#你知道尛 │ 你知道小星星跟ABC在法律上是實質相同的歌嘛?
金曲獎最佳年度歌曲的《刻在我心底的名字》深陷抄襲疑雲,近日同樣因為歌曲相似度而在網路上引發熱議的,還有發行首張單曲就席捲音樂界的18歲歌手Olivia Rodrigo。
Olivia Rodrigo今年5月發行的新歌Good 4 U被國外網友點名抄襲了搖滾樂團Paramore在2007年推出的Misery Business。如果你還沒聽過這首歌,以下是附timecode的YT連結:
➤ Olivia Rodrigo - Good 4 U (2021):
➤ Paramore- Misery Business (2007):
仔細聽可以發現兩首歌的和弦非常相似。事實上,Paramore的主唱Hayley Williams與前吉他手Josh Farro事後還被Olivia Rodrigo列成該首歌的共同作曲人。這種擷選原曲旋律後重新填詞的作法,稱為「插值」(Interpolation)。
插值在流行音樂裡是相當常見的做法,Ariana Grande、Bon Jovi、David Bowie、Ed Sheeran、Flo Rida、Kanye West、Nicki Minaj、Taylor Swift與披頭四等都曾在歌曲中插入其他藝術家的原曲旋律。
擅長樂理分析的YouTuber亞當‧尼利(Adam Neely)從和弦(chords)、旋律曲線(Melodic Contour)、各小節的升降音等面向下去比較,發現一個有趣的事實:Good 4 U、Misery Business、Boulevard Of Broken Dreams與We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together都有相同的和弦編曲(chord progression)、主調(target tone)、切分音(syncopation)與結構。
有興趣的人可以跳轉到下面的timecode比較這四首歌的差異(泰勒絲的We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together真的嚇歪我,跟Paramore的Misery Business有夠像):
➤ Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (2005):
➤ Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (2010):
近年在著作權法的規範下,時常發生兩首聽起來截然不同的歌被判定為「實質相同」的狀況,像是披頭四吉他手George Harrison的歌曲My Sweet Lord被控侵權The Chiffons的歌曲He so Fine,或是Katy Perry的Dark Horse被控抄襲Marcus Gray的福音歌Joyful Noise。
為了避免剛起步音樂人的創意被版權規範扼殺在搖籃裡,擁有音樂學位、會寫程式的律師迪米安(Damien Riehl)的諾亞(Noah Rubin)推出All The Music計畫:用演算法將一個八度內所有的音階排列組合譜寫成包含12個音符的旋律,並將旋律無償提供給大眾使用。
#迪米安跟諾亞真的帥慘了 #音樂法律程式三棲還心懷天下蒼生 #只能respect #尛編
Source: Adam Neely, All The Music
#刻在 #刻在我心底的名字 #OliviaRodrigo #Good4U #Paramore #MiseryBusiness #AdamNeely #AllTheMusic
同時也有31部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅Goresh,也在其Youtube影片中提到,For business inquiries please e-mail: [email protected] (not taking collab requests at this time) https://twitter.com/Goreshx Check out the Dokkan...
lord business 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文
Fruitfulness Through the Holy Spirit
“He said therefore, “A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. He called ten servants of his, and gave them ten mina coins, and told them, ‘Conduct business until I come.’ But his citizens hated him, and sent an envoy after him, saying, ‘We don’t want this man to reign over us.’ “When he had come back again, having received the kingdom, he commanded these servants, to whom he had given the money, to be called to him, that he might know what they had gained by conducting business. The first came before him, saying, ‘Lord, your mina has made ten more minas.’ “He said to him, ‘Well done, you good servant! Because you were found faithful with very little, you shall have authority over ten cities.’ “The second came, saying, ‘Your mina, Lord, has made five minas.’ “So he said to him, ‘And you are to be over five cities.’” (Luke 19:12-19 WEB)
It seems like with every passing day, we are so much nearer to the time of Jesus’ return.
Yet, the Lord does not want us to be idle just because we sense His impending return.
He wants us to bear good fruit through the Holy Spirit that we have received.
The world needs to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and experience the power of the Holy Spirit who resides in us.
Did you notice how each of the ten servants received the same amount of one mina?
The mina being the same, could represent the same Holy Spirit that every believer receives upon salvation.
The first servant’s mina gained ten more minas, whereas the second servant’s mina gained five more minas.
I like how the servants gave credit to the mina for the gain, and did not draw attention to themselves.
It is like wisely recognizing that fruitfulness is not by strength, not by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord.
The first servant’s reward was in proportion with the results he produced through the mina. For gaining ten minas, he received authority over ten cities. For gaining five minas, the second servant received authority over five cities.
All ten servants each received one mina initially, but their rewards were different, depending on their end results.
This shows that salvation is the same for all believers who place their faith in Jesus as Lord, but our eternal rewards will be measured based on our good works.
