我最愛的湖人隊版本要出了,今天3/26是 @nike #airmax 日,剛剛收到最近只有Lebron在穿的紫黃配色。這雙真的蠻好看的然後AirMax可以穿一陣天腳都不會痛。我愛收鞋但是跟愛收球員卡,湖人隊的鞋一定要配湖人隊的卡,從我收藏IG: @niu.era.collectibles 拿出歷史上的三大Kobe , Magic , Kareem還有現在的老大LBJ,4張都是限量簽名老卡。你最喜歡那個球員?
My fav Lakers editions are droppin today 3/26, #Nike #AirMaxDay. Saw #lebron rockin the purple and yellow #airmax95 so definitely needed to get a pair. LBJ logo tongue, Lakeshow purple and gold, numerous details devoted to Lebrons career are all over the kicks. And everyone knows the massive air bubbles will keep u bouncin all day. Since today is a #Lakers celebration, I decided to crossover some cards from my @niu.era.collectibles feed. Other than my kicks I love my cards and some of my favorites are Lakers legends. The Mount Rushmore of Lakers consist of #Kareem #Magic and #Kobe If #LBJ wins 1-2 more ships with the Lakers, will he complete it and be the 4th face? All four cards are graded, serial numbered, low production, mini pieces of sports history. Who’s you favorite Laker?