#拜登挺台入北約? #誰疑美棄台?
今日凌晨,網路上傳開拜登總統接受美國媒體ABC News主持人George Stephanopoulos專訪時的一段談話,被認為是繼國家安全顧問蘇利文(Jake Sullivan)前一日的發言後,美國政府再度公開對阿富汗撤軍後世界各國包括台灣都逐漸升溫的「#疑美論」(認為美國的安全承諾不可靠)做出回應。
STEPHANOPOULOS: You talked about our adversaries, China and Russia. You already see China telling Taiwan, "See? You can't count on the Americans." (LAUGH)
BIDEN: Sh-- why wouldn't China say that? Look, George, the idea that w-- there's a fundamental difference between-- between Taiwan, South Korea, NATO. We are in a situation where they are in-- entities we've made agreements with based on not a civil war they're having on that island or in South Korea, but on an agreement where they have a unity government that, in fact, is trying to keep bad guys from doin' bad things to them.
We have made-- kept every commitment. We made a sacred commitment to Article Five that if in fact anyone were to invade or take action against our NATO allies, we would respond. Same with Japan, same with South Korea, same with-- Taiwan. It's not even comparable to talk about that.
我們已承——我們信守一切承諾。我們對(《北大西洋公約》(North Atlantic Treaty)的)第五條作出了莊嚴的承諾,如果有人要入侵、或採取行動對抗我們的北約盟友,我們會回應。對日本是如此,對南韓是如此,對——台灣(也)是如此。這根本就無法比較。」
以前連《美日安保條約》是否涉及釣魚台都要吵個幾十年,怎麼可能一句話就說日韓台我通通要守下來?何況美國與中華民國🇹🇼(or台灣)目前並未有正式的軍事同盟或協防條約(MDT),如何與北約對比?(《北大西洋公約》第五條「#集體防衛(collective defence)」條款主張:聯盟中任一成員受攻擊,將被視為對全體成員的侵略事件。)
與台灣網路輿論圈的自嗨、樂觀情緒(#台灣要加入北約了?美國爸爸表態死守台灣!)相反,正因為這個表態太過不尋常與不可能,更違反了美國長期以來堅守的「#戰略模糊」政策立場(”a deviation from a long-held U.S. position of "strategic ambiguity.”)。
第一時間,許多評論就認為這可能是拜登的又一次 #口誤(misspoken),代表人物如美國的中國問題專家 #葛來儀(Bonnie Glaser)就抱持這樣的看法。
果然,該篇專訪登出後不到7個小時,拜登政府的資深官員就對路透社(Reuters)放風透露:「#美國對台政策不變。」(“policy with regard to Taiwan has not changed”)
1⃣️長期關注美台關係議題的「US Taiwan Watch: 美國台灣觀測站」粉專大概是台灣這一波訊息燒開的推播起點與主力,內容尚稱公允詳實,並未特別增添政治觀點,也提醒大家美國依然沒有明確回應如果中共出兵,美國會是如何的回應法。(但美國也不可能明確回應,「戰略模糊」,remember?)
2⃣️民進黨副秘書長林飛帆於凌晨2點多發文(大概是觀測站的粉絲),除了同樣提供原文翻譯及評論,重點在他提到拜登的談話,「與美國國安會顧問蘇利文Jake Sullivan把台灣與以色列並列的談話,都明確破除中共正在台灣大肆操作的「#疑美論」和「#美國棄台論」,值得我們持續關注。」
這件事確實值得關注。然而坦白說,台灣的「疑美論」和「美國棄台論」有多少成分是中共大肆操作,有多少是民間自發討論?大概很難有人可以給出客觀量化的數據。因為在阿富汗撤軍後,世界各國都多少興起了這股 #疑美論風潮,連《紐約時報》與諸多民主黨政治人物都批評拜登,紐時更提醒諸多亞洲國家包括 #台灣要警醒。但台灣面對中共武力威脅與併吞野心,自然又多了這一層複雜的外力因素。
台灣:first time?
