洪常秀、阿諾.戴普勒尚等名導則未如事前各界預料,沒有進入主競賽,被安排在「首映單元」。至於在「一種注目」部分,奧地利籍華裔導演陳熠霖的《尋找》順利入選,該片由台灣影星柯震東、林哲熹與中國演員曾美慧孜主演,拍攝地點即在台灣。作品《構築心方向 Columbus》(2017)曾來過台北電影節放映的韓裔美籍導演Kogonada也入選該單元。中國導演那嘉佐也以《街娃兒》入選。
本屆的評審團主席將是美國導演史派克.李(Spike Lee),開幕片將是李歐.卡霍的《Annette》,該片同時也是競賽片。美國影星茱蒂.佛斯特(Jodie Foster)則獲得相當於終身成就獎的榮譽金棕櫚殊榮。
李歐.卡霍 Leos Carax
《法蘭西快報 The French Dispatch》美國🇺🇸
魏斯.安德森 Wes Anderson
《聖慾 Benedetta》荷蘭🇳🇱法國🇫🇷
保羅.范赫文 Paul Verhoeven
《A Hero》伊朗🇮🇷
阿斯哈.法哈蒂 Asghar Farhadi
《Tout S'est Bien Passé》法國🇫🇷
佛杭蘇瓦.歐容 François Ozon
《Tre Piani》義大利🇮🇹法國🇫🇷
南尼.莫瑞提 Nanni Moretti
茱莉亞.迪古何諾 Julia Ducournau
《Red Rocket》美國🇺🇸
西恩.貝克 Sean Baker
《Petrov's Flu》俄羅斯🇷🇺德國🇩🇪法國🇫🇷瑞士🇨🇭
基里爾.賽勒布倫尼科夫 Kirill Serebrennikov
布魯諾.杜蒙 Bruno Dumont
賈斯汀.克佐 Justin Kurzel
阿比查邦.韋拉斯塔古 Apichatpong Weerasethakul
馬哈馬特-薩雷.哈隆 Mahamat-Saleh Haroun
《Paris 13th District》法國🇫🇷
賈克.歐迪亞 Jacques Audiard
《The restless》比利時🇧🇪
喬坎拉.佛斯 Joachim Lafosse
《La Fracture》法國🇫🇷
凱薩琳.科西妮 Catherine Corsini
《The Worst Person in the World》挪威🇳🇴瑞典🇸🇪法國🇫🇷
尤沃金.提爾 Joachim Trier
《Compartment NO.6》芬蘭🇫🇮俄羅斯🇷🇺
尤侯.郭斯曼寧 Juho Kuosmanen
《Casablanca beats》墨西哥🇲🇽法國🇫🇷
納比.爾艾尤奇 Nabil Ayouch
《Ahed’s Knee》以色列🇮🇱法國🇫🇷
那達夫.拉匹Nadav Lapid
《Drive My Car》日本🇯🇵
《Bergman Island》法國🇫🇷巴西🇧🇷德國🇩🇪墨西哥🇲🇽
米雅.韓桑-露芙 Mia Hansen-Love
《The Story of My Wife》匈牙利🇭🇺法國🇫🇷德國🇩🇪義大利🇮🇹
伊爾蒂蔻・恩伊達 Ildikó Enyedi
《Flag Day》美國🇺🇸
西恩.潘 Sean Penn
(主席)安德莉亞.阿諾德 Andrea Arnold(導演、編劇)英國🇬🇧
瑪尼亞.梅杜爾 Mounia Meddour(導演、編劇、製片)阿爾及利亞🇩🇿
艾莎.齊柏斯汀 Elsa Zylberstein(演員)法國
丹尼爾.布曼 Daniel Burman(導演、製片、編劇)阿根廷🇦🇷
麥可.安傑洛.柯維諾 Michael Angelo Covino(導演)美國🇺🇸
《The Innocents》挪威🇳🇴
艾斯基.佛格 Eskil Vogt
《After Yang》美國🇺🇸
《Commitment Hasan》土耳其🇹🇷
森米.卡潘諾古 Semih Kaplanoglu
*法迪瑪.約翰森 Valdimar Jóhannsson
《Noche De Fuego》墨西哥🇲🇽
塔蒂雅.胡艾瑣 Tatiana Huezo
《Bonne mère》法國🇫🇷
阿芙皙雅.艾薇 Hafsia Herzi
《House arrest》俄羅斯🇷🇺
小阿列克謝.蓋爾曼 Aleksey German Jr.
