@surfaceapparel 2021 Campaign #englishbelow
「我 17 歲一個人來台灣的時候 其實已在面對憂鬱症兩年 在有壓力的狀況下 每天想著為何當人那麼難」
「但來到台灣後認識了大海 , 學習不同文化 我開始衝浪又創業 我給了自己多一些機會去做我熱愛的事情 後來的轉折點是透過行動 找回了原本一直存在心裡的火花」
✨「人生的意義是每個人自己給它的 在我眼裡能活著這本身就是一個禮物」
「但做個現代的都市人 我們常把自己綁在一個太小的世界裡 我們容易忘記 大環境的意思,大自然的重要性,還有它的能量」
「像地球不只是資源,它也是我們的家 社會也是 ... 身邊的人都是像兄弟姊妹 而就像環境 , 我們要彼此照顧、互相幫忙 大家才能享受這趟短短的人生」
「我們來的時候 , 什麼都沒有 要走的時候 , 什麼都帶不走 我們唯一花了而拿不回來的資源是時間 ,我們沒得贏沒得輸 所以不管好與壞 要勇敢付出、勇敢愛,這樣活在當下,才是活的 『無後悔』」
- by 艾玲
🏄🏽♀ @eileen.carls
🏄🏽 @booasurfing
📹 @palau_ivan
👙 追蹤 @surfaceapparel ✨
~~~english ~~~
"When I came to Taiwan at the age of 17, I had been facing depression for two years. During that stressful phase of life,I always wondered why it’s so complicated to be a human.
But after moving to Taiwan, I got to know the ocean and learn about the culture.
�I got into surfing and started a business.
�I gave myself more chances to do what I love.
And it was only through action,That I rediscovered the spark of life that had always existed in my heart.
The meaning of life is given to it by every person him/herself. And in my eyes, being alive is a gift in itself.
While living a modern urban life,�Many get lost in a small world view.
�We tend to forget about the meaning of the environment, the importance of nature and its energy.
The earth is not only a resource, it is also our home.
�So is society - to me, we are all nothing but brothers and sisters. And just like caring for the environment, we could care for each-other.
�I believe that this is the way we could all love in harmony together.
In life there are many ups and downs, but it’s these hurdles that result in growth - They are what make us feel alive!
When we were born, we came with nothing.�And when we leave, we will leave with nothing.
�The only resource that we spend and will never come back is “time”.
There’s nothing to win and nothing to lose. So come good or bad, be brave to give and brave to love.
💫“Live in the moment.�Live a life with no regrets"
- by me 💛🙏🏽
Follow us @surfaceapparel
lose myself意思 在 谷紀潁KuChi Facebook 的精選貼文
Hey, this is @justinbieber ‘s ETA, and I hope you love my choreography.
ETA is about time, about waiting. And I deeply believe that everyone is more or less waiting for a person, a thing, or a belief to come, right? Like my current situation, I’m waiting my dream to come true. In my opinion, waiting is extremely tiring. Sometimes, I lose my faith. But I always keep telling myself that waiting is going to be a life lesson for me, and I just need to find out what I have learnt all this time.
I wish you, the one who is reading this and watching my video, that you will succeed at the end and share with us that waiting is worthwhile.
大家好, 這是我跳小賈斯汀的舞蹈影片。希望你們喜歡我的編排與剪輯。
Remember to go check my YouTube channel.
記得去追蹤訂閱我的YouTube ChiYingKu
#justinbieber #eta #dancecover #舞蹈 #changes #movement #choreography
lose myself意思 在 辭職去南極 Facebook 的最佳解答
尋晚同快要結婚嘅朋友傾左成晚之後諗起一個Ted Talk, 有個離過三次婚嘅女人話最緊要同自己結婚,好有意思,今日畫左幅畫同大家分享下❤️❤️❤️
“The thing about marrying yourself is not just like cohabitating
You’re not just going to date for a while and see how it turns out
You are going to do this till death do you part
You are going to marry yourself for richer or for poorer.
This means you going to love yourself right where you are
You don’t say, “when you get to the corner of Hollywood and Vine, then I will marry you”
You don’t say, “When you lose ten pounds, then I will love you.”
You are going to marry yourself for better or for worse
Most of us are willing to love ourselves for better, I mean, sure, I am having a great hair day today. I love me!
That’s not what I am talking about, I’m talking about for worse, you know, the big life disappointments.
Maybe you don’t own a home, you don’t get the career you wanted, maybe you didn’t graduate from college, or get the relationship you wanted. Maybe you fight with your mom, maybe you watch too much reality TV, whatever it is, it doesn’t matter anymore
Because when you marry yourself, you agree to stay with you no matter what.
“Will you marry me?”
Even though those words are very powerful, I don’t need to hear them from him because I have already heard them from myself.
The way I see it is like I took myself to the top of a mountain, or maybe to the bottom of the ocean, and I got down on one knee, and I said, “I’ll never leave you”
Now I am married to the one person I really want to be with all along,
Excerpts from Tracey McMillan’s Ted talk: the person you really need to marry