““Behold, I come quickly. My reward is with me, to repay to each man according to his work.” (Revelation 22:12 WEB)
Good works come in many forms, and generally anything done for Abba God and Jesus with faith, hope, and love, are considered good works.
The Lord Jesus is your Rewarder. Are you ready to received authority over cities and other spheres of His kingdom during the Millennium and beyond?
Learn all about eternal rewards and how to maximize them, in my debut book “Sandcastles Don’t Last Forever”. It is truly a relevant read for this end-time generation. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you revelations of what awaits us beyond this mortal life, and the true riches in glory that will be given to believers who wisely make preparations now: http://bit.ly/sandcastlesdontlastforever
lord business 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
"Pastor Prince, no one has revealed to me the ever-loving heart of the Father as you have. Through your sermons and books, I have come to know that God’s heart toward me is ever flowing with unconditional love because of the finished work of His Son and nothing can change that.
You don’t know how happy I am that every time I see the Father, I see nothing but His heart full of love for me. Every time I come into His presence, I see His loving arms open wide to give me a warm embrace.
Your teachings of Jesus have made me realize that He is the standard for living—not me or anyone else—and this is a huge blessing to me. I have also come to realize that He is with me always and I can see His presence manifest in every area of my life. By beholding Him, I’m being transformed into His image from glory to glory.
Sometime last year, I took a loan for my business. When the time for settlement came, I had been listening to a message you preached in 2005 titled, God Has Cleansed You, Now Pronounce Yourself Cleansed! Though it was about healing, you mentioned that we can apply the same principle in every area of our lives. So I kept saying, “I pronounce my debt paid by the blood of Jesus Christ.”
Subsequently, my creditor informed me that the loan was a gift to support my business. This happened only as a result of God’s unmerited favor because my creditor and I had a written agreement that clearly states that all payments should be made within a year. Praise the Lord for His grace!
Thank you so much, Pastor Prince. The Lord bless you and yours always."
Tracy Alale | Nigeria, West Africa
Beloved, what God has done for others, He wants to do for you as well. As you read this story, I pray that it builds up your faith with the confident expectation of good for your future. Be encouraged because your breakthrough is next!
Visit JosephPrince.com/stories to read more stories like this. #JosephPrince #JosephPrinceStories #StoriesOfVictory
lord business 在 Goresh Youtube 的最佳貼文
For business inquiries please e-mail: Goresh127@gmail.com (not taking collab requests at this time)
Check out the Dokkan & Legends podcast with episodes available on Spotify here: https://t.co/nQyIzqzaHD?amp=1
Huge shoutout to Kuwa for creating the thumbnail for this video. His Twitter can be found here: https://twitter.com/mugenkuwa
Huge thanks to Kuwa for creating the side art
Sora's Twitter: https://twitter.com/SoraSSB

lord business 在 Goresh Youtube 的最佳貼文
For business inquiries please e-mail: Goresh127@gmail.com (not taking collab requests at this time)
Check out the Dokkan & Legends podcast with episodes available on Spotify here: https://t.co/nQyIzqzaHD?amp=1
Huge shoutout to Hydros for creating the thumbnail for this video. His Twitter can be found here: https://twitter.com/HydrosPlays
Huge thanks to Kuwa for creating the side art
Sora's Twitter: https://twitter.com/SoraSSB

lord business 在 ELVI TravelBag X ELVI行李箱 Youtube 的最佳貼文
Elvi的全新 #Podcast 節目「#Elvi來了! 」上線啦!要聊所有你會有興趣的事!快打開來聽吧❤
#India #印度 #志工 #AIESEC #旅遊 #旅行 #貧民窟
這集要來延續上一集的印度志工之旅,繼續帶大家深入印度生活,遊覽印度奇人異事! 告訴大家有關印度貧民窟、童工、乞丐、寶萊塢電影等等內容,希望大家聽了不會太驚嚇哈哈!也別忘了幫我打星評分留言唷:)
1. 志工工作趣事分享 -- 貧民窟水災全記錄 6:08
2. 偏鄉小學蓋教室 13:06
3. 印度人都用左手擦屁股?18:33
4. 印度廁所沒有垃圾桶 19:23
5. 印度寶萊塢電影&電影院介紹 20:30
6. 印度貧富差距到底有多大? 25:35
7. 印度有丐幫?乞丐真的很多?28:07
8. 非常令人驚嚇的童工&深夜驚魂 32:05
9. The White Tiger介紹 34:27
10. 印度富人對窮人的看法&官僚貪污 36:05
11. 種姓制度還存在嗎?38:39
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Apple Podcast https://reurl.cc/MZaG5p
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Soundon: https://sndn.link/elvitravelbag/vDCv4V
Listening notes
Castbox https://castbox.fm/channel/Elvi%E4%BE%86%E4%BA%86%EF%BC%81-id4040517?country=us
Music credit:
1. Siddhartha Corsus - Hare Krisha (Praise the Lord) ft. Billie Waves & Mukti Bird
2. Veena Kinhal - Haratanaya Sree
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