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🪢 俐媽英文教室—社工篇:
1. Social workers (n.)社會工作者
2. Broker (n.)中介者
3. Coordinator (n.)協調者
4. Enabler (n.)使能者
5. Resource advocate (n.) 資源倡導者
6. Generalists (n.) 綜融工作者
7. Advocacy (n.)倡導
8. community (n.)社區/群
9. charity (n.)慈善
10. consensus (n.)共識
11. Dignity (n.)尊嚴
12. Evaluation (n.) 評估
13. Executive (a.) 實施的
14. Ethics (n.)倫理
15. Empower (n.) 充權
16. Empathy (n.) 同理心
17. Intervention (n.) 介入
18. Neighborhood (n.) 社區
19. Partnership (n.) 夥伴關係
20. Socialization (n.) 社會化
21. Protection (n.) 保護
22. paradigm (n.) 典範
23. Process (v.)處理(資料)
24. referral (n.) 轉介
25. Screening (n.) 篩選
26. Termination (n.) 結案
27. Treatment (n.) 處遇
28. Unconscious (n.) 潛意識
29. well-being (n.) 福祉
30. Diagnose (vt.) 診斷
—> diagnosis (n.) 診斷
31. Critical (a.) 批判的
32. Genuine (a.) 真誠的
33. Objective (a.) 客觀的
34. Radical (a.) 激進的
35. Prescriptive (a.) 規範的
36. Ecosystem perspective (n.) 生態系統觀點
37. dual perspective (n.) 雙元觀點
38. residual view (n.) 殘補式觀點
39. Ethical dilemma (n.) 倫理困境
40. Self-disclosure (n.) 自我揭露
41. Person-in-situation (n.) 人在情境中
42. Competency-based (n.) 以能力為基礎的教育
43. Mental health (n.) 心理衛生
44. gerontological social work (n.) 老人社會工作
45. social activism (n.) 社會行動
46. de-professionalizing (n.) 去專業化
47. Human rights (n.) 人權
48. Social justice (n.) 社會正義
49. Profession integrity (n.) 專業誠信
50. anti-oppression (n.) 反壓迫
justice ethics 在 李怡 Facebook 的最佳解答
Time for a decisive battle (Lee Yee)
I wrote yesterday that “when the number of disqualified candidates reaches the maximum, the international community would come forth”. My friend reckons this a “new strategy”. Instead of a strategy, it is, I would say, the last option left by the National Security Law. Some agree, while others do not. A few raise questions or doubts. Here are my thoughts.
相關新聞:Paradoxical theory of Hong Kong organising U.S. riots (Lee Yee)
The US is leading the fight, with Japan coordinating with the foreign ministers of seven countries, the European Union claiming to indict China in the International Court of Justice in Hague, and the civilized world reacting way more intensely to the NSL than to the violation of human rights in Xinjiang concentration camp. Mike Pompeo’s comments, like “rogue behaviour” and “a choice between freedom and tyranny”, are harsh enough. All of this begs the question of what the US and the West are waiting for. With the NSL draft already released, why did Pompeo ask people to wait and see the results of the Legislative Council (LegCo) Election in September?
Although the NSL is disapproved by most of the civilized countries, both verbal censure and actual sanctions hinge on the LegCo Election in September - “an essential indicator”. But Why?
相關新聞:American violence v.s. Hong Kong violence (Lee Yee)
Pompeo has made it clear that if the CCP makes Hong Kong the same as Shanghai or Shen Zhen in the LegCo Election, the US will take Hong Kong as just another city in China, which means revoking all special treatment Hong Kong has been enjoying. Hong Kongers will be apparently victimized with a bitterly crumbling economy, even though Pompeo has not exactly said so.
Are Hong Kongers willing to be on the receiving end of it all? If Hong Kong’s pro-democracy camp shows acceptance of the NSL at the nomination stage of the LegCo Election, and gets elected with considerable votes, then the message delivered to the US would be that Hong Kongers are prepared to surrender to tyranny. To this end, the US will stop short of being meddlesome while deploying all defensive moves against Hong Kong like what it has been doing against China.
