「譚光磊 讓好書無國界」
非常感謝Gray哥邀我參加在「窩著」咖啡館所舉辦 的台北國際書展After Party 酒會。有機會與來自世界各地的作家、出版人、經紀人和譯者交流真是太棒了!在出版界Gray是我最大的恩人,一路走來一向支持著我,有機緣與他合作這麼多年真是我上一輩子修來的福氣!🙏
In this days I've been talking a lot about the importance of passion. To me Gray is the perfect example of the success that passion always brings about. Love for books. Passion for literature. Indefatigable work has led him to become the heart and soul of one of Asia's leading literary agencies. He represents over 200 international publishers and agents in Taiwan, China, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Gray's agency also represents Chinese-language writers in the international market and their authors are published in more than thirty countries around the world.
Being able to call him a friend is such an honor. He's a true inspiration for me. Thank you, Gray!