話時話,呢排記得keep 住like and share,主動入嚟睇,同埋設定做see first.真係搵食艱難。但感激大家
1. 小故事,可能有人聽過。甘地坐火車,跌咗一隻鞋落路軌,執唔返。結果佢就快手除埋另一隻鞋,掉埋落路軌。寓意好明顯:與其攬炒,不如益人。對方執到一隻鞋冇用,佢自己留住一隻鞋又冇用 —但佢掉埋另一隻,執到嗰個有一對,就會有用
2. 然後又講返Econ 101,substitutes and complements,同一款對鞋嘅左邊鞋同右邊鞋,就係perfect complements, 個”indifference curve”,一個個L字咁。用人話,就係度個Utility.一隻左一隻右,很好。三隻左三隻右,更好。但三隻左一隻右,同一隻左一隻右,應該係一樣嘅 (當然,你拎去炒就可能唔同,Lets say 米高佐敦最後一場著過嘅鞋,左邊畀人整唔見咗,得返右邊,都有得炒的)
3. 不過,又要改寫了。而家,買鞋就可以單丁咁買!其實好多年前已經有人提出過,但當然冇乜人真係大規模做。而家電商Zappos就可以畀你買一隻鞋。介紹返,間公司而家係萬惡嘅Amazon的
4. 點解要賣單邊鞋?倒唔係因為有人漏低一隻在路軌。
5. 首先係有人截肢,冇咗一隻腳(*),呢個「市場」幾大,但一路冇人理。
6. 另外亦都因為,其實好多人都係大細腳(其實我都係),左右腳唔同碼嘅。而家亦可以畀你買左右邊唔同碼。
7. 認真,其實胸圍都應該有得咁玩吧?正如大細眼好平常,兩邊胸一大一細都好常見,但好似冇乜人理呢個問題。真係藍海呀!寫個proposal 去呃 funding啦。You heard it first from Ivan
(*)六字故事:Sorry soldier. shoes sold in pairs。另一玩法就係For sale: baby shoes, never worn。中文呢?「她含了他的它」。
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ivan寓意 在 Jimmy Calligraphy Facebook 的最佳貼文
天下雜誌自1981年創刊以來,於2016年迎來35週年紀念,所以天下特別希望將這一本35週年特刊獻給劃時代「為台灣奮鬥的人」,動員台灣三代知名設計師:書法藝術家董陽孜、擔任葛萊美獎評審的包裝大師蕭青陽、金曲獎視覺統籌暨 JL DESIGN創辦人羅申駿,設計三款「為台灣奮鬥的人」封面。
JL DESGIN創辦人羅申駿封面設計概念:「共創美好」
在封面設計上JL DESIGN取藝術家董陽孜的書法字為外框,並邀請視覺藝術家安哲繪製插畫。安哲曾於2013年以作品《清道夫 The Dustman》入圍法國安古蘭國際漫畫節新秀獎,同年作品《禮物 The Gift》更於歐漫前衛漫畫節瑞士琉森Fumetto榮獲新秀獎首獎,2014則以作品《消失的226號 The Vanish no.226》獲得美國3x3當代插畫展優選, 在視覺藝術家、插畫家及演員的多重身份中都有出色表現。這次特別呼應雜誌內容的八大主題:生態、建築、企業、研究、社區、網路、設計、藝文,以插畫繪製出代表新一代「為台灣奮鬥的人」的視覺符號和元素。
JL DESIGN在部分書法筆畫中融入插畫,用色上則希望能夠突破傳統書法黑與白的主調,採用亮眼的藍色,象徵眾人美好的未來藍圖,並以細緻的紅色勾勒圖像,呼應天下雜誌的代表色。期望透過大膽的設計為天下雜誌注入突破以往形象的新鮮感,於頁面排版上亦創造出協調感與一致性,以深刻的文字和富含寓意的插畫,呈現出這樣勇敢逐夢的一群人集合起來共同發揮所長,在台灣創造出讓世界注目的獨有價值。
Credits /
Creative Agency: JL DESIGN
Creative Director: JL 羅申駿
Executive producer: Angela Moo 巫安琪
Project Manager: Jerry Fang 方宜正
Art Director: Lance Wei 魏良恩
Senior Designer: Hsiang Ju Hung 洪湘茹
Designer: Jarvis Lim 林旂鋒、Hio Cheng Choi 蔡曉正、Ivan Fang 方智弘
插畫家: Ahn Zhe 安哲
#天下雜誌 #為台灣奮鬥的人 #羅申駿為台灣設計開拓國際舞台
Launched in 1981, CommonWealth magazine is Taiwan's first political-economic magazine,for the 35th anniversary special edition, three famous artists belonging to different generation are invited to design for the cover of the magazine that is titled ‘Architects of Taiwan’s future’. Contemporary calligraphy artist Tong Yang-tze, album cover design specialist Xiao Qing-yang, who was a Grammy Award juror, and Johnason Lo, the founder of JL DESIGN and the on-air package creative director of the 25th and 26th Golden Melody Awards.
Concept of Cover Design: Together We Strive For A Better Future (by JL DESIGN)
For the cover design, illustration by Ahn Zhe is incorporated into the calligraphy written by artist Tong Yang-Tze. Ahn Zhe was named as one of the 20 Best New Artist at France’s 2013 Angouleme International Comics Festival. He was also honored with the young talent award at the Fumetto International Comix-Festival in Lucerne, Switzerland. In 2014, he was one of the finalists at the Merit, 3x3 Proshow, USA. Drawing on the disciplines that are featured in the special edition, the illustration is symbolic of the new generation of ‘Architects of Taiwan’s future’ in the area of ecology, architecture, business, research, community, network, design and art.
JL DESIGN combined illustration with calligraphy, turning the calligraphy writing bright blue to mean the blueprint of the future and making the illustration red to represent the CommonWealth Magazine. The bold design is a breakthrough for the magazine and a fresh look for its special edition. The combination of the two different art form illustrates how Taiwanese in coming together, can make Taiwan shine and be recognized for its unique talents internationally.