荷爾蒙歸零飲食法Day 7
杏仁粉 1 1/2杯
椰子粉 1/4杯
洋車前子粉 1/4杯又3匙(table spoon)
鹽巴 1/2茶匙
泡打粉 2茶匙
熱水(約40度c)1或是1 1/2杯
4. 放置10分鐘讓洋車前子好好的把水分吸收膨脹完
5. 把麵團分成你要的大小,揉成球狀後放置烤盤上,因為烤完會變大不要放太近喔
6. 放進烤箱前,可以在麵團表面塗上水、撒上芝麻看起來漂亮一點(也可省略)
7. 進烤箱後,放在最下層烤30分鐘,再放置中層烤15分鐘,想表皮焦脆最後五分鐘可以放在最上層,模式轉成上火燒烤模式(看烤箱功能量力而為)
8. 完成後拿出來放涼就完成啦
😘English Version😘
👉Dry ingredient:
Almond flour(or meal) 1 1/2 cup
Coconut flour 1/4 cup
Psyllium husk 1/4 cup + 3 tablespoons
Salt 1/2 teaspoon
Baking powder 2 teaspoon
👉Wet ingredient:
Apple cider vinegar 2 teaspoon
Olive oil 1 tablespoon
Hot water not boiling boiling, about 37C-40C
1. Preheat the oven at 180C,remember to put the baking sheet on the baking tray
2. Just mix the dry ingredients well, the pour all the wet ingredients in
3. Use your hand to make it like a big round dough, the water will be absorbed, the surface should be a little bit sticky
4. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes.The dough should be elastic, soft and easy to divide into 6 small balls. Make it round and without cracks.
5. You can brush water on the top of each bun and sprinkle some sesame seeds to look more tasty
6. First 30 minutes put the baking tray at the bottom of oven, then swap to the top for 10-15 minutes.
7. Viola! Done! Let it cool down
#keto #bun #bread #recipe #lowcarb #fiber #hormone #cure #day7 #小家食堂