再來,拜登總統在提到台灣與南韓前時用的詞是「entities」(實體),這個詞很常用於形容一些不能算是主權國家的團體,美國或世界各地在國際法中討論到中華民國(ROC)或台灣(Taiwan)時很常使用這個詞,如「#政治實體」(political entity)。雖然不知道為何把南韓也放在一起(大概又是直率坦言下的口誤,韓國人知道會很生氣吧?),但重點在後面提到的「他們(台灣&南韓))有個 #統合一致的政府」(”they have a unity government”)。
❚ 小結
就我個人觀察,實在不認為國民黨內疑美、反美是主流立場,至多在個別議題上與美方立場有不同意見,黨的整體與決策層級人士基本上都是親美立場居多,只是他們又要顧及兩岸關係(親美和陸),沒辦法(也不認同)像民進黨那樣採取「#一邊倒」的政策,完全走「抗中保台」路線,親美程度感覺有差。但很大程度上,一些國民黨人也認為這樣的一邊倒政策對台灣人民的安全來說其實 #不夠負責任。
這樣一邊倒不留餘地,甚至可能煽動戰爭風險的路線對台灣是有危險的,「在應競爭的領域競爭,在 #可合作的領域合作,在 #必須對抗的領域對抗」,這是美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)揭示的對華方針,絕對不是一些人說的什麼美中全面爭霸、準備開戰,台灣要趕快選邊站對邊。
這也是為何近期包括吳釗燮部長、邱義仁秘書長及蔡英文總統,都一再發出 #踩煞車 意味的言論,甚至關心對岸水災,一改對抗姿態的原因。畢竟台海風高浪急,美國也不得不出來重申政策框架的邊界,「拜登政府支持強健的美台非官方關係,#不支持台灣獨立。」(by美國白宮國家安全委員會印太事務協調官坎貝爾Kurt Campbell)
君不見繼資深官員放話路透社之後,#國務院發言人 也跑出來重申台灣關係法、六項保證及一中政策等老調了嗎?歷經幾十年淬鍊實踐的政策框架,是不可能輕易更動的。
要戰略模糊還是戰略清晰?這件事 #本身也是模糊的,端看當下環境美國要如何彈性運用,重點在於能夠有效嚇阻。
台灣內部因為歷史與政治的多重因素,對於自身在國際上的地位有著 #焦慮與不安全感,把美國視為維持生存的唯一救生圈。阿富汗撤軍為何在台灣引起極大熱議,除了媒體的推波助瀾、喚起年長的國人當年美國撤軍斷交的痛苦回憶,很大程度上也是反應當前國人尤其綠營內部或許連他們自己都沒有意識到的 #焦慮與恐懼,想要相信、也逼自己相信美國一定會幫忙防守台灣、台灣非常重要,因此看到美方的誰說了什麼一點話,情緒就受到大幅刺激與波動,不是歡欣鼓舞就是難過得要命,實在大可不必。
如果是真正 #勇敢自信的台灣人,看到今天阿富汗面臨的情況(或說下場),應該是可以 #處變不驚(我們 #中華民國派 喜歡講 #莊敬自強 💪),最應先思考的是如何自立自強、如何提升台灣的籌碼與重要性,來認真檢視各項議題:是否要改革兵役制度、加強台灣的國防戰力,我們的軍事轉型完成了嗎?做對了嗎?我們的兩岸溝通管道暢通嗎?有辦法在周邊出事時保持最基本的聯繫而不誤判嗎?
#國際關係是關乎生與死的學問(”International theory is the theory of survival”— Martin Wight, 1961),需要長期觀察與浸淫才能一窺堂奧。近年來開始有很多專注國際關係的新媒體出現與傳統媒體的投入,這是好事。台灣非常需要了解國際關係,無論是經貿或是更重要的安全層面,更應該隨時保持冷靜思考,不要患得患失、隨媒體或政治人物的誇張言論起舞,因為這關乎我們所有人共同家園的存續,
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,890的網紅Teri Timeout,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本年度最陽剛又最性感的MV就是Lil Nas X了😆 喜歡的話記得留言讓我知道,也別忘了訂閱我的頻道和開啟通知哦! Hey all! Make sure to leave a comment to show love, and don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SU...
