指導單位: 經濟部、文化部、交通部
協辦單位:行政院環境保護署、交通部觀光局( 台灣觀光粉絲團) 、新北市瑞芳區公所
特別感謝:台灣菸酒股份有限公司 (台灣啤酒)
“LIGHT UP 13 LAYER REMAINS”Lighting Ceremony
Located in Ruifang District of New Taipei City,“the historic remains of ShueiNanDong Smelter”was the facility for copper mining during the Japanese colonial period. Designed by the then director - Mike Kikujirou, the structure was built into the hillside with 13 stories, so has been dubbed as “13 layer” by old miners and local people. Having stood on the hillside over the decades, the infrastructure has become a precious heritage. As the neighborhood also kept the memory of mining industry, the whole region forms an organic “Mining Industry Museum” with its own unique landscape. According to〈Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage〉, the Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture has listed “the historic remains of ShueiNanDong Smelter” as a Potential World Heritage Site in Taiwan.
In order to reproduce the historical scene of the “golden town”, and to remind people of its beauty and history context, Taiwan Power Company cooperates with world-class lighting artist- Lien Chou and cutting-edge artist- Joyce Ho, and curates “Light up 13 Layer Remains.”The exhibition of amber lights in different luminance echoing the historic remains’ feature will be lit from 6 PM to 9PM every night thereafter. On the Mid-Autumn Festival, the light ceremony will be held by Taiwan Power Company and The General Association of Chinese Culture, and turns these lights into a nostalgia connection between the remains and people.
Date: 2019/9/13
Time: 19:00
Location: The parking area of ShueiNanDong, Ruifang District, New Taipei City
luminance單位 在 經濟部 Facebook 的最佳貼文
這是台灣的文化遺產,也是世界級的文化遺產。今年中秋,我們要 #點亮十三層 遺址!
新北市瑞芳區的「#水湳洞選煉廠遺址」是日治時期挖掘銅礦留下的建築,由當時的廠長 #三毛菊次郎 規劃,依山勢層層向上堆疊搭建,因地面建築共十三層,被當時的礦工和居民稱之為「十三層」。至今,其基礎建構物仍存,屬珍貴歷史遺跡,百年來的採礦遺跡,也遍佈聚落及其周圍礦區,形成特殊的礦業地景,是一座天然的礦業發展博物館,紀錄著台灣礦業發展史。2003年文化部文化資產局依據「世界文化遺產暨自然遺產保護公約」,將其入選為 #台灣世界遺產潛力點 之一。
為了重現水湳洞遺址的黃金歷史風貌,台電邀請國際照明藝術大師 #周鍊,以及新銳藝術家 #何采柔 共同合作「點亮十三層」公共藝術,依十三層遺址特色設計不同亮度的琥珀色柔和燈光,以後將在晚間6至9時固定點亮。今年 #中秋節,台電將與文化總會共同舉辦 #點燈儀式,讓光不再只是光,還能帶出過往的記憶,藉由「光」讓建築與人之間共譜出一段雋永的協奏曲。
▶️指導單位:經濟部 文化部 交通部
▶️主辦單位:台灣電力股份有限公司 (電力粉絲團)
▶️協辦單位:行政院環境保護署、 交通部 觀光局、@瑞芳區公所、台灣中油股份有限公司
▶️特別感謝:台灣菸酒股份有限公司 (台灣啤酒)
“LIGHT UP 13 LAYER REMAINS“ Lighting Ceremony
Located in Ruifang District of New Taipei City, “the historic remains of ShueiNanDong Smelter” was the facility for copper mining during the Japanese colonial period. Designed by the then director - Mike Kikujirou, the structure was built into the hillside with 13 stories, so has been dubbed as “13 layer” by old miners and local people. Having stood on the hillside over the decades, the infrastructure has become a precious heritage. As the neighborhood also kept the memory of mining industry, the whole region forms an organic “Mining Industry Museum” with its own unique landscape. According to〈Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage〉, the Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture has listed “the historic remains of ShueiNanDong Smelter” as a Potential World Heritage Site in Taiwan.
In order to reproduce the historical scene of the “golden town, ” and to remind people of its beauty and history context, Taiwan Power Company cooperates with world-class lighting artist- Lien Chou and cutting-edge artist- Joyce Ho, and curates “Light up 13 Layer Remains.”The exhibition of amber lights in different luminance echoing the historic remains’ feature will be lit from 6 PM to 9PM every night thereafter. On the Mid-Autumn Festival, the light ceremony will be held by Taiwan Power Company and The General Association of Chinese Culture, and turns these lights into a nostalgia connection between the remains and people.
✅Date: 2019/9/13
✅Time: 19:00
✅Location: The parking area of ShueiNanDong, Ruifang District, New Taipei City
luminance單位 在 Re: [請益] 光學單位nits, cd/m^2, lux - 看板Physics - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
對不起有 修正過...把蠋光跟流明換過
lm:發光能量,又稱光通量,決定 "能量"
lux:一般來說 lux是決定 "亮度" ,工業技術上,這個單位比較有參考價值
ps. sr一般情形,都看成點光源,所以是4 pi
如果是線光源的話,是 2 pi
平行光源 (基本上 沒這種東西),趨近於0
※ 引述《niceguy (Enjoy my life)》之銘言:
: 請問光學單位問題
: 看LCD or TV的亮度單位常常是幾百幾百nits / cd/m^2 / lux
: 一開始以為每個單位都是一樣的...
: (我都以為中文都叫流明orz)
: 但查了之後發現 nits = cd/m^2 是輝度(Luminance)的單位
: lux = lm/m^2 卻是照度(illuminance)的單位...
: 然後全部都不是我以為的流明(Luminous flux, lm)...
: lm = cd * sr
: (wiki查的 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%89%E9%80%9A%E9%87%8F)
: 好奇的是 這個sr在一般環境下怎麼假設的?
: 因為 lux = lm / m^2 = ( cd * sr )/ m^2
: nits = cd / m^2
: 問了一些對LCD熟的朋友都跟我說nits就是lux
: 但是物理意義卻沒人說得清...
: 請問各位前輩它們是一樣的嗎?
: 謝謝^^
悠悠天壤 遼遼古今 五尺之軀想不到如此大哉問
賀瑞修之哲學 值多少權威
萬有之真相 一言以蔽之 曰「不可解」
懷抱胸中之恨 煩悶 最後選擇一死
既已站在岩上 胸中了無不安
第一次了解到 最大的悲觀竟等於最大的樂觀
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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