Bright skies. Hot sun. Happy smiles. Family bliss. Hearts full of love and joy. How I treasure these precious moments with the kiddos....
We bumped into the hubby's ex-teacher today and in between having to carry a sleeping toddler and juggle two lively kids who were all over the place, we had a brief conversation. He was commenting on our young kids and when we asked about his kids and where they were, he said they went out on their own and added a line "Why will they want to come out with us now that they are all grown up?"
It made me cherish my life now even more, even if it means having to run after kids in all directions, having to break up fights, having to kiss booboos, having to wipe away tears, having to deal with "No"s, having to listen to incessant whines, having to multi-task every minute, having to eat leftovers, having not even a moment to sit still and type an IG post unless I am in the loo (which I will get banging on my door or shouts asking for "Mama" if I take longer than usual). While I do look forward to couple outings and movie dates, I do know I will miss this feeling of being surrounded by noisy, needy, active and absolutely adorable tiny beings. I know I will, badly.
It's truly such a blessing to be a mum.
#ahappymum #asahmstory #motherhood #reflection #deepinthoughts #ithinkalot #blessing #ilovemyfamily #mumof3 #soluckytohaveyouall #cherish