一定有人會想要聽原始版本的, 我聽到了敲碗聲!立馬送上來了!當年在我們美國學校的舞會一定會有這首歌!
仔細聽Organ的音色真的是超有Fu 的!
同時也有144部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Sascha Heusermann 賀少俠,也在其Youtube影片中提到,來自義大利的吳子龍在台灣定居當音樂家、演員與電視節目藝人。他最近出的新歌 「我選擇快樂」展現吳子龍對人生充滿樂觀的態度。這個態度是怎麼來的呢?我們來聽聽看吧! Giovanni Voneki is an Italian musician, actor and TV show performer in...
italian tv 在 Thái Công Interior Design Facebook 的最佳解答
Villa Thái Công ở Sài Gòn tiếp tục lên tạp chí quốc tế: https://creativehomex.com/thai-cong-villa/
Thai Cong Villa is a daring experiment. With an all-black kitchen, the whole house is filled with a cinematic and artistic atmosphere. Everything depicts a life full of inspiration, passion, luxury and splendour, right down to the smallest detail.
Brimming with artistic details, this breathtaking villa belonging to interior designers Quách Thái Công and Huy Yves is located just a pleasant walk away from their design office. Like many other luxury houses in Thao Dien, a peninsula on the Saigon River in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, the villa is quiet, isolated and discreet from the front. However, with Thai Cong’s signature touch, the designers have found a way to surprise visitors with a sophisticated and delicate interior theme.
The outdoor space welcomes visitors with a row of green plants opening onto a discreet path that leads to the house. The path creates an immediate contrast with the hall, which has been renovated for easy navigation. From there, the designers applied spatial layers that are closely connected – components that are all the necessary basic elements but not ostentatious. Designed to skillfully direct guests’ emotions, the airy yet tight space keeps opening and closing, creating a rich experience.
A sense of anticipation arises at the grand double doors which open into the living room. In the living room are two large paintings of classic movie posters from the 1920s that the homeowners love are on display.
In the living room, Longhi sofa made of velvet, leather and copper is complemented by a marble-topped table with a leather-wrapped base, handcrafted in Italy. The TV cabinet, by Joe Colombo, has a 60s-style design, and is remade from Italian leather with a solid copper base. Next to it, the open kitchen creates a great impression with its all-black palette, a mirror-covered ceiling, and herringbone wooden floor.
The master bedroom occupies the upper floor of the villa, designed as a space meant solely for the designer couple. Thai Cong never hesitated to invest in the experience of waking up in the morning and living a life that he thinks is the most splendid: “Never having to set an alarm, never having to be on the phone, and drinking fresh orange juice every day”.
In the same vein, the bathroom is a first-class aesthetic statement, with enough space to set up a table and chairs for relaxing. A porcelain silver bathtub sits in the centre of the room, underneath an elegant crystal chandelier by Phillipe Starck.
Thai Cong Villa is truly the designers’ masterpiece, a place for Thai Cong to showcase his talent and unique aesthetic intuition. The spaces are also created as an artistic declaration that this designer has pursued all his life – an aesthetic beauty, honouring the ultimate standards of a classic style.
italian tv 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳解答
1) At times(時々)
at times は「時々」を意味し、sometimesの言い換え表現として使えます。sometimesより多少フォーマルな響きはありますが、友達同士の会話で使っても特に違和感はありません。この表現は一般的に文頭、または文末で使われます。
At times, I crave a bowl of ramen right before I go to bed.
I consider myself a pretty optimistic person but I worry about my future at times.
He’s usually a nice guy but he’ll say mean things at times.
2) Across the board(全体的に)
across the boardは、「全体的に」や「全体にわたって」または「一律に」を意味します。ビジネスの場でもよく耳にする表現で、一部のグループだけではなく、全ての部署、全ての従業員に関わる意味合いが含まれ、特に会社の方針や進め方を全面的に変える時によく使われる言い回しです。
Improvements need to be made across the board.
Our company is planning on cutting budgets across the board.
Stock prices are going up across the board right now.