「long time long see意思」的推薦目錄:
- 關於long time long see意思 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於long time long see意思 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
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long time long see意思 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
繼上次的年報導讀會議後, 讓我們再做另一個會議! 這次很榮幸邀請到一位對估值很有見解的股友前輩來帶大家了解估值(恩, 這次我會是主持人, 不是主講人).
主題: 估值(valuation)分享會(Cat: 這不算基礎的估值會議)
主講人: 小揚(from安泰價值投資)
https://www.facebook.com/antaiinvestment (此為小揚的粉絲頁)
參與者: 具基本估值能力. 若打算參加者, 請事先跟我(請私訊)提出一個關於估值的case study, 到時候可在會議中分享(最好是以投影片形式呈現, 這樣到時候好跟大家分享). 若有估值的問題, 也可以提出.
Case study可以是美股, 也可以是台股.
時間: 台灣時間07/10 (周六)晚間9點.
預計一個小時(不會像上次那樣冗長了😅): 前30分鐘由小揚做分享, 後30分鐘大家分享估值案例&提問
進行方式: 以Zoom進行(之後會私訊會議資訊給參與者)
🌻Morgan Stanley Mid-year Investor Outlook: A tricky transition
🌻在您投資生涯中, 有沒有一些觀念讓您受用很多?
下面這位投資名人的好觀念影響我很深. 他的意思是, 一般投資人, 只要能説出三個買一家公司的理由, 就很夠了. 這也迫使我, 每次在買股票時, 問自己對這家公司的了解有多少. 也會去衡量公司的優點與缺點在哪裡.
"It is vital (重要的) that you know what you own, that if I asked you on the street why you like a certain stock, you can give me three reasons. If you don't know how they make their money, who their key clients are and what they make if, then I will tell you that you are over your head and should not own individual stocks."
Jim Cramer: In Times Like This, Go for the Easy Money
Look at the stocks you own. Can you tell me why you've got them? If you can't answer the following three questions, then have a look at several I like right now.
We've endured the meme stock craziness, with all of its love for heavily shorted stocks. We have watched the collapse of bitcoin to levels viewed as shocking, even if they are still more than double where they were not that long ago. We've dealt with Fed officials making it clear that they are no longer on the side of the bulls or the bears. They are on the side of job growth, but are wary of inflation. We've seen the end of the rush to get vaccines, which means that millions of people are going to get the new COVID variant, because there is no natural immunity to it. We've watched as the hopes for an infrastructure bill have collapsed. We've endured shortages of everything from chips to plastic to imported goods and labor.
And we're still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yep, we are in one of those halcyon moments, where the masks are off -- even if they shouldn't be -- and Americans are back doing what they do best: consume, spend, go out to eat and then consume and spend some more.
There are times in the stock market where the collective mindset is revealed. This is one of those times: Things are cool, it's not a big moment, there's no real news for a bit, it's the historically strong period and we can reach some conclusions about where we are.
When things are like this, it is important to remember that buyers like to revert to tried-and-true companies that thrive no matter what. These are companies that have an edge and are better at what they do than other companies.
You know that I am a great believer in index funds, that the average person doesn't have the time or the inclination to research individual stocks. It's a difficult barrier. I think you need to make time to read the quarterly report and listen to the conference call, to Google articles and, if possible, get some research about the companies you own. It is vital that you know what you own, that if I asked you on the street why you like a certain stock, you can give me three reasons. If you don't know how they make their money, who their key clients are and what they make if, then I will tell you that you are over your head and should not own individual stocks. I am reminded by this, because, once again, without a mask, I can be recognized and if I am not holding "Nvidia the Second," I can carry on a conversation.