《Blue Bayou》美國🇺🇸
賈斯汀.鍾 Justin Chon
《尋找 Moneyboys》奧地利🇦🇹台灣🇹🇼比利時🇧🇪法國🇫🇷
*陳熠霖 C.B. Yi
*賈西亞.基尼斯 Gessica Geneus
《Un Monde》比利時🇧🇪
*勞拉.汪戴爾 Laura Wandel
《Women Do Cry》保加利亞🇧🇬
米娜.米列娃 Mina Mileva & 凡塞拉.卡扎科娃 Vesela Kazakova
《La Civil》羅馬尼亞🇷🇴比利時🇧🇪
*緹奧朵拉.安娜.米赫伊 Teodora Ana Mihai
《Unclenching the Fists》俄羅斯🇷🇺
姬拉.高維蘭高 Kira Kovalenko
《Let Their Be Morning》以色列🇮🇱
艾朗.柯里林 Eran Kolirin
《Rehana Maryam Noor》孟加拉🇧🇩
阿卜杜拉.穆罕默德.薩阿德 Abdullah Mohammad Saad
《Great Freedom》奧地利🇦🇹
賽巴斯汀.邁瑟 Sebastian Meise
《街娃兒 Gaey’s Wa’r》中國🇨🇳
《Mes Freres Et Moi》法國🇫🇷
約翰.曼可Yohan Manco
《Onoda, 10 000 Nights in the Jungle》法國🇫🇷德國🇩🇪比利時🇧🇪義大利🇮🇹(開幕片)
亞瑟.拉哈利 Arthur Harari
柯諾.穆恩德秋 Kornel Mundruczo
阿諾.戴普勒尚 Arnaud Desplechin
安德莉亞.阿諾德 Andrea Arnold
《Love Song for Tough Guys》法國🇫🇷
山繆.班傑奇 Samuel Benchetrit
《Mothering Sunday》法國🇫🇷
伊娃・胡遜 Eva Husson
《Hold Me Tight》法國🇫🇷
馬修.亞瑪希 Mathieu Amalric
《In Front of Your Face》南韓🇰🇷
洪常秀 Hong Sang-Soo
廷.普Ting Poo & 李歐.史考特 Leo Scott
《Jane Par Charlotte》法國🇫🇷
夏綠蒂.甘斯柏 Charlotte Gainsbourg
《JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass》美國🇺🇸
奧利佛.史東 Oliver Stone
加斯帕.諾埃 Gaspar Noe
《Marx Can Wait》義大利🇮🇹
馬可.貝洛奇歐 Marco Bellocchio
《龍與雀斑公主 Belle》日本🇯🇵
細田守 Mamoru Hosoda
《De son vivant》法國🇫🇷
艾曼紐.貝考 Emmanuelle Bercot
《緊急迫降 Emergency Declaration》南韓🇰🇷
韓在林 Han Jae-Rim
《The Velvet Underground》美國🇺🇸
陶德.海恩斯 Todd Haynes
湯瑪士.麥卡錫 Tom McCarthy
瓦萊麗.樂梅西埃 Valérie Lemercier
《BAC Nord》法國🇫🇷
賽德里克·希門尼茲 Cédric Jimenez
《Where is Anne Frank》比利時🇧🇪法國🇫🇷荷蘭🇳🇱盧森堡🇱🇺以色列🇮🇱
阿里.福爾曼 Ari Folman
《Babi Yar. Context,》烏克蘭🇺🇦
瑟蓋.洛茲尼察 Sergei Loznitsa
*葉.葉 Yé Yé
《Black Notebooks》以色列🇮🇱
施羅米.艾爾米茲 Shlomi Elkabetz
《Mariner of the Mountains》巴西🇧🇷
凱里.阿努茲 Karim Ainouz
《The Year of the Everlasting Storm》
賈法.潘納希 Jafar Panahi伊朗🇮🇷
陳哲藝 新加坡🇸🇬
馬立克.維塔爾 Malik Vitthal美國🇺🇸
蘿拉.柏翠絲Laura Poitras美國🇺🇸
多明嘉.索朵瑪悠 Dominga Sotomayar智利🇨🇱
大衛.羅利 David Lowery美國🇺🇸
阿比查邦.韋拉斯塔古 泰國🇹🇭
《Party: New World, The Cradle of a Civilisation》希臘🇬🇷美國🇺🇸
安德魯.穆斯卡托 Andrew Muscato
《Mi iubta Mon amour》法國🇫🇷
*諾耶米.梅蘭特 Noémie Merlant
《Les Heroiques》法國🇫🇷
麥西姆.羅伊 Maxime Roy
《熱帶往事 Are You Lonesome Tonight?》中國🇨🇳
*温仕培 Wen Shipei
《時代革命 Revolution Of Our Times》香港🇭🇰
周冠威 Kiwi Chow
《Bloody Oranges》法國🇫🇷
尚-克里斯多福.莫里斯 Jean-Christophe Meurisse
拉呂兄弟 The Larrieu Brothers
奧黛麗.埃司徒格 Audrey Estrougo
考瑟.班.哈尼亞 Kaouther Ben Hania(導演、編劇)突尼西亞🇹🇳
涂娃.娜蘿特妮 Tuva Novotny(導演、編劇、編劇)瑞典🇸🇪
艾莉絲.溫諾克爾 Alice Winocour(導演、編劇)法國🇫🇷
薩摩赫.阿拉 Sameh Alaa(導演、製片、作家)埃及🇪🇬
卡洛斯.穆基羅 Carlos Muguiro(導演、編劇、策展人)西班牙🇪🇸
尼可拉斯.帕里澤 Nicolas Pariser(導演、編劇)法國🇫🇷
