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manpower藥 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的最佳貼文
"The endless shelves of military history books and Hollywood fanfare lionizing famed generals distort the ego-deflating truth: mosquito-borne disease proof far deadlier than manpower, materials, or the minds of the most brilliant generals" -- Jared Diamond
"書店中整排戰爭歷史的書,以及好萊塢編織的故事都扭曲了一個讓人類自信受創的事實,那就是:從歷史的結果看來,蚊子傳染的疾病所造成的死亡,遠超過戰爭中的人力,物資,或是最有策略性的將軍” -- 傑瑞戴蒙 《槍砲,病菌,與鋼鐵》的作者 (繼續大推這本書!)
蚊子所傳染的病很多,主要是:瘧疾,登革熱,以及黃熱病等等。簡單的來說人類歷史推進,不外乎是戰爭和貿易,而蚊子就是搭載著這兩項活動,如影隨形。現在看來,雖然爭戰得勝,的確跟資源和策略有關。但更多的時候應該是在比賽哪一方病死的人比較少。今年讓我們很恐慌的疫情,相較於過去病疫的傷亡人數,簡直是不可同日而語(大概都是折損25 %以上)。
在殖民地時期許多的戰爭中,病人使用過的棉被衣物故意送給敵方,當作生化武器。也有人故意釋放染病的奴隸,當作生化武器。《風中奇緣》寶嘉公主(Pocahontas) 的故事也跟蚊子所造成的傷亡有極大的關係 (但是迪士尼裡的老公不是他真的老公,而是某自我推銷的騙子)。最後再對抗英國的獨立戰爭中,英國人幾乎被蚊子(所造成的疾病)趕出整個美洲大陸。同時期搞獨立的海地,因著大部分黑人免疫所以沒有太多生病,而想要壓制奴隸的法國人,有接近85 %的折損率。被蚊子間接搞到快沒錢的拿破崙,只好將路易斯安那那一整塊地,便宜的賣給美國,讓蚊子也形同是的產地仲介。而同樣,蚊子造成的疾病,拖延美國南北戰爭,從原本經濟因素變成解放黑奴的人權訴求。
後來在20世紀的時候,請問醫生不約而同地找出蚊子與這些疾病的關聯。其中最有名的Ronald Ross (羅納德·羅斯),雖然被爸媽逼著學醫,上課的時候都在寫小說做白日夢,但他碰到一年導師,叫他一輩子就是把蚊子給搞定就可以出名了,他竟然也就每天抱著顯微鏡看蚊子整整3年。在發現的時候,同期有其他的競爭對手,他們的瑜亮情結,幾乎像是電力學的愛迪生與特斯拉之爭。當然其他國家也不惶多讓的努力研究,包括中國得到諾貝爾獎的屠呦呦。二次世界大戰當中美國更是將DDT的使用語言就發揮到極致,也藉由迪士尼與華納兄弟,拍了很多“抗蚊”的軍中衛教影片。
最後一段講述蚊子後來如何對DDT產生抗藥性,讓各國禁止使用。但同時就像古時候的人一樣,有些國家開始研究生化武器的可能性。而近年來基因改造的CRISPR 技術,一方面振奮科學家,可以改造蚊子成為無法繁殖的生物,另一方面,這會對大自然帶來什麼樣的影響呢?沒有人知道。比爾蓋茲與妻子梅琳達所貢獻的基金會,一大目標就是致力於消滅蚊子所帶來的疾病。蚊子的消滅,到底會不會影響自然的食物鏈?科學家們說法不一。雖然人類對基因的了解遠超過以往,但也很令人擔心。蚊子在地球上的演化和適應狂電我們人類,看來這場戰役,還有得延續下去。(立刻就去拿電蚊拍)
#TheMosquito #蚊子 #世界史 #科普
manpower藥 在 Pazu 薯伯伯 Facebook 的最佳解答
醫護罷工的訴求,正是香港抗疫是否成功之關鍵。政府的默不作為,逼使醫護從前線再走到另一個前線。為何一直叫封關,卻不聞不理?為何私人公司都安排到以廉價賣口罩給普羅大眾,政府卻還想利口罩短缺之事做政治騷?為何差佬打人 OT 去到十億,但病房資源卻嚴重不足?
