Ni lah budak lelaki yang rosak motor tepi kubur. Ngam-ngam tepi kubur.
Suami balik rumah amik spana bagi adik tu bukak rantai motor dia yang dah jem. Tak sampai 10 minit dah terbukak rantai tu.
Suami tanya, awak boleh ke tolak motor ni ke workshop kat siputeh. Boleh katanya. Ikutkan jauhlah jugak.
Masa suami tanya tu muka dia sedih.
Kak nija tanya berapa ringgit tukar baru rantai ni. Dengan muka sedih dia bagitahu rm35.
Kak nija kata takpe, awak gi workshop tukar hat baru saya bagi duit. Dia tengok muka kak nija dengan pandangan sayu.
Kak nija bukak dompet, amik sekeping duit biru bagi kat dia. Banyak sangat ni kak katanya sebak.
Dalam hati kak nija berkata, tak banyak bakinya dik. Rantai motor baru rm35, baki lima belas je. Amiklah gi makan kak nija kata.
Allah katanya, banyak ni.
Lambat dia hulurkan tangan. Suami kata amiklah kami sedekah. Doakan kami sihat dan murah rezeki ye, kata suami.
Macam nak nangis muka dia.
Katanya sebelum 8 pagi motor rosak. Takde sorang pun berhenti tanya. Maknanya sejam lebih dia kat situ dok godek rantai motor. Bila rantai motor jem, motor tak boleh gerak seinci pun. Patutlah masa kami sampai nampak dia termenung.
Bila dia dah bukak rantai motor bermakna motor dah boleh ditolak, suami mintak izin nak balik, saya nak kemas barang kata suami.
Pantas dia bertanya, nak pindah ke bang? Ye suami jawab.
Dah ada lori, tanya dia.
Belum. Tengah cari lori ni.
Abang, kawan saya ada lori. Abang nak 1 ton atau 3 ton tanya dia.
3 ton jawab suami.
Jap bang saya call kawan saya. Kawannya bagitahu lori 3 ton RM350. Lepas tu, dia mintak kurang RM300. Kawan dia setuju.
Bang nak budak tolong angkat barang ke, tanya dia.
Aah dapat sorang jadilah jawab suami.
Takpe bang, saya tolong abang angkat barang.
Allah. Cepatnya Allah balas. Dalam seminggu ni memang suami survey cari lori. Tiba-tiba Allah bagi depan mata. Siap adik tu offer tolong angkat barang.
Benarlah. Semua yang berlaku Allah dah rancang. Kami gi kubur agak lewat rupanya Allah nak temukan kami dengan adik tu.
Dulu, kami gi kubur lewat, Allah jumpakan kami dengan orang baiki kubur mak. Padahal dah berbulan kak nija mencari orang baiki kubur, sekelip mata Allah hantar.
Setiap kejadian pasti ada hikmah yang tak disangka. Aturan Allah itu terbaik. Sentiasalah bersangka baik kat Allah.
Suami tak yah susah-susah nak cari lori. Bab lori dah selesai. Terima kasih Allah.
kredit: niza mok
This is the boy who broke the motorbike beside the grave. Suitable by the grave.
Husband came home and took the spana for the younger brother to open his motor necklace that was jammed. Not even 10 minutes the chain has been opened.
Husband asked, can you push this motorbike into a workshop at Siputeh. It's okay to say. It's far away.
When husband asks his face is sad.
Sis Nija asked how many ringgit to change this chain. With a sad face he told RM35.
Sis Nija said it's okay, you go to the workshop to change the new hat I'll give you She looks at Kak Nija's face with a sad opinion.
Sis Nija opened her wallet, took a piece of blue money and gave her to her. So many of these sis said she's crying.
In the heart of sis nija said, there aren't many things. New motor necklace RM35, only fifteen left. Take it to eat sis nija said.
Allah said, this is a lot.
He gave his hand late. Husband said take us charity. Pray for us to be healthy and blessed, husband says.
His face feels like crying.
He said before 8 am the motor was broken. No one stops asking. It means more than an hour he's there and there's a motorcycle chain. When the motor necklace is jammed, the motor can't even move one piece. No wonder when we saw him pensive.
When he opens the motor necklace, it means that the motor can be rejected, the husband asks for permission to return, I want to clean up my husband
He's quick to ask, want to move to bang? Yes husband answers.
Already have a lorry, ask him.
Not yet. Looking for a truck.
Brother, my friend has a lorry. I want 1 ton or 3 ton ask him.
3 tons of husband's answer.
I'll call my friend for a while. His friend told me that the lorry is 3 ton RM350. After that, he asked for less RM300. His friend agreed.
Do you want a kid to lift your stuff, ask him.
Aah can be a husband answer.
It's okay brother, I'll help you pick up your stuff.
God. God replied so fast. In this week my husband will survey to find a lorry. Suddenly Allah gives it to your eyes. The little one is ready to offer, please pick up the items.
It's true. Everything that happens Allah has planned. We went to the grave a little late apparently Allah wanted to find us with that little brother.
In the past, we went to the grave late, Allah found us with people who repaired mom's grave. Even though it's been months since sis nija is looking for someone to fix the grave, in a blink of an eye
Every incident there must be an unexpected wisdom. Allah's rule is the best. Always think good to Allah.
Husband doesn't need to find a lorry. The lorry chapter is done. Thank you Allah.
Credit: Niza MokTranslated
lorry or truck 在 英文單字筆記粉絲團- 講到馬路上一定會看到的貨車英文 的推薦與評價
truck 是卡車的意思,有另外一個單字lorry 更貼近貨車英文的意思,雖然兩者都可以表示貨車,不過lorry 還是稍微比較像台灣人稱的貨車,有時候到底是貨車還是卡車還蠻主觀的 ... ... <看更多>
lorry or truck 在 What is the difference between 'truck','lorry' and 'van'? 的推薦與評價
I'm with Colin. A truck is a lorry, and a lorry is a truck, with one exception, the vehicles called 'pick up trucks' are not lorries. ... <看更多>