杜學長和俐媽都是Roger Federer的粉絲,
🎾 俐媽新聞英文—網球篇:
*withdraw (v.) 撤退;退出
→ withdrawal (n.)
*seek to (ph.) 追求;力圖爭取
*operation (n.) 手術
*pull out of N. (ph.) 退出 (比賽/競選等)
*statement (n.) 聲明;敘述
*rehabilitation (n.) 復原;康復
*grand slam (n.) 大滿貫賽事 (網球)
*undergo (v.) 經歷;忍受(考驗/變化/檢修等)
*target (v.) 把…作為目標(at N)
*be thrilled to V. (ph.) 很激動/興奮去做某事
*tournament (n.) 錦標賽 (常簡寫tour)
*put up (ph.) 提供;建造
*quarterfinal (n.) 八強 (或稱半準決賽/四分之一決賽)
*reassess (v.) 再三考慮;再三評估
*curfew (n.) 宵禁
*stadium (n.) 體育場 (館)
*make N. debut (ph.) 首次亮相
*dominate (v.) 主宰;支配
*testament (n.) 確實的證明
*grueling (a.) 使人筋疲力盡的;艱辛的
*rule out (ph.) 排除;取消
*priority (n.) 優先
*singles title (n.) 單打冠軍
*Open era (n.) 公開化年代 (大寫為網壇專有名詞)
*serve (n.) 發球
*manage to V (ph.) 設法成功達成⋯
*unseeded (a.) 非種子(球員)的
*spectator (n.) 觀眾
cf. audience (n.) 聽眾(⚠️ 俐媽上課常提醒的不同「觀眾」,別搞混囉)
*session (n.) 場次
*revenue (n.) 利潤
*infrastructure (n.) 基礎設施
*turn out to be N. (ph.) 結果是…
*poignant (a.) 淒美的
*criticism (n.) 批評
*have an impact on N. (ph.) 對…造成影響/衝擊
*interest (n.) 利益;利潤
*involvement (n.) 涉及;介入;參與
*career (n.) 職業生涯
*devalue (v.) 貶低;降低…的價值
*walkover (n.) 輕易得勝
*sprain (v.) 扭傷
*adrenaline (n.) 腎上腺素
*demanding (a.) 要求高的;費力的
*inevitable (a.) 無可避免的
*exceptionally (adv.) 異常地;特殊地
*durable (a.) 持久的
*astonishingly (adv.) 令人驚訝地
*retire (v.) 退賽
*straight-sets (n.) 直落盤數
*sympathy (n.) 同情
*opponent (n.) 對手
*conserve (v.) 保存
*reassured (a.) 使放心的
*news conference (n.) 記者會
*fitness trainer (n.) 體能訓練師
*encounter (n.)(v.) 遭遇
*occasionally (adv.) 偶然地
*suggest (v.) 暗示
*on the cards (adv.) 可能
*sensible (a.) 明智的;合乎情理的
*make sense to V. (ph.) 對做某事是有道理的
*condition (n.) 條件;情況
*harbour (v.) 懷有 (心情/感覺)
🆙 harbour (v.) 為英式用法,harbor (v.) 則為美式
*agonizingly (adv.) 痛苦的;苦悶的
🆙 文中 agonisingly (adv.) 為英式用法
*convert (v.) 轉變;轉換
→ convert into N. (ph.) 轉變成…
🆙 常用於重大轉變,如信仰、意識形態、關鍵點 (俐媽上課常提點)
*sit out (ph.) 袖手旁觀 (文中衍伸為缺席的意思)
*successive (a.) 連續的;接連的
*edition (n.) 版次;集 (文中衍伸為屆次)
*semi-final (n.) 四強 (或稱準決賽/半決賽)
*appearance (n.) 出現;露面 (文中衍伸為出賽)
*stand (n.) 看臺
*eerily (adv.) 奇怪地;異常地
*restriction (n.) 限制
*farewell (n.) 告別;辭別
#俐媽新聞英文 #俐媽新聞英文網球篇
manage to用法 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳解答
喬今天要深入探討 Since, Due, Despite 的用法,這三者在日常生活中也是特別常見但也較難的字彙。
** Since
☛ 此後,從此
- from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now
例:Victor had an illegal business in Seoul. He was caught one day and we haven’t seen him since.
☛ 自從、從...以後 + 【時間】: from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now
例:Joseph has been crazy about Bigbang since last year.
☛ 因為、既然
- because; as
例:Since there are lots of men behind the scene, what Victor said could not be what he had wanted to say.
** Due
☛ 預計的,預期的
- expected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular time
例:When is the investigation for the night club due?
☛ 由於,因為+ to
- because of
例:Victor is suspected of an illegal business due to a fierce fight in his club.
☛ 欠債的,應支付的,應給的
- owned as a debt or as a right
例:The rent is due at the end of the month.
*** be due for sth 理應獲得...,理應收到...
例:Victor is due for a promotion because of his outstanding business strategy.
** despite
☛ 不管,儘管,無論:
- without taking any notice of or being influenced by; not prevented by
例:Despite his retirement announcement, it is believed that Victor will make a comeback in years.
例:Victor could not manage to hide the truth despite having so many connections.
*** despite yourself 不由自主地、忍不住地
例:Caroline went on a date with her ex boyfriend despite herself.
✔ 喬的著作《我的第一本英文文法 國際學村出版》購買連結
博客來: https://bit.ly/38nOl5H
☛ Blogger: http://ohjoseph86.blogspot.com/
☛ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ohjoe86
☛ https://p.ecpay.com.tw/E8145
manage to用法 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文
喬今天要深入探討 Since, Due, Despite 的用法,這三者在日常生活中也是特別常見但也較難的字彙。
** Since
☛ 此後,從此
- from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now
例:Victor had an illegal business in Seoul. He was caught one day and we haven’t seen him since.
☛ 自從、從...以後 + 【時間】: from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now
例:Joseph has been crazy about Bigbang since last year.
☛ 因為、既然
- because; as
例:Since there are lots of men behind the scene, what Victor said could not be what he had wanted to say.
** Due
☛ 預計的,預期的
- expected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular time
例:When is the investigation for the night club due?
☛ 由於,因為+ to
- because of
例:Victor is suspected of an illegal business due to a fierce fight in his club.
☛ 欠債的,應支付的,應給的
- owned as a debt or as a right
例:The rent is due at the end of the month.
*** be due for sth 理應獲得...,理應收到...
例:Victor is due for a promotion because of his outstanding business strategy.
** despite
☛ 不管,儘管,無論:
- without taking any notice of or being influenced by; not prevented by
例:Despite his retirement announcement, it is believed that Victor will make a comeback in years.
例:Victor could not manage to hide the truth despite having so many connections.
*** despite yourself 不由自主地、忍不住地
例:Caroline went on a date with her ex boyfriend despite herself.
✔ 喬的著作《我的第一本英文文法 國際學村出版》購買連結
博客來: https://bit.ly/38nOl5H
☛ Blogger: http://ohjoseph86.blogspot.com/
☛ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ohjoe86
manage to用法 在 【商業英語關鍵字】 通常大家記得manage 是「管理」的意思 的推薦與評價
【商業英語關鍵字】 通常大家記得manage 是「管理」的意思,常見的延伸字是manager (管理者;經理)。 這裡要介紹mange 的另外兩個意思和用法: *manage (v.) ... <看更多>