【Hello Hater】@鬼才做音樂 2021 Ghosician
《Hello Hater》Youtube 高清版MV: https://youtu.be/xyos93gW5e4
The Making Of《Hello Hater》幕後花絮 Youtube高清版: https://youtu.be/RCV8qTt4ktY
《Hello Hater》數位音樂下載 Online Music Download:https://lnk.to/HelloHater
Lyric Version《Hello Hater》動態歌詞版 Youtube高清版 : https://bit.ly/3hSHUio
Uhh Hello Hater
啊 哈嘍 黑特
Uhh Mother Fxcker
啊 馬德法克
我又來了 (我又來了)
I am here again (I am here again)
我又來了 (我又來了)
I am here again (I am here again)
I am here again, again!
我就是教壞囜仔大細 (幹)
I am the bad influencer to the multitudes (Fxck)
袂爽來找恁爸 (來)
If you are upset, come to me (Come)
假的帳號 到處留言
Using fake accounts to leave comments around
面對面陰莖縮進裡面 (咻)
Dick recoils while face to face (Aahs)
我教壞囜仔大細 (吶)
I will influence the multitudes negatively (Nah)
袂爽來找恁爸 (來)
If you are upset, come to me (Come)
確診陽痿 存一支嘴
Impotency leaves you with only a mouth to talk
Fxck You, come and face me directly
踹! 呸!
Show up your face!
Your brain is filled up with semen
Everything looks black in foul eyes
天生雞雞太小 薪水太少
Born with tiny dick, drawing a little salary
Orgasm only via keyboard
As my view is different from yours
Therefore I attain greater success than you
看到社會不公 袂爽就講
I would voice up against injustice
You can only truckle and flatter
才不鳥限流被黃標 (想唱啥就唱啥我驕傲)
Never be bothered with restricted flow or yellow tag (I am proud to sing whatever I like)
還開了抖音微博帳號 (有空就麻煩快點舉報)
Registered TikTok and Weibo accounts in addition (Please report when you are available)
整天斷章取義 亂貼標籤
Always misinterpret and label me as you like
根本噁心犯賤 他媽嘴臉
Absolutely disgusting and cheap ugly face
快來黑我 訂閱 分享
Twisted my initial meaning, then subscribe & share my video
害我 每天在賺大錢
Making me tons of money
看見我執迷不悟 刀槍不入
How stubborn and invulnerable I am
Take off your three briefs
我就是全身的酷 看別人吐
I am damn cool, yet you threw up
Such an outlandish way of gesture
Bought bullets cost thirty thousand Pew Pew Pew
買了個銃子 三萬塊嘟嘟嘟嘟
Talkative non-stop, I'll shoot your house
I just need trap but not protection
我只要陷阱 不需要別人的護
Fxck your busybody noisy pig
I am not afraid, I choose to do only serious task
我沒在怕的 我只幹大的
Go to hell bastard, I wanna rebuke till you can't refute
去你的Sucker 壓著你罵的
Consistent tactics similar reply in comments, damn
一貫的伎倆 留言我操
Shut up when you have finished, I deal with big cases
罵完了閉嘴 老子搞大的
I am a sinner never give a shit about moral
我是個罪人 沒在管道德
場子可燥了 沒啥可套的
The place is so boring, nothing is interesting
我只要錢 我不要命
I am willing to risk for money
快給我Shit 而且要Free
Give me shit and it must be free of charge
女兒長大 學床叫
Daughter grown up mature begin to moan
臭婊子幹完 還要
After done first round, initiate another round
小孩照三餐 打掉
Repeated abortion non stop
懶得聽廢話 I’m Bounce
Fed up with the rubbish, goodbye
哈哈 (哈)
Haha (Ha)
幹妳的Bitch啪啪 (蛤?)
Fxck you bitch (Alright?)
