你知道台灣第一位挺進美國大聯盟的投手是誰嗎?在1999年時,他被科羅拉多洛磯隊簽下,並於2003年7月25日首度站上美國職棒大聯盟洛磯隊主場。在2003年8月18日,他擊出了台灣球員在大聯盟的第一支安打,為歷史締造新的紀錄。2014年與洛杉磯道奇簽下新的合約,並從他最後一次在大聯盟亮相後,睽違了8年,於2015年重返大聯盟。你猜到他就是曹錦輝嗎?恭喜你,答對了!讓我們一起觀賞他最近的一場賽事吧: https://goo.gl/vify9M #SportsDiplomacy
Do you know the first pitcher from Taiwan to play in Major League Baseball (MLB)? He was signed by the Colorado Rockies in 1999, and made his major league debut at Coors Field (the Rockies stadium) on July 25, 2003. He made history again on August 18, 2003 by being the first Taiwan player to get a hit. He then joined the Los Angeles Dodgers and Kansas City Royals. After few years of playing in the Chinese Professional Baseball League, he signed a new contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2014, and returned to MLB in 2015, eight years after his last MLB appearance. Did you guess Chin-hui Tsao? You’re right! Let’s watch one of his recent games: https://goo.gl/vify9M#SportsDiplomacy