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你可能知道我是一個不化妝的旅人,沒什麼原因,就是懶 😝 甚至有朋友說,很想看我化妝長什麼樣子 🤣 雖然不化妝,但有時候我還是會塗個口紅,讓自己看上去精神一點
這款「3INA」口紅是我最近的最愛,喜歡它的顏色 (02);喜歡它的哑光;喜歡它的簡易設計;喜歡它是無動物測試... 我每次使用時,習慣塗一點在咀唇中間,再用手指輕輕地把它暈開。這樣的話,顏色就不會太深,也比較均勻喔~
No animal testing. Vegan Matte Lipstick
You may know that I am a girl without makeup, just because I'm lazy 😝 Some friends even said that they really want to see what my makeup looks like. Although I don’t do makeup, sometimes I still apply lipstick to make myself look spiritual a little
This "3INA" lipstick is my recent favorite, I like its color (02); I like its matte; I like its simple design; I like it without animal testing ... I apply a little of it on the middle of my lips, then gently stun it with your fingers. In this case, the color will not be too much and it will be more even ~
3INA 3INA Taiwan 3INA HK
The Matte Lipstick
Color: 02
Price: HKD99;TWD399
#veganlipstick #lipstick #matte #mattelipstick