I have had many in the last two weeks and when I have asked this litany of questions, I find myself at a loss as to why almost no one knew what they owned. But they thirsted for individual stocks, because they, like me, think things are better post pandemic. No, that's not a facetious comment. Many, many stocks did better with a stay-at-home economy. A huge number.
So what do I do? I revert to what others do when you are stumped about how to stay in touch with stocks, but want to do less homework. That means buying stocks that are accessible, not stocks like Unity (U) or Snowflake (SNOW) or Twilio (TWLO) or Okta (OKTA) .
I revert to normal businesses people know and I suggest they Google some articles, peruse the conference call, but, above all, like the company's products so you can buy more if it goes down.
Here's some that I have been telling people I like:
First is Ford (F) . I think the Ford lineup is amazing. The electric F-150 series will be incredible. I am eager to get a Maverick for my family, because it is a smaller pickup that will get the job done for the myriad little things I need to do with this farm I bought from that crazy bitcoin foray. I like the competitive edge of the CEO, who says he is going to bury Elon Musk when the Lightning comes out. I even think the Bronco is cool as all get out. Most important, though? I think the chip shortage is ending. My semiconductor friends are telling me the foundries are producing more feature-rich chips and that means Ford can pump out the trucks small business people love and need. Plus, the used car prices at last have plateaued, according to their most important pricing index. Halcyon times.
Second, Costco (COST) : The samples are coming back. Tell me you don't love the samples. You need things in bulk. You want low prices. You want to get all of the things that people don't think of with Costco, like insurance, hearing-aids -- hey, they are a fortune -- jewelry, things around the house. You go and you will buy far more than you first came for. My kind of store.
The kids love this American Eagle Outfitters (AEO) , which we just bought for my charitable trust, which you can follow along by joining the Action Alerts PLUS club. Jay Schottenstein, the CEO, came on "Mad Money" recently and it's clear that his Aerie model has real staying power: 26 consecutive quarters of double digit growth. No flash in the pan, that one. Number one brand in jeans for the 15 to 25 year old group. The best in the mall. How did I know this? I see the credit card bills.
I got up this morning to do my physical therapy. I have been doing it ever since I hurt my back in February. I have this really cool pair of sneakers that fit me perfectly and I love them, but I am fortunate enough to have a vacation house and I am always taking those shoes with me.
So I went on Amazon (AMZN) this morning and lo and behold I saw them for half price. I bought two pairs. Then I went over everything I have bought in the last year and got a bunch of those things. Then I bought a pair of binoculars, because mine were stolen. I paid half price.
Yep, Amazon's universal. I was talking to Alexa, while I was ordering, getting some new music on, asking questions. I saw that despite all of the Sturm und Drang of Amazon being late with things, all the delivery dates were within range. I didn't click on any ads, and I didn't need the speed of Web Services, but the whole thing reminded me about how special the darned company is. I don't care if it's ahead or behind plan for the moment. I would just buy some more when it goes down.
Finally, Apple (AAPL) . I think people who don't own Apple should look what they are holding at this very moment. Yes, right now. Or look at what's in your lap or on the table besides your fork. And then think about the bill you paid last night without knowing it. Think about what you bought in the App store yesterday. Think about what would happen if it would break or get stolen or, left in the Uber (UBER) , or heaven forbid, be dropped into the pool or in the, yes, toilet.
There, that's what you buy in halcyon times. Stocks of companies you know that if they go lower, because things get less halcyon, you are fine with it and buy more. If things go up, believe me, you will participate.
So accept the moment. Don't try for the hard money. Go for the easy kind. That's the best kind.