However, if Hong Kongers take to the streets as fiercely as what they did in the anti-extradition protests last year, it will go without saying that these freedom fighters are willing to stand at the frontline of global defence against tyranny.
The referendum on NSL walkout held last Saturday, which was not well publicized and prepared, has projected a wrong message to the international community: not many people are up in arms over the NSL. In light of this, the message conveyed to the world by the LegCo Election is pivotal.
The abovementioned pertain to the external situation. Internally, I have come across many online comments made by those who have no confidence in the pan-democracy camp. They believe there must be some candidates from the pan-democracy camp who will approve of the NSL in a bid to get qualified for the election, and urge the public to vote for them for collective interests. Some say that the incumbent legislators did not even dare to object to the National Anthem Law, not to mention saying no to the NSL. They suspect that the pan-democracy camp would sign an election agreement in which supporting the NSL is part of the deal, or the candidates would answer yes when asked by returning officers whether they side with the NSL, in order to take a seat in the LegCo.
Soon comes the primary election for the pro-democracy camp, and their real stance will be revealed in the debates.
The predicament Hong Kong is facing looks grim. The pan-democracy camp might not succumb to the NSL for being qualified for the election. But in case they do, I hope all the young people who care about the future of Hong Kong enroll in the election at their discretion, regardless of the primary election results, prescriptions or ethics. The more candidates running for seats of the LegCo, the voice are more widely spread. Imagine the picture when hundreds of candidates are disqualified. How can the US stand by?
If the Chinese Communist Party decides to step back for a while, and selectively disqualify a few youngsters, will too many candidates on the list dilute the votes and as a result only few are elected? Don’t worry. If that happens, some candidates from the pro-democracy camp will have to drop out in an attempt to secure enough votes for the seats. In election forums, the pro-establishment camp is bound to lose in the debates about the NSL. That being said, anyone who blatantly disapproves of the NSL is almost certainly to be disqualified.
Tam Yiuchung has mentioned that candidates must sign an agreement to show support for the Basic Law, and pledge loyalty to Hong Kong SAR. It is harmless to do so with these two terms, yet in no circumstances should they sign an agreement to show support for the NSL for the reason that so many clauses in the NSL violate the Basic Law. Their refusal should be made public so that the whole world knows how many LegCo candidates are disqualified after saying no to the NSL.
The NSL for Hong Kong has already been deplored by all civilized countries. The focus should be put on the revolt against the NSL in this LegCo Election. Other slogans like “independence of Hong Kong”, “self-determination”, “five demands”, and “liberate Hong Kong”, etc. should give way to avoid losing focus. The US and the western civilization only focus on the NSL for Hong Kong. The LegCo election is a decisive battle that is worth a fight.
justice ethics 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
[時事英文] 到底是 「 All Lives Matter」還是 「 Black Lives Matter」?
All lives can only matter when black lives matter.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on Friday expressed support for the Black Lives Matter movement by posting an email exchange with an upset customer.
1. express support 表達支持
2. the Black Lives Matter movement 「黑人的命也是命」運動
3. an email exchange 通信
4. an upset customer 憤怒的顧客
週五,亞馬遜執行長貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)發布了一封其與一名憤怒的顧客互通的電子郵件,來表達對「Black Lives Matter」運動的支持。
In an Instagram post, Bezos posted a screenshot of an email from a customer who said it was “disturbing” and “offensive” that Amazon posted a message on its website in solidarity with the movement. The customer, whose name was blurred, wrote “ALL LIVES MATTER!”
5. post a screenshot 發布一張截圖
6. disturbing and offensive 讓人心煩且令人作嘔的
7. in solidarity with 聲援⋯⋯;與⋯⋯一致
8. All lives matter. 所有人的命都是命。
在 Instagram 的貼文中,貝佐斯發布了一封來自顧客電子郵件的截圖,該顧客稱亞馬遜在官網上聲援此項運動的訊息是「使人心煩」且「令人作嘔的」。該名顧客(姓氏已被塗黑)寫道——「所有人的命都是命!」
Critics of the Black Lives Matter movement often seek to counter the phrase by saying “all lives matter” or “blue lives matter,” referencing fallen police officers.