《North Pole》北馬其頓🇲🇰塞爾維亞🇷🇸
瑪麗亞.阿賽夫斯卡Marija Apcevska
薩米爾.卡拉霍達 Samir Karahoda
《In the Soi》丹麥🇩🇰
卡斯帕.凱德森 Casper Kjeldsen
穆罕曼德里札.梅哈尼 Mohammadreza Mayghani
《The Right Words》法國🇫🇷
艾德里安.莫塞.杜林 Adrian Moyse Dullin
《Through the Haze》葡萄牙🇵🇹
狄亞哥.薩爾加多 Diogo Salgado
卡洛斯.塞岡多 Carlos Segundo
《天下烏鴉 All The Crows In The World》香港🇭🇰
唐藝 Tang Yi
《August Sky》西班牙🇪🇸
賈思敏.泰努奇 Jasmin Tenucci
《雪雲 Absence》中國🇨🇳
鄔浪 Wu Lang
《The Crusade》法國🇫🇷
路易.卡瑞 Louis Garrel
《Above Water》尼日🇳🇪法國🇫🇷比利時🇧🇪
艾伊莎.梅加 Aïssa Maïga
《Invisible Demons》印度🇮🇳
拉胡爾.賈恩 Rahul Jain
西席爾.迪昂 Cyril Dion
《無去來處 I Am So Sorry》法國🇫🇷中國
趙亮 Zhao Liang
《Bigger Than Us》法國🇫🇷
芙蘿.瓦瑟 Flore Vasseur
《La Panthère des neiges》法國🇫🇷
瑪莉.阿米蓋 Marie Amiguet
(圖為入選主競賽的《The French Dispatch》,由魏斯.安德森執導。)
justin anderson son 在 stu sis Facebook 的精選貼文
[153701] 20501. Icewear Vezzo - Exclusive (2020)★★
[153702] 20502. Isa - Up All Night (2020)★★
[153703] 20503. iyla - Tattoo Tears (2020)★★__Embryo
[153704] 20504. Jackboy & TEC - For That (2020)★★
[153705] 20505. JAYLIEN - Paradise (2020)★★
[153706] 20506. Jessie Reyez - No Sweat (2020)★★
[153707] 20507. Jimmy - Somehow (2020)★★
[153708] 20508. Joey Bada$$ - Rap$ (2020)★★__Levi Turner
[153709] 20509. John Anderson - Years (2020)★★
[153710] 20510. John Legend - Conversations In The Dark (2020)★★
[153711] 20511. John Wayne - Don't Get Got (2020)★★
[153712] 20512. Johnny Goth - The Better Place (2020)★★
[153713] 20513. Josh Alias - Was It Worth It (2020)★★
[153714] 20514. Josiah Johnson - World's Not Gonna End (2020)★★
[153715] 20515. JPDREAMTHUG - Carousel (2020)★★
[153716] 20516. Justin Bieber - Changes (2020)★★__Michael D. Ratner
[153717] 20517. K1 - Designer Drip (2020)★★
[153718] 20518. Keev - You Got Me Owned (2020)★★
[153719] 20519. Kevin Krauter - Opportunity (2020)★★__Josh Smukal
[153720] 20520. Key Glock - 1997 (2020)★★
[153721] 20521. Key Glock - I'm Just Sayin (2020)★★
[153722] 20522. Khakii - LAZY (2020)★★
[153723] 20523. Kiana Ledé - Mad At Me. (2020)★★__Kat Webber
[153724] 20524. Kid Tana - Paranoid (2020)★★
[153725] 20525. Kliicks - Pain (2020)★★
[153726] 20526. KOTA the Friend - Open On Sunday (2020)★★
[153727] 20527. KOTA the Friend - She (2020)★★
[153728] 20528. Krewella - Greenlights (2020)★★
[153729] 20529. Ksav - Composed (2020)★★
[153730] 20530. Ksav - Lessons Learned (2020)★★
[153731] 20531. K-Trap - Paid The Cost (2020)★★
[153732] 20532. L'A Tone - On Dat Corner (2020)★★