Picture: 牡丹(peony)花開. 恨不得院子裡有一塊地是牡丹園.
long time long see意思 在 作者 Facebook 的最佳貼文
翻聽Bob Dylan的《Desolation Row》湧起一股莫名的觸動,感覺就像走過了一條漫長的荒涼之路。頭兩句不知怎的讓我想到最近的香港:
They’re selling postcards of the hanging
They’re painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
The circus is in town
Here comes the blind commissioner
They’ve got him in a trance
One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker
The other is in his pants
And the riot squad they’re restless
They need somewhere to go
As Lady and I look out tonight
From Desolation Row
Cinderella, she seems so easy
“It takes one to know one,” she smiles
And puts her hands in her back pockets
Bette Davis style
And in comes Romeo, he’s moaning
“You Belong to Me I Believe”
And someone says, “You’re in the wrong place my friend
You better leave”
And the only sound that’s left
After the ambulances go
Is Cinderella sweeping up
On Desolation Row
Now the moon is almost hidden
The stars are beginning to hide
The fortune-telling lady
Has even taken all her things inside
All except for Cain and Abel
And the hunchback of Notre Dame
Everybody is making love
Or else expecting rain
And the Good Samaritan, he’s dressing
He’s getting ready for the show
He’s going to the carnival tonight
On Desolation Row
Now Ophelia, she’s ’neath the window
For her I feel so afraid
On her twenty-second birthday
She already is an old maid
To her, death is quite romantic
She wears an iron vest
Her profession’s her religion
Her sin is her lifelessness
And though her eyes are fixed upon
Noah’s great rainbow
She spends her time peeking
Into Desolation Row
Einstein, disguised as Robin Hood
With his memories in a trunk
Passed this way an hour ago
With his friend, a jealous monk
He looked so immaculately frightful
As he bummed a cigarette
Then he went off sniffing drainpipes
And reciting the alphabet
Now you would not think to look at him
But he was famous long ago
For playing the electric violin
On Desolation Row
Dr. Filth, he keeps his world
Inside of a leather cup
But all his sexless patients
They’re trying to blow it up
Now his nurse, some local loser
She’s in charge of the cyanide hole
And she also keeps the cards that read
“Have Mercy on His Soul”
They all play on pennywhistles
You can hear them blow
If you lean your head out far enough
From Desolation Row
Across the street they’ve nailed the curtains
They’re getting ready for the feast
The Phantom of the Opera
A perfect image of a priest
They’re spoonfeeding Casanova
To get him to feel more assured
Then they’ll kill him with self-confidence
After poisoning him with words
And the Phantom’s shouting to skinny girls
“Get Outa Here If You Don’t Know
Casanova is just being punished for going
To Desolation Row”
Now at midnight all the agents
And the superhuman crew
Come out and round up everyone
That knows more than they do
Then they bring them to the factory
Where the heart-attack machine
Is strapped across their shoulders
And then the kerosene
Is brought down from the castles
By insurance men who go
Check to see that nobody is escaping
To Desolation Row
Bob Dylan這首歌可能戲仿了英國詩人ES艾略特的長詩《荒原》,這首詩的一大特色是沒有人能看懂一個字——每個字都懂,湊起來卻不成意思。之前跟大家介紹過的艾茲拉龐德,勉強把《荒原》翻改成可讀的版本,加了很多註腳,務求令世人讀得通它的真意。這個情節,Bob Dylan也收錄在《Desolation Row》第九節裡面:
Praise be to Nero’s Neptune
The Titanic sails at dawn
And everybody’s shouting
“Which Side Are You On?”
And Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot
Fighting in the captain’s tower
While calypso singers laugh at them
And fishermen hold flowers
Between the windows of the sea
Where lovely mermaids flow
And nobody has to think too much
About Desolation Row
是的,Bob Dylan是在模仿ES艾略特式的混亂,而在最後一節揭曉了混亂的原因:
Yes, I received your letter yesterday
(About the time the doorknob broke)
When you asked how I was doing
Was that some kind of joke?
All these people that you mention
Yes, I know them, they’re quite lame
I had to rearrange their faces
And give them all another name
Right now I can’t read too good
Don’t send me no more letters, no
Not unless you mail them
From Desolation Row
聽過這麼多段,就像走完了一段漫長的荒涼的路,有一種想哭的感覺。Bob Dylan的音樂經常都給予的這種荒涼感,只有經歷很多的人才會有這種感覺,寫得出這種詞,流下了這滴淚。
long time long see意思 在 Teri Timeout Youtube 的最讚貼文
本年度最陽剛又最性感的MV就是Lil Nas X了😆
Hey all!