9. seek to counter 伺機反駁
10. reference (v.) 論及
11. fallen police officers 殉職的警察
批評「Black Lives Matter」運動的人通常會以「all lives matter」或「blue lives matter」——係指殉職的警察——來伺機反駁此項運動。
“I have to disagree with you,” Bezos replied.″
"'Black Lives Matter' doesn’t mean other lives don’t matter. Black lives matter speaks to racism and the disproportionate risk that Black people face in our law enforcement and justice system.”
12. speak to sth 談論…
13. a disproportionate risk 過高的風險
14. the law enforcement and justice system 執法與司法系統
「我無法同意你,」貝佐斯回覆道。「說『Black Lives Matter』並不表示其他人的命就不重要。Black Lives Matter 指責了種族歧視,以及黑人在我們的執法與司法系統中所面臨的過高風險。」
Unlike black parents, Bezos said, he will never have to worry that his son “might be choked to death while being detained one day.” He added that he supports the recent protests around police brutality.
“I want you to know I support this movement that we see happening all around us and my stance won’t change,” he added.
15. never have to worry about 永遠無須擔心⋯⋯
16. be choked to death 被掐死;窒息而死
17. be detained 被拘留
18. support the recent protest 支持近期的抗議活動
19. police brutality 警察暴行
20. stance (n.) 立場
1. All lives matter, not only black ones.
Of course all lives matter! We can address racial discrimination towards all races, poverty, injustice, and other social issues at any time, but the focus now is on the Black Lives Matter movement.
When there is intense public scrutiny of social issues, it gives governments the motivation and support they need to address these issues. Moreover, by focusing on Black Lives Matter at the moment, we are able to examine underlying factors such as wealth inequality, indirect discrimination, and other injustices, all of which affect all races! The Black Lives Matter movement calls attention to these underlying issues.
這點絕對毋庸置疑!我們雖可同時處理因種族、貧困、不公不義以及其他社會問題所帶來的種族歧視,惟現階段的重點乃在於「Black Lives Matter」。當大眾格外關注某一議題時,將能提供政府解決問題所需的動力與支持。此外,藉由「Black Lives Matter」運動,我們便能檢視財富不平等、間接歧視以及其他的不公不義,以裨益所有群體。「Black Lives Matter」運動喚起了大眾對這些問題的關注。
2. Discrimination and prejudice exist everywhere. Protesting will only make things worse.
Nearly all the rights we possess today are founded on the sacrifices of the generations before us through hundreds if not thousands of years of civil movements and reforms. Voicing injustice and grievances is an effective way to help our society become aware of social issues and take action. A recent example is the discrimination against Asian Americans in the US. If they had not spoken up against discrimination, there would not be sufficient public pressure to condemn those who wrongly pin the blame of the pandemic on them.
3. George Floyd had a criminal past. Why wasn’t this reported?
Video footage shows that Floyd was not behaving in a violent manner during his arrest, was not armed, and was not suspected of a violent crime. The claim that his criminal past was not reported is false as it was covered by the Guardian, NPR, and other press. Some news outlets might not have published this because past events have no bearing on how George Floyd was detained and treated. Some might also easily conflate these events and not focus on the current movement.
4. The government has not done anything wrong. Those who support the Black Lives Matter movement are condoning rioting and looting.
政府並沒有做錯事。那些支持「Black Lives Matter」運動的人,正在縱容暴亂與搶劫的發生。
A democratic government exists to serve the people, but citizens in democracies must also agree to abide by the rules and obligations by which they are governed. Democracies grant many freedoms to their citizens, including the freedom to dissent and criticize the government.
When a government violates the fundamental human rights of its citizens, it is the civic responsibility of citizens to protest and redress these infringements and violations. Unfortunately, some are so frustrated with the inaction of the government that they will resort to violence to make themselves heard. There are also some who take the opportunity to benefit themselves through rioting and looting. Such actions should be condemned to the full extent of the law.
It is common to base on our opinion of a complex issue on our own biases and tidbits of information provided by mainstream news outlets. However, for us to resolve any complex issue, we must seek to understand, analyze, and evaluate these issues in depth from multiple perspectives. While current social problems are difficult to solve, they present a chance for us to come together and change the world for the better!
What is Black Lives Matter?
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