[153733] 20533. languid.oceans - dap (2020)★★
[153734] 20534. languid.oceans - sway in the morn (2020)★★
[153735] 20535. Last Island - It's a Game (2020)★★
[153736] 20536. Lil Baby - Catch the Sun (2020)★★
[153737] 20537. Lil Eto & The Alchemist - The Pot (2020)★★
[153738] 20538. Lil Pino - Mya Mills (2020)★★
[153739] 20539. Lil Sleep the Sandman - Sticks (2020)★★
[153740] 20540. LilCJ Kasino - Dry Fit (2020)★★
[153741] 20541. Lily Rayne - How Could You (2020)★★
[153742] 20542. LiZZi - Try (2020)★★
[153743] 20543. Locx - Treesha (2020)★★
[153744] 20544. Lofty - Gossip (2020)★★
[153745] 20545. Lord Gasp - Fluorescent (2020)★★
[153746] 20546. LR - Don't Ride Back (2020)★★
[153747] 20547. M Dot R - Bike (2020)★★
[153748] 20548. Madge - Headshot (2020)★★
[153749] 20549. M20 & N9 - Bitch (2020)★★
[153750] 20550. Mac Miller - Woods (2020)★★__Anthony Gaddis, Eric Tilford
[153751] 20551. Man Man - Cloud Nein (2020)★★
[153752] 20552. Mariah & Guaynaa - Taxi (2020)★★
[153753] 20553. Marlo - Heartless (2020)★★
[153754] 20554. Marlo, Future & Lil Baby - 1st N 3rd (2020)★★
[153755] 20555. Marxie - Shopping Spree (2020)★★
[153756] 20556. Matt Helfer - Highs and Lows (2020)★★‒
[153757] 20557. Max ThaDemon & Ciggy Black - Knoccers (2020)★★
[153758] 20558. Maxxkii - Trump 2020 (2019)★★
[153759] 20559. MAZIWITHAPUSHSTART - Dust (2020)★★
[153760] 20560. Meek Mill & Justin Timberlake - Believe (2020)★★
[153761] 20561. Meghan Trainor & Nicki Minaj - Nice to Meet Ya (2020)★★__Mathew Cullen
[153762] 20562. Mental K - Mona Lisa (2020)★★
[153763] 20563. Miss LaFamilia - Big Smoke (2020)★★
[153764] 20564. Mitch - Couldn't Give It Up (2020)★★
[153765] 20565. Mk.gee - Dime: Quarterback (2020)★★
[153766] 20566. Nez & ScHoolboy Q - Wild Youngster (2020)★★
[153767] 20567. Nilez - Progression (2020)★★
[153768] 20568. NitoNB - Lightwork Freestyle 2 (2020)★★
[153769] 20569. Octavian - Death Of A Traitor Freestyle (2020)★★
[153770] 20570. Odie - Slowly (2020)★★
[153771] 20571. Oh Wonder - Happy (2020)★★
[153772] 20572. Oh Wonder - In and Out of Love (2020)★★
[153773] 20573. Osh - Suck It Up (2020)★★
[153774] 20574. Palehound - See A Light (2020)★★
[153775] 20575. Parisalexa - Chocolate (2020)★★
[153776] 20576. Patoranking - Feelings (2020)★★
[153777] 20577. Paul Wall, Statik Selektah & Benny - Overcame (2020)★★
[153778] 20578. Payroll Giovanni - Ex Dealer Flow (2020)★★
[153779] 20579. Peso Peso - Enchilada (2020)★★
