昨天和李宇春, Rain, 薛之谦,和幾位香港歌星明星同台演出。現在知道為什麼動手術到一半也要趕來澳門工作了吧?
重點還要和李宇春, Rain, 薛之谦等香港明星藝人同台。
鞋子穿不下內褲褲子全部大了一大圈好辛苦 感覺整身很重 很麻痹 也跌到了很多次
姐姐等下就一個人急飛台北市找我神醫 嘉仕美整形外科診所 李進良醫生 趕快繼續動手術來清理乾淨姐姐淋巴腺的膿和骯髒血和海鮮細菌等等病毒。
要在此感謝 @wnailinspired_glorynail @sammiwpw @jacky__j__ 前兩天丟下所有東西趕著幫忙姐姐把指甲拿掉因為要開刀不能有指甲油蓋著指甲的下半部。辛苦你們了
Just completed a huge event in Macao with A-listers headliners - Rain, Li YuChun, Joker Xue etc. Honored to be part of it and even more proud to be able to withstand all the pain i had to take n go thru to fit into my oerforming suit and heels when i have blood bag and tubes allover me LOL
The show was a success and now im rushing to airport to fly back to Taiwan @justmake_plastic_clinic and continue my Seafood Virus and lymph nodes surgery and puss clearing process (that i had put on hold for few days because i had to fly here to perform)
It wasnt easy without my medical team with me but i am glad and thankful that it is over and now i am back into their arms again Hah
Due to past weeks’ drippings and treatments my water detention level was off the hook. I cant fit into any of my underwear, pants, uniforms and shoes ☹️ Its bad ! I cant walk properly and i feel so heavy gosh
Worst, Cladding, clipping, and sticking the blood tubes and blood back to my uniform is NIGHTMARE ! I was so painful by touching it and i had to move and the uniform wasn’t cooperating 🤨
So, beware of seafood virus. It is FATAL ! Dont go thru what i am going thru because it is not easy.
#ilostmyleftboobtoseafoodvirus #DJLengYein #LengYein #單波戰士 #Macau
要看影片全在instagram story/fb story 裡面
IG 帳號 : @lengyein (最近都一直這裡回覆粉絲因為蠻好玩哈哈)