Because people keep sharing the video when they intended to share my morning post instead. Apologies, for I wasn't anticipating that. Refined it a little. Siou.
When Tunku Abdul Rahman came to North Borneo in 1961, he was surprised to find that there were no Malays and didn't know how to talk to the natives. At first the Malaysia proposal was rejected by North Borneo but the urban Dusuns later supported it, causing a split that formed the splinter between Kadazans and Dusuns.
It was Lee Kuan Yew, not Tunku Abdul Rahman who convinced North Borneo and Sarawak to join Malaysia. The 20 Point Agreement was formed for North Borneo following the Cobbold Commission because we were worried that the Malayans who were better educated, racially segregated and pro-Melayu would convert us into Islam, take our government jobs and replace the British as our colonisers. Brunei was Malay but they opted out. Sarawak had Malays too yet they and Brunei had their own respective rebellions in protest of joining Malaysia that resulted in bloodshed.
Malaysia was formed under the pretence of an equal partnership between Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore. Today, Sabah Sarawak are considered 'states' and many peninsular Malaysians still can't tell the two apart though if not for Sabah Sarawak, there would be no Malaysia.
Coming from a pagan culture that believed in oath stones (see: Keningau Oath Stone -, the 20 Point Agreement in the modern world, proved to be ineffective as it was merely a gentleman's agreement with no locus standi. A majority of the promises for goodwill between Malaya and North Borneo would soon be broken.
16 September 1963, Donald Stephens chanted "Merdeka" at Padang Merdeka, Kota Kinabalu four times. Three times less than Tunku Abdul Rahman. Malaysia Day would have fallen on 31 August if not for protest from Indonesia and the Philippines.
In December 1964, a little over a year after his appointment, Donald Stephens was removed as Chief Minister of Sabah for wanting to review the Malaysian Agreement because Singapore had been expelled suddenly, without Sabah or Sarawak's knowledge. Sabah's founding father and first Huguan Siou was unceremoniously replaced with Datuk Peter Lo and he was later appointed as the Federal Minister of Sabah Affairs.
1967 saw the reign of USNO and the introduction of the most controversial figure in Sabah history yet. Tun Mustapha bin Harun was a Bajau-Suluk politician who had risen with Donald Stephens during the Merdeka talks. Transitioning from British colonisation into modern politics, he had initially accepted the TYT Governor role instead of Chief Minister because he thought that it would be more powerful.
Tun Mustapha was well liked by the federal government because he was a Muslim and they saw him as their brethren who could represent Sabah despite Muslims being a minority of 38% at the time. The Dusuns then were mostly Christian, spoke a different language and were seen as being too difficult to manipulate by the Malays. Having non-Malay bumiputeras trying to assert their own national identity would have been a threat to Malay supremacy and to nationhood.
The USNO era was harrowing for the indigenous majority of Sabah. Kadazan vernacular schools were denied. Bahasa Melayu was taught in schools instead and for a time, indigenous languages were banned from the radio. Tun Mustapha formed the United Sabah Islamic Association (USIA) with funding from the federal government and mass Islamisation took place among the illiterate natives and some 75,000 (I can't find my original online source but the book, Federal-State Relations in Sabah, Malaysia says 93,482 - were converted. Priests were extradited and in Tambunan, some were hidden in the jungles by villagers. Non-Muslims were being discriminated against in government office and the economic sector.
In 1973, despite point 1 of the 20 Point Agreement, Sabah's official religion became Islam. We were meant to be a secular state.
The federal government went on to use Tun Mustapha's Bajau-Suluk connections to foster relations with the Moros and when the civil dispute between Mindanao and the Philippines erupted over the Moros' refusal to attack and conquer Sabah, (**edited Tun Razak) may have had plans to take Mindanao as a Malaysian territory as they were Muslim as well. From the support from the Malaysian government came the birth of the Moro National Liberation Front and Sabah opened its doors for the first time to tens and thousands of Sulu refugees in the 70s.
Lavish spending and a playboy lifestyle nearly led to the bankruptcy of Sabah. The federal government was becoming increasingly impatient with Tun Mustapha and engineered his removal through Datuk Harris Salleh with the first Barisan Nasional government in Sabah, Berjaya.