媽媽生的臭俗辣 (臭俗辣)
Born to be a coward (Coward)
爸爸生的破麻 (Fxcked up)
Born to be a whore (Fxcked up)
All these comments left by the pigs are senseless
但是就是為了能在網路上面To The Top
Just to catch attention online
需要的是共鳴 才能發現
Demand for support, debunk the myth
Salute your courage of simply fooling around
按你讚 快給我笑 (給我笑)
Give you Like, smile to me please (Smile to me)
討論度還在堆高 (長高)
Discussion is getting more intense (Growing)
把你爸媽Shut Down
Shut down your mom and dad
緬甸街中和Town (栗子)
Myanmar Street in Chunghe Town (Chestnut)
聽我的歌 每天看我的影片
Listen to my songs and watch my videos every day
像吞我的洨 然後吃我的大便
Like drink my semen and eat my poo
媒體就愛 報導轉貼
Media loves broadcast and re-post
你恨死恁爸 一直打臉
You hate me to death but slap in your own face
Hey Hater Loser Keyboard Warrior
嘿 黑特 魯蛇 键盘侠
You Mother Fxcker Come and Lick My Shit
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#Namewee #黃明志 #HelloHater
同時也有25部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅韋禮安 WeiBird,也在其Youtube影片中提到,當鈴鼓聲響起時 是該跟著靈感先生走的時候了… 在音樂路上 進行一場不設限的實驗與冒險 韋禮安WeiBird 全新演繹經典英文單曲《Mr. Tambourine Man》 你準備好一起出發了嗎? 🎧 《Mr. Tambourine Man》數位平台:https://Weibird.lnk.to...
leaves歌詞 在 Sandy 采聿老師 Facebook 的最佳解答
❤️Podcast新單集上架 #唱唱英文歌
A Drop Fell on the Mango Tree
這首歌詞改編自美國最重要的詩人之一Emily Dickinson的一首詩A Drop Fell on the Apple Tree,描述的就是一場夏日驟雨。我覺得這首詩非常適合這個故事的情境,所以就改編成台灣在地的版本,把場景移到台南玉井的芒果園裡面。
【歌詞】by Sandy
A drop fell on the mango tree,
Another on the roof.
A half a dozen kissed the leaves,
And made the mangoes laugh. Ha ha ha!
A few went out to help the brook,
That went to help the sea.
The breeze brought air so cool,
And bathed the faces in glee.
A drop fell on the mango tree.
Emily Dickinson的原文請見連結
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Apple Podcast https://apple.co/2RDiXtw
Spotify https://reurl.cc/g8YkVp
KKBOX https://reurl.cc/XegxVR
追蹤IG帳號 sandy.bongo
leaves歌詞 在 部長影像研究室 Facebook 的最佳貼文
比莉哈樂黛1939年釋出了一首極具爭議性的歌曲〈Strange Fruit〉奇異果實,獲得廣大的迴響與社會輿論,歌詞每一字都在針對美國白人對待黑人可以合法動用私刑的殘酷社會現況,運用歌曲做出了怒吼。
『Southern trees bear a strange fruit.
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root
Black bodies swingin' in the Southern breeze
Strange fruit hangin' from the poplar trees』
美國當時正在將毒品種族化,不斷的想要製造出『黑人就是愛嗑藥』的社會形象,擁有高知名度的比莉哈樂黛剛好就成為一個完美的目標,比莉開始遇到各種令人背脊發涼的種種事件。黑人一直到現在依舊會遇到某種程度的歧視,當然不只是黑人,其他種族也是有同樣的狀況。隨著比莉哈樂黛的一首首經典歌曲,《哈樂黛的愛與死》道出當時的黑人僅能透過歌曲來抒發自己生活的困苦與不安,僅能透過演唱與演出來努力改變自己的階級,但不幸的是比莉哈樂黛這樣獲得了掌聲與社會地位,依舊還是有一個隱形的天花板在頭頂上罩著,多少的努力只是某些人的一聲令下,一切都可能瞬間蕩然無存。從電影的英文名稱『The United States vs. Billie Holiday』美國vs.比莉哈樂黛,可以看到當時她在面對的就是美國各種莫須有的指控與栽贓,這部電影可以說把籠罩在比莉哈樂黛身上的痛苦與高壓完全呈現了出來,不禁讓人同情與反思。
《哈樂黛的愛與死》從6月25日起,在「中華電信MOD」、「中華電信 Hami Video」、「台灣大哥大myVideo」三大平台觀賞得到!上線的時候推薦大家收看喔!
