Companies attempt to address global sustainability challenges through innovating products, services, and business models. Strategic approaches to using intellectual property (IP) can create not only commercial, but also societal and environmental impact, systemically transforming businesses towards sustainability.
IP is becoming increasingly important as business assets. Digitalisation and intangible assets like IP will drive the acceleration of digital economy growth.
In this session we explore how we can create, sustain and grow intangible assets in IP to give impacts and benefits to society. Join us as we explain what Islamic IP is and how it can play a crucial role in your business sustainability moving forward.
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Knowledge Hub | Session 7
Islamic IP & Business Sustainability
11 Sept 2021, (Sat) | 12:45pm (Malaysia Time)
#intellectualproperty #IP #fintech #cybersecurity #islamicfinance #shariahscholar
#mihas2021 #ThinkHalalThinkMIHAS #TimeToExportIsNow #ChooseMalaysia #MATRADE
islamic economy 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
Social Market Economy (SocME) Perspectives webinar entitled "Are Universities Worth It? on
5th of September, 2021 at 9.00 am via Zoom Meeting.
Malaysia's tertiary, TVET and higher education system has been battered by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic which has affected not just finances and student numbers but the very foundations of the mission, vision and values of the system.
Do Malaysian universities deliver on their core mission? What is that mission? Do students get a fulfilling experience that equips them for life or even the future of work? Are academics respected, well prepared and supported in their mission?
What alternative models are available and how can the Malaysian tertiary, TVET and higher education system be reformed to face the future?
This webinar by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Malaysia will bring together thought leaders in Malaysian higher education and TVET along with graduates who have recently experienced alternative systems to share their views on the future of work and education and the possibilities of reform.
(Registration is required. Zoom Meeting ID and passcode will be sent via email.)
Session 1: The Higher Education World Today and In The Future
▶️ Associate Professor Dr Paolo Casadio
HELP University
▶️ Professor Geoffrey Williams
Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST)
▶️ YB Nurul Izzah binti Anwar
Member of Parliament for Permatang Pauh
Former Chair of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training
(TVET) Empowerment Committee
Moderator: Professor Terence Gomez, University Malaya
▶️ Professor Mohamed Aslam Haneef, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
islamic economy 在 紫丁香婦幼關懷協會 Facebook 的最讚貼文
國立中興大學 李宗儒教授
嶺東科技大學國際企業系助理教授 林永順
印尼為全球最大的穆斯林國家,印尼全國總人口數為2億5千萬,其中超過2億人為穆斯林,約佔總人口數的85%以上(詹喨嵎,2018)。State of the Global Islamic Economy Report(2020)研究指出印尼的整體穆斯林經濟排名從 2018 年的第十位上升至2019 年的第五位。其中,印尼近期啟動清真經濟總體計劃,其目標為 2024年使印尼成為全球清真產業的主要生產國,預計在2024年通過國家伊斯蘭教法金融活動,提高伊斯蘭金融在推動經濟成長的作用,該計畫提高印尼在清真旅遊的作用,強化清真食品和產品的生態系統。
過去,印尼的清真認證是透過民間具公信力之宗教協會「印尼伊斯蘭宗教學者理事會」(Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obat obatan dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia, LPPOM MUI)負責管理;自2014年印尼政府公布《清真產品認證法》(Law of Halal Product Assurance No.33),印尼政府成立官方清真認證局BPJPH(Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal, Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency),目前進入印尼清真市場必須具備印尼政府認證的BPJPH清真認證標章(如圖1)。印尼於2019年10月17日正式將清真認證事宜收歸政府管理,BPJPH是印尼清真認證唯一合法且官方的發證機構。在過渡期的期間,LPPOM MUI證書效期直到期滿日為止,並於2019年10月1日開始,印尼LPPOM MUI己失去發證資格。
新法規實施後,所有的清真認證的申請與核發都由BPJPH來負責,而BPJPH收到申請後必須在5天內指定清真稽核機構(Lembaga Pemeriksa Halal, LPH)前往稽核,LPH可由政府機關、大學或伊斯蘭教的組織負責擔任稽核角色,預計未來在印尼全國 300 餘家大學設立認可實驗室,培養清真認證人才。驗證機構(Certification Body, CB)由清真認證稽核機構(LPH)擔任,負責清真認證產品檢測,並提出產品檢測報告,LPH將稽核結果交給BPJPH後,BPJPH會將結果交給MUI進行判定,MUI需在30天內做出裁決並再將結果送回BPJPH;若審核通過,BPJPH將在7天內發證,證書有效期4年。此外,已取得證書之企業若違反清真認證規範,會被處以最高五年的監禁或最高20億印尼盾(約141,945美元)的罰款。此外,在國際互相認證部分,若有與印尼合作的國外清真機構所頒布的清真認證書,則不需在印尼重新申請清真認證標章,但須於產品販售前向BPJPH 登記
2.State of the Global Islamic Economy Report (2020). 2019/2020 State of the Global Islamic Economy Report。2021年6月30日取自 doc/661967144radC8C6E.pdf。
islamic economy 在 Class II : Certificate in Islamic Economics - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Class II : Certificate in Islamic Economics14 Aug 2022 | 09:00 am | Sunday1. Concepts in Islamic Economics2. The Role of Turath in ... ... <看更多>