Harris approached Donald Stephens, who had converted and become TYT Governor Tun Fuad Stephens, to step down and run as Chief Minister. The federal government was pushing for the Petroleum Agreement, which Tun Mustapha had refused and Tun Fuad was not about to budge either. Tun Mustapha allegedly had plans to pull Sabah out of Malaysia and with the Sulu nation, form his own country as Sultan (this fler damn trip, I tell you).
Berjaya succeeded and Tun Fuad Stephens was reinstated as Chief Minister in April 1976. 53 days later, 6 June 1976, he died in an horrific plane crash that Sabahans remember as the Double Six Tragedy, killing 11 of Sabah's "illustrious leaders". 14 June, the Petroleum Development Act 1976 was signed by his successor, Harris Salleh, surrendering 95% of Sabah's oil royalties. Labuan, Harris' birthplace was given away as a federal territory for free.
Sabah has since been one of the three largest oil and gas producers in the country with Petronas contributing to 45% of our nation's government dividend.
That's the story of Sabah's Bapa Merdeka and Malaya's Bapa Merdeka's contributions to Malaysia and we all lived happily ever after. Amin.
Some additional references:
- The Borneo Response to Malaysia, Dr James P. Ongkili -
- The Golden Son of Kadazan, Datuk Peter Mojuntin -
- Politics of Centre-State Conflict: The Sabah experience under the ruling Sabah Alliance (1963 - 1976) -
- The People Love Me, interview with Tun Mustapha, Asiaweek 31 August 1985 -
- Wiki Tun Fuad Stephens and Double Six Tragedy
- Pembangunan Politik Sabah, Sabihah Osman -
- Federal-State Relations in Malaysia -
- Double Six Tragedy and Implications of Political Development in Sabah, Malaysia. Aziz, H. (2014) -
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[時事英文] 美國影集: 菜鳥移民 (Fresh Off the Boat)
最近在美國一個電視劇名稱為 Fresh Off the Boat (菜鳥移民)英文原直翻為「剛下船」。全劇改編自台灣移民第二代美籍名廚師黃頤銘 (Eddie Huang) 的自傳 (memoir)。黃頤銘因在紐約曼哈頓開刈包 (steamed sandwich) 專賣店 Baohaus 聲名大噪,美國廣播公司ABC更將他的回憶錄改編成情境喜劇影集《菜鳥移民》。黃近日受訪稱,他的使命是對抗社會的刻板印象 (fight against stereotypes) 和打破種族藩籬 (break down racial barriers)。
美國雖然有6%的亞裔人口,但電視頻道20年來缺乏美國亞裔主題的情境喜劇(Asian-American television situation comedy),菜鳥移民在多齣少數族裔演員擔綱的電視劇大受歡迎後,引起高度關注。
這部影集在播出2集後,整體反應算是不錯 (the overall response remains positive),對於大部分的觀眾來說,整部戲其實透露及分享著許多正向思維,而主要賣點 (main selling point) 是以亞裔美籍人士作為主要角色 (features Asian-American in leading roles) 並深入探究他們所熟知的生活點滴。即便如此,劇中有一幕,家中的母親收到他人所贈送的一籃免費玉米片貪婪地把整盤子放進入她的籃子裡,意謂著亞裔的美籍女性會想盡辦法爭取到的一切好處。因此,一些亞裔也擔心它會加深負面刻板印象 (reinforces negative stereotypes)。於是,觀眾們對於整部作品的看法相當多元,同學們可以在下方觀看相關評論和反應 (comments and feedback)。
