組合成諸如自動駕駛的士之類的東西,並引發一場促使薪金上升、價格下跌和利潤率擴大的完美經濟風暴。這將促使更多資金流入更快的科技創新,從而實現「良性循環」。
在通脹憂慮日益加劇的情況下,她作出了相反的預測,認為公司、員工和投資者將迎來某種黃金時代。Cathie Wood聲稱,經濟可以在不引發通貨膨脹的情況下快速增長,這是因為新科技(電池、DNA測序、機械人及其他技術)可以讓公司和員工的效率大大提高。
高科技未來的曙光是Cathie Wood生活哲學的核心,與她的宗教和政治觀點密切相關。去年,她在一個基督教播客中說道,在創立ARK時,她的目標是通過投資「即將改變世界的變革性技術來鼓勵新創造,上帝的新創造」。創新的勝利也很符合她的自由市場觀點。對於受到社會主義誘惑的年輕一代而言,她希望向他們展示,資本主義仍然可以發揮其魔力。——Ben Steverman、Claire Ballentine、Annie Massa;譯 楊飛
#CathieWood #ETF #ARKInvestmentManagement #科技變革 #經濟轉型
investment management中文 在 彭博商業周刊 / 中文版 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【轉廢為能 一「爐」永逸?】
【Cathie Wood的信徒們】
有女股神之稱的ARK Investment Management創辦人Cathie Wood,近來不濟的表現並沒有動搖她的信心。在疫情最嚴峻時,她依然堅決捍衛美好的未來,認為將來科技會讓一切事物變得更好、更有利可圖。