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-TERI xx
【完整翻譯】Lil Nas X & Jack Harlow - Industry Baby
Baby back, couple racksCouple Grammys on him, couple plaquesThat's a fact, throw it backThrow it back
我回來了 帶著滿架子的獎牌
葛萊美拿了好幾座 白金唱片得了一堆
And this one is for the championsI ain't lost since I beganFunny how you said it was the endThen I went did it again
踏上路以來 我從來就未曾迷失
你不覺得好笑嗎? 酸民說我玩完了
但我回來了 又大獲全勝
I told you long ago on the roadI got what they waiting for
I don't run from nothing, dogGet your soldiers, tell 'em I ain't layin' low
早在那條老街上 我就說了吧
所以告訴你的大軍 我沒有要低調引退的意思
You was never really rooting for me anywayWhen I'm back up at the top, I wanna hear you sayHe don't run from nothin', dogGet your soldiers, tell 'em that the break is over
當我重返榮耀 我要聽到你說
所以集結你的大軍 告訴他們休息時間結束了
Need to get this album doneNeed a couple number onеsNeed a plaque on every song
Need mе like one with Nicki now
Tell a rap nigga I don't see yaI'm a pop nigga like Bieber
I don't fuck bitches, I'm queer
But these niggas bitches like Madea
告訴嘻哈饒舌仔 我眼裡根本沒有你
我就像小賈斯汀一樣 流行到爆
妹子?我沒興趣 我是酷兒
let's do it
I ain't fall off, I just ain't release my new shit
I blew up, now everybody tryna sue me
You call me Nas, but the hood call me Doobie
我沒有跌落神壇 我只是新歌還沒發
我一夕爆紅 現在每個人都想告我
你們叫我Nas 但我家鄉的人叫我Doobie
[Jack Harlow]
My track record so clean, they couldn't wait to just bash meI must be gettin' too flashy, y'all shouldn't have let the world gas me
我沒拿什麼獎 他們等不及就說我沒實力
我肯定是太招搖了 你們不該讓全世界噴爆我
It's too late 'cause I'm here to stay and these girls know that I'm nastyI sent her back to her boyfriend with my handprint on her ass cheek
太遲了 因為老子我已經要在這裡待下
City talkin', we takin' notesTell 'em all to keep makin' postsWish he could, but he can't get close
OG so proud of me that he chokin' up while he makin' toasts
I'm the type that you can't control, said I would, then I made it so
謠言四起 我們做著筆記
他只是羨慕 但他永遠趕不上我
嘻哈大老們為我驕傲 他敬酒的時候還在哽咽
我完全不受控 我就是說到做到
I don't clear up rumors, where's y'all sense of humor?
I'm done makin' jokes 'cause they got old like baby boomers
Turned my haters to consumers, I make vets feel like they juniors
Say your time is comin' soon, but just like Oklahoma
我從來沒在闢謠的 你們難道都沒幽默感嗎
我也不想在開玩笑了 不然怎麼講都是老梗
把我的酸民變粉絲 讓老兵變年輕
Mine is comin' sooner, I'm just a late bloomerI didn't peak in high school, I'm still out here gettin' cuter
All these social networks and computersGot these pussies walkin' 'round like they ain't losers
但我的時代來的更快 我是大器晚成
我在高中不受歡迎 但現在我越來越討喜
這些鍵盤戰士 總是故意說著妹子怎樣 顯得自己比較不魯
Giva Divas:goo.gl/pVSAiC
☾ INQUIRIES 合作邀約:[email protected]
☾ This is not a sponsored video.