其實這部作品勾起了老師過去居住在美國20多年的許多回憶,當然其中也曾經歷過不少種族歧視或偏見 (racism or prejudice),所以自己在觀看這部劇的過程中,有著更深刻的體會和感受 (a deeper understanding);畢竟,種族歧視這項議題絕非三言兩語就能道盡。不過這樣的經驗當然是因人而異 (varies from person to person/affects individuals differently),每個人都有可能面臨過不同層面的歧視,或甚至完全沒有碰過歧視。
華裔美籍人士在美國的歷史一直頗具爭議 (highly controversial),多數人會將其歸咎於美國早期的排華意識 (anti-Chinese sentiment),像是”黃禍” (Yellow Peril) 這類的用語。黃禍是殖民主義時期美國和歐洲殖民主義國家煽動對華裔具有偏見的一個用語,強調華人對帶歐美社會帶來的危機。而 “排華法案” (The Chinese Exclusion Act) 是美國總統切斯特•艾倫•阿瑟於1882年5月6日簽署的一項法案,允許美國暫停華人移民美國,是在美國通過的第一部針對特定族群的移民法 (first immigration law targeting a specific racial group)。另外,1942年珍珠港事件 (Pearl Harbor) 發生以後美國政府對約11萬居住在美國太平洋沿岸的日裔美國人的扣留,轉移和囚禁 (The Internment of Japanese Americans; detain, relocate, or imprison), 在所有被囚禁的日裔中,62%是美國公民。一個相對較新的發展美籍華人陳果仁 (Vincent Chin)。1982年6月23日,在美國密西根州底特律被克萊斯勒公司一名車間主管羅納德•艾班斯及其繼子邁克爾•尼茲用棒球棍毆打致死。1979年,由於日本汽車公司的衝擊 (impact of the Japanese auto industry),底特律的汽車製造工業陷入低谷,不少工人被解僱 (many autoworkers were laid off),其中就包括邁克爾•尼茲。因而造成了底特律汽車工人對日本人的仇恨 (hatred for the Japanese),而最先遭受到種族歧視的卻是美籍華人。
美國民眾對亞裔美國人普遍有聰明、勤奮、不關心政治的印象 (intelligent, hardworking, and apathetic toward politics) ,被美國媒體稱為「模範少數民族」(model minority)。諷刺的是,亞裔這個平均教育程度和收入都高 (high average income and education)、也是奉公守法的公民 (law abiding citizens) 卻讓部分美國人有著負面的印象,有一部分的原因是來自於當代的大眾媒體,對於亞裔人士的描繪多半是就美國自身的觀點和角度在看待亞洲人,而非踏踏實實、證據確鑿地對於東亞的文化、習俗和實際的行為做描寫。在許多影視作品中,我們不難發現亞裔常常扮演黑幫 (Triad members/gangsters)、偷渡客 (illegal immigrants)、功夫高手 (martial artists/kung-fu masters) 和電腦駭客 (computer hackers) 或是木訥呆板的書呆子的角色 (nerds and geeks)。然而,21世紀早期,亞裔的美籍演員跳脫了過去帶有偏見的角色定位 (started to appear in non-stereotypical roles),開始在好萊塢的電影或是影集當中嶄露頭角。
當然,如果單就幾個美國歷史上的事件來針對亞裔美籍族群的歷史下結論的話,其實不太公平,畢竟絕大多數的美國人現今也已敞開心胸,接納了亞裔美人了。除此之外,亞裔形象不佳的另一個原因是多數亞裔只關注與自己的事業與家庭,很少參與公共活動,與其他族裔的互動機會是非常少的 (have little interaction with other races)。亞裔要改變其自身在美國主流文化中的形象,除了要尊重美國的主流文化和價值觀外 (respect mainstream values),更重要的是積極融入社區生活 (participate in community activities) ,透過互動才會有機會改變其他族裔對亞裔根深蒂固的刻板印象。
最後,我猜同學們現在會想詢問的是: 那我會在美國遭遇到類似的種族歧視嗎? 老師認為多少還是會有一點點,但是至少不會再面臨到那些歷史上較為激烈的種族歧視了。雖然社會不斷地進步以及亞裔人士在美國主流媒體版面上逐漸地活躍 (active in mainstream media),你還是有可能偶爾會聽到一些無心之語(passing/casual remarks),像是你是功夫大師、鋼琴家或是數學天才…orz.
減少種族歧視 (reducing racism and prejudice) 的其中一個方法就讓自己深入地去了解他們的文化,這並不是在鼓勵你們崇洋媚外 (fawn over all things foreign),而是希望同學們去尊重那份自己已經置身其中的文化意涵。第二個方法就是協助他們了解你自身的文化,並且要對自己有信心,即便上述的方法可能沒有辦法徹底免除掉所有種族歧視的情況,但還是能夠有效地幫助你盡量避免它的發生。
這裡有一些觀眾對於Fresh Off the Boat (菜鳥移民) 這部影集的評論和看法,可以瀏覽一下,然後整理出一些屬於自己的觀點:
EDIT: After watching the entire first season, I found the show to be highly amusing and educational. I highly recommend it!