Oh yeah!! Guitar hero Skot Suyama (also one of the judges of the Expiration Date cover contest) is here to teach everyone how to play the song on the guitar! Pick up some of his tips and tricks, record your own and you may even get the chance to go into his recording studio and jam with him!
1. Record your cover in any style you like. Kalas and Stems provided in link below, and feel free to play an instrument or make something entirely original! Upload to YouTube, FB or IG.
Kala/Stems: http://bit.ly/ExpirationDateKalaStems
2. Send the video link to skrmusictw@gmail.com with the heading [Expiration Date-[Your Name]]
3. You've successfully entered the competition! Competition runs from today (10th of July to 10th of August). Looking forward to seeing everyone's creations!
First Prize (Judges' Pick): Visit producer Skot Suyama's studio and record your own version of 'Expiration Date' to be released digitally! Evangeline will also be present to assist with your backup vocals.
Second Prize (Judges' Pick): Receive a mystery present (very cool) and a signed postcard with some words of encouragement from Evangeline herself!
Popularity Prize: The person with the most video views will be invited to sing on stage with Evangeline at her very first solo performance at Backstage Cafe in Taipei on 8/24.
*All who enter are eligible for free entrance + 1 drink at Evangeline's 8/24 Backstage Cafe showcase.
1. 使用我們提供的kala帶/分軌/自彈自唱【保存期限】,並把完整的影片上傳到YouTube, IG或FB。以下也提供kala帶還有分軌給大家參考:http://bit.ly/ExpirationDateKalaStems
2. 請把影片連結發到skrmusictw@gmail.com,開頭寫【保存期限翻唱比賽-姓名】
3. 這樣就順利報名翻唱比賽了!比賽會從今天開跑到8月10日,晚上23:59。

Q: 活動會有哪些獎項?
A: 比賽重頭獎項有3個:前兩名是評審團隊(艷薇,製作人陶山老師,歌手Maggie傅又宣)的選擇,第三名是人氣獎,以影片點擊率來決定。所有保存期限歌唱比賽的參加者,都會在8/24艷薇個人Backstage後台演出自動獲得免費入場+兌換1杯飲料的權利 。



🏆第三名:得獎者將可以在8/24艷薇個人在後台Backstage Cafe音樂上台與她一起合唱【保存期限】這首歌!
Q: 應該用什麼方式詮釋這首翻唱呢?
A: 我們希望大家可以用自己最拿手的方式參加這個翻唱比賽,不管你是喜歡唱歌,喜歡編曲,喜歡自彈自唱,每個方式都可以的!以下也提供kala帶還有分軌給大家參考:http://bit.ly/ExpirationDateKalaStems
Q: 比賽什麼時候開始,什麼時候結束?
A: 比賽從現在開始!從7月10號到8月10晚上23:59,都可以以上面的比賽報名方式參加並分享你的作品給我們。
Q: 有問題要去哪裡問呢?
A: 如果有任何問題,可以私訊粉絲頁,或者直接發信到skrmusictw@gmail.com!