0:00 歌曲背景
3:59 歌詞解析
11:34 Industry Plants爭議
13:59 總結

long time long see意思 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的精選貼文
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以聖經中「迦密山」為名的「Carmel Market」,希伯來文意思是花園或果園,可以一次見識以色列在地的所有農產,明明60%的土地都是沙漠的國度,卻能生產出無花果、石榴、柳橙、椰棗、堅果、橄欖和許多五顏六色的新鮮蔬果。這裡也是上帝應許的奶與蜜之地,酪農業發達到台灣人都來取經,乳酪種類數也數不清。
「Carmel Market」的攤子商店都沿著長街而建,一攤攤仔細逛下去,至少得花2小時。
吟唱家鄉曲調的走唱歌手,是「Carmel Market」裡令人駐足的一景。
Carmel市場外的悠閒風景。走訪Carmel Market隔天,我來到高樓包圍的一片花園綠地,當地人說,這裡是中產階級最愛的市場,要進去還要經過嚴格的安檢,走進之後發現大樓裡別有洞天,這裡叫做「Sarona Market」,不僅是市場,還是有故事的古蹟。
採買完的老夫婦,悠閒地在「Sarona Market」的美食街用早午餐。
「Sarona Market」隱身在大樓裡,進去需經過安檢。
「Sarona Market」隱身在大樓裡,進去需經過安檢。
The "Carmel Market" named after "Carmel Market" in the Bible means Hebrew means a garden or orchard. You can see all the agricultural products on the land in Israel at one time. Obviously, 60% of the land is a desert country. Produces figs, pomegranates, oranges, dates, nuts, olives and many colorful fresh fruits and vegetables. This is also a land of milk and honey promised by God. Dairy farming has reached Taiwanese people to learn from it, and there are countless types of cheese. "Carmel Market" stalls and shops are all built along the long street. It takes at least 2 hours to walk around carefully.
聖書の「カーメル市場」にちなんで名付けられた「カーメル市場」は、ヘブライ語が庭または果樹園を意味することを意味します。イスラエルの土地のすべての農産物を一度に見ることができます。明らかに、土地の60%は砂漠の国です。イチジク、ザクロ、オレンジ、ナツメヤシ、ナッツ、オリーブ、多くのカラフルな新鮮な果物や野菜を生産しています。これはまた、神によって約束されたミルクと蜂蜜の土地です。酪農は、台湾の人々にそれを学ぶために到達しました、そして、無数の種類のチーズがあります。 「カーメルマーケット」の屋台とお店はすべて長い通りに沿って建てられています。慎重に歩き回るには少なくとも2時間かかります。
"שוק הכרמל" על שמו "שוק הכרמל" במקרא פירושו עברית פירושו גן או פרדס. אתה יכול לראות את כל המוצרים החקלאיים על האדמה בישראל בפעם אחת. ברור ש 60% מהארץ הם מדינה מדברית. מייצר תאנים, רימונים, תפוזים, תמרים, אגוזים, זיתים והרבה פירות וירקות צבעוניים טריים. זו גם ארץ של חלב ודבש שהובטח על ידי האל. חקלאות החלב הגיעה לתושבי טייוואן ללמוד מכך, ויש אינספור סוגים של גבינה. דוכנים וחנויות "שוק הכרמל" בנויים כולם לאורך הרחוב הארוך. לוקח שעתיים לפחות להסתובב בזהירות.
Le "Marché du Carmel" nommé d'après le "Marché du Carmel" dans la Bible signifie que l'hébreu signifie un jardin ou un verger. Vous pouvez voir tous les produits agricoles sur la terre d'Israël en même temps. De toute évidence, 60% des terres sont un pays désertique. Produit des figues, des grenades, des oranges, des dattes, des noix, des olives et de nombreux fruits et légumes frais colorés. C'est aussi une terre de lait et de miel promise par Dieu. La production laitière a atteint les Taïwanais pour en tirer des enseignements, et il existe d'innombrables types de fromages. Les étals et les magasins du «marché du Carmel» sont tous construits le long de la longue rue. Il faut au moins 2 heures pour se promener avec précaution.