#部長評電影 @caichang_film @mod_cht @myvideo.de
leaves歌詞 在 韋禮安 WeiBird Youtube 的最佳解答
全新演繹經典英文單曲《Mr. Tambourine Man》
🎧 《Mr. Tambourine Man》數位平台:https://Weibird.lnk.to/MTM
🔔 訂閱韋禮安官方頻道 : https://pse.is/WeiBird_Sub
韋禮安全新演繹英文單曲《Mr. Tambourine Man》致敬民歌搖滾教父 Bob Dylan,這首歌是 Bob Dylan 被改編最多次的經典作品之一,《Mr. Tambourine Man》是一首關於「靈感」的歌曲,韋禮安化身為「鈴鼓手先生」,以輕鬆率性的唱腔和編曲重新詮釋,帶著隨性反叛的冒險精神,透過旋律不疾不徐地恣意地暢想和夢想。
《Mr. Tambourine Man》在單曲封面和 MV 設計中特別以六〇年代的復古配色為視覺基調,歌曲旋律從簡單到豐富的層層變化,象徵靈感從點線面的迸發,視覺上更用幾何色塊來呈現樂器的律動。就像《Mr. Tambourine Man》歌曲中一再重複的「I’ll come followin’ you」,對韋禮安來說,沒有靈感時最簡單的解方不是原地等待,而是出發尋找,藉由音樂、電影、書籍,甚至只是烹飪⋯⋯等等生活裡與音樂毫無相關的事情輸入新的刺激,讓身體和腦袋動一動,自然而然就能產生新的創作能量。現在就打開耳朵,準備好一起出發!
♩ 歌詞 Lyrics
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you
Though I know that evening's empire has returned into sand
Vanished from my hand
Left me blindly here to stand, but still not sleeping
My weariness amazes me, I'm branded on my feet
I have no one to meet
And the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you
Take me on a trip upon your magic swirling ship
My senses have been stripped
My hands can't feel to grip
My toes too numb to step
Wait only for my boot heels to be wandering
I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade
Into my own parade
Cast your dancing spell my way, I promise to go under it
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you
Though you might hear laughing, spinning, swinging madly across the sun
It's not aimed at anyone
It's just escaping on the run
And but for the sky there are no fences facing
And if you hear vague traces of skipping reels of rhyme
To your tambourine in time
It's just a ragged clown behind
I wouldn't pay it any mind
It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you
And take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind
Down the foggy ruins of time
Far past the frozen leaves
The haunted frightened trees
Out to the windy beach
Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky
With one hand waving free
Silhouetted by the sea
Circled by the circus sands
With all memory and fate
Driven deep beneath the waves
Let me forget about today until tomorrow
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you
♩ 音樂製作 Song Credit
作詞|Bob Dylan
作曲|Bob Dylan
製作人 Producer|韋禮安 WeiBird、蔡尚文 Aven Tsai
編曲 Arrangement|保卜.巴督路 Baobu Badulu
吉他 Guitars|保卜.巴督路 Baobu Badulu
和聲編寫 Chorus Arrangement|韋禮安 WeiBird
和聲 Chorus|韋禮安 WeiBird
口琴 Harmonica|藤井俊充 Toshi Fujii
製作行政 Production Administrator|廖婧紋 Melrose Liao
錄音工程師 Recording Engineers|蔡尚文 Aven Tsai (Vocal、Chorus、Harmonica)、單為明 Link Shan (Guitars)
錄音室 Recording Studios|Awesome Music Studio (Vocal、Chorus、Harmonica)、Lights Up Studio (Guitars)
混音工程師 Mixing Engineer|宋星凱 Sean M. Sinclair
混音錄音室 Mixing Studio|ff studio
♩ MV製作 Music Video Credit
美術設計 Art Design | 蘇柔方 JouFang Su