[153780] 20580. Peso Peso & Maxo Kream - I Was Trapping (2020)★★
[153781] 20581. Phony Ppl & Megan Thee Stallion - Fkn Around (2020)★★
[153782] 20582. Plies & Jack Boy - Christian Lou Lou (2020)★★
[153783] 20583. Pop Smoke - Christopher Walking (2020)★★
[153784] 20584. PREP & Anna of the North - Over (2020)★★
[153785] 20585. Pressa - O.T.M (Out The Mud) (2020)★★
[153786] 20586. Princess Nokia - Green Eggs & Ham (2020)★★
[153787] 20587. Psychool TW: Stanford畢業的他竟然曾是職業賭徒?Jnco專訪特輯(上) (2020)★★
[153798] 20588. Psychool TW:老師他做Beat!——8 Ball神曲"塑膠",HowZ最喜歡的Remix版本是? (2020)★★
[153789] 20589. Psychool TW:老師他做Beat!——他以前做電音,現在做Lofi HipHop?! (2020)★★
[153790] 20590. Psychool TW:老師他做Beat!——冷靜地做出很兇的Beat / 幹話才是本體 (2020)★★
[153791] 20591. TOBi & The Game - City Blues (Remix) (2020)★★
[153792] 20592. R.A & Ard Adz - Country (2020)★★
[153793] 20593. R4ID - Underground (2020)★★
[153794] 20594. Ramz - Belong To The Streets (2020)★★
[153795] 20595. Ratlin - Intro (2020)★★
[153796] 20596. Real Estate - Paper Cup (2020)★★
[153797] 20597. Reason - Show Stop (2020)★★
[153798] 20598. Rekky - Anti Social (2020)★★
[153799] 20599. RICH - Turbo (2020)★★
[153800] 20600. Richi - Blocka (2020)★★
[153801] 20601. Rico Nasty - IDGAF (2020)★★
[153802] 20602. Riz 1ne - Trapstar (2020)★★
[153803] 20603. Rockness Monsta & Ron Browz - Pay Me (2020)★★
[153804] 20604. Ronn - 他/她 (2020)★★
[153805] 20605. R-Truth - Set It Off (2020)★★
[153806] 20606. Russ & Buni - Unruly (2020)★★
[153807] 20607. Ruste Juxx - One Day Baby (2020)★★
[153808] 20608. RY X & Ólafur Arnalds - Oceans (2020)★★
[153809] 20609. Rzo Munna & Soze - Me (2020)★★
[153810] 20610. S Dog - TeamIsmailKhan (2020)★★
[153811] 20611. S Loud & Carns Hill - Nobody (2020)★★
[153812] 20612. Sada Baby - Say Whoop (2020)★★
[153813] 20613. Sam Smith - To Die For (2020)★★__Grant Singer
[153814] 20614. SASI & Rich Nomadic - Mud (2020)★★
[153815] 20615. Sauce Twinz - Moon (2020)★★
[153816] 20616. Savvy Student - James Brown (2020)★★
[153817] 20617. Saweetie & GALXARA - Sway With Me (2020)★★
[153818] 20618. Sébastien Tellier - A Ballet (2020)★★
[153819] 20619. Sega Bodega - Salv Goes To Hollywood (2020)★★__Jade Jackman
[153820] 20620. senses - i don't wanna change (2020)★★
[153821] 20621. ShooterGang Kony - A Sinner's Story (2020)★★
[153822] 20622. ShooterGang Kony - Jungle (2020)★★
[153823] 20623. Shotta Spence - Arriba (2020)★★