Η "αγορά Carmel" που ονομάζεται "Market Carmel" στη Βίβλο σημαίνει εβραϊκή σημαίνει κήπος ή οπωρώνας. Μπορείτε να δείτε όλα τα γεωργικά προϊόντα στη γη στο Ισραήλ ταυτόχρονα. Προφανώς, το 60% της γης είναι ερημική χώρα. Παράγει σύκα, ροδιές, πορτοκάλια, ημερομηνίες, καρύδια, ελιές και πολλά πολύχρωμα φρέσκα φρούτα και λαχανικά. Αυτή είναι και η γη του γάλακτος και του μελιού που υποσχέθηκε ο Θεός. Η γαλακτοπαραγωγή έχει φτάσει στους Ταϊβανούς να μάθουν από αυτήν και υπάρχουν αμέτρητοι τύποι τυριών. Οι πάγκοι και τα καταστήματα "Carmel Market" είναι χτισμένα σε όλο το μήκος του δρόμου. Χρειάζονται τουλάχιστον 2 ώρες για να περπατήσετε προσεκτικά.

long time long see意思 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的精選貼文
女王蜂別翻成 queen bee 啊!為什麼?聽聽 Bingo 怎麼說
《你也有今天》在 Ugly Beauty 專輯裡 pH 值最低,把前任酸得體無完膚、超級痛快 😂
💡女王蜂為什麼不能翻成 queen bee?
💡「你且等著 命運的幽默 細水長流」是什麼意思?
按訂閱 小鈴鐺 讓你英文響叮噹🔔
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歌詞翻譯及解析:蔡依林 Jolin Tsai《玫瑰少年 Womxnly》
英文翻譯也能唱!蔡依林 Jolin Tsai《腦公 Hubby》Official Music Video
影片背景音樂:How it Began - Silent Partner https://youtu.be/vkUp43K9Z-s
被最愛的人 當作月拋的玩偶
My beloved one treated me like a disposable doll
被謊言 當作待宰的肥客
Lied to me and exploited my love
在最幸福的雲端 被一腳踹落
And then kicked me down when I was on cloud nine
享受嗎 享受嗎
You enjoyed it? Did you enjoy it?
被最貼心的擁抱 把真心爆破
The hug that once warmed your heart now crushes it
被最溫柔的手 痛下狠手
The hand that once caressed you now slaps you
被最寶貝的紅唇 反咬了一口
The mouth that once kissed you now bites you
你值得 你值得
You deserve it. Yeah, you deserve it.
你 終於可以領會 什麼叫做因果
At long last, you get to know what karma means
你 終於可以學學 你給我的一課
Get to learn the lessons you taught me
你 總算沒有辜負 我對你的祝賀
My wishes for you have eventually come true
終於 你也有今天
Finally, you’re paying back the karmic debts
看花花蝴蝶 如何變成女王蜂
Watch how the fragile princess becomes a powerful queen
看綿羊 要如何反捕禽獸
How the sheep hunts the beast
看脆弱眼淚 輪迴成金剛拳頭
How helpless tears turn into fearless fists
有趣嗎 有趣嗎
Do you like it? How do you like it?
你那麼會 讓人死心
You are so good at breaking people’s hearts
這點心痛 利息都不夠
The heartache you’re experiencing is way too little
你且等著 命運的幽默 細水長流
Just wait and see / Time will tell you how humorous karma can be
你 終於可以證明 世上真有因果
At long last, you get to prove that karma does exist
你 終於可以做做 你給我的惡夢
Get to suffer the nightmares you gave me
你 千萬不要辜負 我對你的祝賀
Please, make my wishes for you come true
祝你 年年有今天
I wish you a wonderful day like this every year

long time long see意思 在 【「好久不見」有多少表達】 1.I haven』t seen you for( in ) a... 的推薦與評價
It has been a long time since I saw you last. 4. ... long time no see 看起來不是正確的文法啊!no 後面接動詞不是應該變動名詞+ing?? ... 它的延伸意思是什麼呀? ... <看更多>