3) Look around(周りを見る)
look aroundは「周りを見る」を意味する日常表現ですが、特に何か探し物をしているときに「いろいろと見る・探す」といった意味でよく使われます。例えば、財布を失くした友達に「色々見たけど見つからなかったよ」と伝える場合は、「I looked around but I couldn’t find your wallet.」と言います。
I looked around all over the living room but I couldn’t find your keys.
Let’s look around and see if there is an Italian restaurant around here.
I’ll look around the train station. Maybe you dropped your passport there.
4) To a certain degree(ある程度は)
to a certain degreeは「ある程度」を意味し、ビジネスシーンでも使える便利な表現です。degreeの代わりにextentを使ってto a certain extentと表現したり、to some degreeと表現することもできますが、どちらも同じ意味になります。
I agree with what you’re saying to a certain degree.
Stereotypes are not 100 percent accurate but they are true to a certain degree.
Talking to yourself in English is effective to a certain degree. But if you want to become a good English speaker, you have to go out and talk to people.
5) Portray(描写する)
Why are Asian people always portrayed as doctors in American TV shows?
This documentary portrays him as a greedy person.
How are millennials portrayed in the media in Japan?
本日ご紹介したフレーズは、iTunes Japanの「ベストポッドキャスト」に2017から4年連続選出されたHapa英会話の人気コンテンツPodcast第334回「外国人が抱くアメリカ人の印象」の内容の一部です。Podcastの全内容をご覧になりたい方は、Hapa英会話のブログをチェック!会話の全文、会話の要約、ピックアップしたフレーズ、ポッドキャストでは説明できなかった表現や言い回しが掲載されています。
italian tv 在 Sascha Heusermann 賀少俠 Youtube 的最佳解答
來自義大利的吳子龍在台灣定居當音樂家、演員與電視節目藝人。他最近出的新歌 「我選擇快樂」展現吳子龍對人生充滿樂觀的態度。這個態度是怎麼來的呢?我們來聽聽看吧!
Giovanni Voneki is an Italian musician, actor and TV show performer in Taiwan. His new single "I choose happiness" reflects his optimistic attitude towards life. Where does this positive attitude come from? Listen to our podcast to find out!
我選擇快樂MV: https://youtu.be/8aonKtaDeL4
我選擇快樂在Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6eFOVIWfIjtvkmlCRaV89x?si=UFTPGbeKQT-fTuOP2yZ2iQ&dl_branch=1
吳子龍的FB: https://www.facebook.com/giovannivoneki
吳子龍的IG: https://www.instagram.com/wuzilong_giovanni

italian tv 在 BIBI TV Youtube 的最佳解答
★ BIBI TV giới thiệu Video: Trò Chơi Lăn Bóng Nhận Quà ❤ BIBI TV ❤
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★ Tất cả các cảnh quay và video đều là giả tưởng và phục vụ mục đích nghệ thuật. Vui lòng liên hệ trực tiếp với chúng tôi nếu có vấn đề về an toàn nội dung.
★ All scenes in videos are fictional and for art purpose only. Please contact us for any concern on content safety.
© Bản quyền thuộc về BIBI TV ☞ Không Reup.
Youtube Audio Library
Italian Afternoon của Twin Musicom được cấp phép theo giấy phép Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Nghệ sĩ: http://www.twinmusicom.org/

italian tv 在 Appleが大好きなんだよ Youtube 的最佳解答
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・Panasonic Lumix GH5s
・Panasonic Lumix GH5
・Canon Power Shot G7X Mark II
・iPhone 12 Pro(Simフリー)
・iPhone 12 mini(Simフリー)
・iPadPro 11”(Simフリー)
・DJI OSMO Pocket
・Moment iPhone 外付けレンズ&専用ケース
Final Cut Pro X
Adobe Illustrator(スライド)
Adobe Photoshop(スライド)
Adobe Character Animator(アニメーション)
本編で使用した曲:Twin Musicomの「Italian Afternoon」はCreative Commons By Attribution License.(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/)によりライセンス付与されています。
アーティスト: http://www.twinmusicom.org/