[153824] 20624. SI - Street Hearted (2020)★★
[153825] 20625. SK - End Up Dead (2020)★★
[153826] 20626. Ske7ch, Baseman & CB - Bando (2020)★★
[153827] 20627. Skengdo - Badness (2020)★★
[153828] 20628. Skengdo - Lightwork Freestyle (2020)★★
[153829] 20629. Skore Beezy - Big Upti (2020)★★
[153830] 20630. Skrxllaa - No Threats (2020)★★
[153831] 20631. SKT - Gelato (2020)★★
[153832] 20632. Smooky MarGielaa - Bounce Out (2020)★★
[153833] 20633. Snak the Ripper - Blah (2020)★★
[153834] 20634. Snap Capone, Stardom & Omo Frenchie - Style Pattern (2020)★★
[153835] 20635. Snubbs - Bandit Freestyle (2020)★★
[153836] 20636. Snubbs - The Box (2020)★★
[153837] 20637. Sofie - Truth of the Matter (2020)★★
[153838] 20638. Son Little - bbbaby (2020)★★
[153839] 20639. Sparkz, Blackz, Yamz & Lil Rass - Hells Kitchen (2020)★★
[153840] 20640. Statty - Acting (2020)★★
[153841] 20641. Stormzy - Disappointed (2020)★★
[153842] 20642. Str3tch - The Box Freestyle (2020)★★
[153843] 20643. Sukihana - Pretty and Ratchet (2020)★★
[153844] 20644. Sunny Jain - Wild Wild East (2020)★★
[153845] 20645. Super Junior - 2YA2YAO! (2020)★★
[153846] 20646. SuperMariho - Boi Freestyle (2020)★★
[153847] 20647. Suspect - Reload (2020)★★
[153848] 20648. Swaghollywood - Fluent (2020)★★
[153849] 20649. Swaghollywood - Swoo Season (2020)★★
[153850] 20650. SwerveLordd - No Such Thing (2020)★★
[153851] 20651. Sylent - Gang To Trappy (2020)★★
[153852] 20652. SZ - In The Mud (2020)★★
[153853] 20653. T Mulla - Insane (2020)★★
[153854] 20654. T1 - T's Up (2020)★★
[153855] 20655. Tabby - Kelly Green (2020)★★
[153856] 20656. Teewon, J Sina & Kruegar - No Manners (2020)★★
[153857] 20657. Termanology - Travel The World (2020)★★
[153858] 20658. Terrace Martin - Lies (2020)★★
[153859] 20659. Terry - Take the Cellphone (2020)★★
[153860] 20660. The Four Owls - Honour Codes (2020)★★
[153861] 20661. The Twilite Tone - Space Invader (2020)★★
[153862] 20662. Tiny Desk Concert: Maria Taylor (2020)★★
[153863] 20663. TiZ East - Long Way (2020)★★
[153864] 20664. TJA - See Me On Top (2020)★★
[153865] 20665. Tkay Madmax - Big Drip (2020)★★
[153866] 20666. TMG - Broke Bitch (2020)★★
[153867] 20667. Piper: Summer Breeze (1983)★★★
[153868] 20668. Jim Steinman & Karla DeVito - Dance in My Pants (1981)★★★
[153869] 20669. Jim Steinman - Bad for Good (1981)★★★
[153870] 20670. T-Bone Walker - Goin' to Chicago (1966)★★★