動態設計 Motion Design|朱詠任 Tino Chu
──♫─ 更多韋禮安 ─────────────────────────
韋禮安 WeiBird FB|https://www.facebook.com/Weibird.official
韋禮安 WeiBird IG |https://www.instagram.com/weibirdmusic/
韋禮安 WeiBird WeiBo 微博|https://www.weibo.com/weibird

leaves歌詞 在 The Hope Youtube 的精選貼文
【Come Again 求充滿我】
作曲/作詞 Composers & Lyricists : Brandon Lake, Chandler Moore, Dante Bowe, Steven Furtick
翻譯 Translation : The Hope
歌詞 Lyrics:
I’ll wait for You to come 我願等候 祢的到來
I’ll wait for You to come 我願等候 祢的到來
Cause when I’m with You Lord 主 當祢同在降臨
It always leaves me wanting more 我就更多渴慕祢
Here’s our praise You can dwell within 願這讚美成為祢的居所
Come again 求充滿我
Come again 求充滿我
Let the glory in 讓祢榮耀降臨
I'm open, I'm open 我心完全向祢敞開
Come again 求充滿我
Let the glory in 讓祢榮耀降臨
I'm open, I'm open 我心完全向祢敞開
It’s not a building You wanna fill 祢所想要的 不是停留在何處
It’s my heart 而是充滿我心
This empty space 祢所想要的
Is what You wanted all along 是我倒空自己
©2021 Music by Elevation Worship Publishing, Chandler Moore Designee, Bethel Music
Publishing / Maverick City Publishing Worldwide, Bethel Worship Publishing / Maverick City
CCLI : 7171579
#ComeAgain #ElevationWorship #MaverickCity #TheHopeWorship
☆支持The Hope的事工,一起成為城市的盼望:
【The Hope】
The Hope 是一個對神、對人、以及生命充滿熱忱的教會。我們的存在是為了要接觸人群, 帶領他們與耶穌有更深的關係。
●The Hope Website: http://thehope.co/
●The Hope Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/insideTheHope
●The Hope Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehope.co/

leaves歌詞 在 Sheng-Xiang & Band Youtube 的最佳解答
詞:鍾永豐 Lyrics: Chung Yung Feng
曲:林生祥 Music: Lin Sheng Xiang
ISRC TWBS32007114
林生祥 : 六弦月琴、主唱
大竹研 : 木吉他
早川徹 : 低音提琴
福島紀明 : 鼓
吳政君 : 非洲水鼓
黃博裕 : 笛子
Lin Sheng Xiang : 6-strings Moon Guitar & Vocals
Ken Ohtake: Acoustic Guitar
Toru Hayakawa: Double Bass
Noriaki Fukushima: Drums
Alex Wu: Water Drum
Huang Po Yu: Dizi
When the typhoon blows hard
preserved cabbage sticks its neck out from a jar
to make itself heard
A pot of water comes to a boil
and here comes some garlic to join
some spare ribs in the conversation
You can smell when the sunlight
in winter lays itself down in the courtyard
lazily, like a cat
You can hear the sound of grandma's hands
tripping the leaves from the cabbage heads
She's busy coming in and going out
And looking forward to year's end
Mama saves all kinds of seeds
Kernels of corn, long beans
***Video Credit***
導演|吳文睿 莊禾

leaves歌詞 在 Leaves 歌詞Gregory & The Hawk ※ Mojim.com - 魔鏡歌詞網 的相關結果
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leaves歌詞 在 Leaves(English Ver.) 歌詞蔡詩芸※ Mojim.com 的相關結果
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leaves歌詞 在 Leaves 歌詞Ben&Ben ※ Mojim.com - 魔鏡歌詞網 的相關結果
Leaves I can think of all the times You told me not to touch the light I never thought that you would be the one I couldn't really justify How you even ... ... <看更多>