〖醫護同行 罷工抗疫〗
一· 禁止任何旅客經由中國入境
二· 落實確切方案確保口罩供應充足
三· 提供足夠隔離病房,暫停非緊急服務
四· 提供足夠配套予照顧隔離病人的醫護
五. 公開承諾絕不秋後算賬
首階段為停止醫管局非緊急服務,在二月三日將採取惡劣天氣下之工作安排,平日於八號熱帶氣旋警告信號生效時無需上班的會員將會參與罷工,包括普通科門診職員及行政人員等;其他部門則按照部門內部就惡劣天氣所作出的當值安排(俗稱颱風更)上班,即假設二月三日已懸掛八號熱帶氣旋警告信號,如當日按照颱風更無需上班的會員則參與罷工。此階段為期一日,若醫院管理局於二月三日 2100 前依然未能就本會五大訴求提出切實解決方案,罷工計劃將立即進入第二階段。
第二階段為動員本會所有會員罷工,即涵蓋所有職系同事,令醫管局只能提供有限度緊急服務。此階段為期四日,若醫院管理局於二月七日前 2359 前繼續漠視本會五大訴求,本會不排除再將行動升級。
Healthcare Workers: Together We Stand, Strike to Protect Hong Kong
The second Extraordinary General Meeting of the Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (HAEA) was held today. There were a total of 3164 votes cast by the members of the HAEA, in which 3123 voted “Yes” to the motion of strike action. As of now, there are more than 9000 HAEA members who have signed the pledge to strike. They have promised to stand with us in participating in the five-day strike plan. The Executive Committee of the HAEA would like to express our sincerest thanks to the tremendous support of our members.
The HAEA believes the decision to strike is not an easy one. In fact, we believe such actions are our last resort. In the past few days, led by our Chief Executive Carrie Lam, the Emergency Response Level Steering Committee cum Command Centre has held multiple press conferences to make announcements on various disease prevention and control measures. Yet, all of these measures (including the reduction on entry to Hong Kong via China, school suspension, medical surveillance, allocation of infection control supplies etc.) are doomed to fail when the government is adamant in refusing to address the crux of the problem. As country after country begins to announce the banning of foreigners’ entry from China, the Hong Kong government chooses to keep its doors wide open. The already limited resources and manpower in Hong Kong that are necessary for healthcare will soon be completely depleted, as an endless stream of non-Hong Kong residents continues to come into the city, seeking for medical care. The already dire situation in Hong Kong could only turn even direr, for the incompetence of our government continues to bring us to the point of no return. Thus, the HAEA refuses to believe that any of the so-called disease prevention and control measures implemented could be truly effective, when there is not a complete restriction of suspected cases entering Hong Kong via mainland China.
The HAEA now urges the Hospital Authority to invite Carrie Lam, the Chairperson of the Emergency Response Level Steering Committee cum Command Centre, to participate in our negotiation meeting with the Hospital Authority tomorrow (2nd February). The HAEA appeals to those in power to listen to the voices of the frontline healthcare workers directly, and to answer our demands in a constructive manner. All actions to mislead or evade the demands should be ceased completely.
The following Five Demands are endorsed in today’s Extraordinary General Meeting -
Regarding the below two points, the HAEA urges the Hospital Authority to issue a public statement to pressure the government into actions –
To forbid all travelers from entering Hong Kong via China
To implement constructive measures to ensure a sufficient supply of masks
Regarding the below three points, the HAEA urges the Hospital Authority to ensure a safe working environment for its staff -
To provide sufficient isolation wards, to stop all non-emergency services
To provide sufficient support and facilitation for healthcare staff caring for patients under isolation
To publicly commit to not taking any disciplinary actions in retaliation
The HAEA will prepare the negotiation details regarding the above Five Demands. If a constructive response cannot be obtained on 2nd February, the HAEA will initiate a five-day strike action. Below is the detailed plan -
Strike Plan
The strike plan will commence on 3rd February for five days in two stages.
The first stage is aiming at suspending the non-emergency services of the Hospital Authority. Existing working arrangement under adverse weather will be adopted on 3rd February. HAEA members who do not need to work under Typhoon Signal No. 8, including staff working in out-patient clinics, administrative staff and so on, will join the strike. For other HAEA members, they will follow the current practice under individual departmental guidelines for adverse weather. The overall arrangement is similar to the situation as if Typhoon Signal No. 8 is hoisted on 3rd February. The duration of the first stage is 1 day, if the Hospital Authority does not propose any concrete solutions to the Five Demands as mentioned by 3rd February at 2100, the strike will be escalated to the second stage.
All members of the HAEA regardless of ranks or specialties will participate in the second stage of strike, aiming that only limited emergency services can be provided under the Hospital Authority. The duration of this stage is 4 days, if the Hospital Authority still does not propose any concrete solutions to the Five Demands by 7th February at 2359, the HAEA will consider to further escalate the degree of industrial action.
The Hospital Authority Employees Alliance
(1st February, 2020)
manpower藥 在 日本原裝進口壯陽藥Manpower,陽痿,早洩,快槍手 - YouTube 的推薦與評價

Manpower 是日本第三代無副作用壯陽藥,幫助改善男性健康問題。 Manpower 由纯天然药材,含有人体需求的各种氨基酸、谷氨酸、赖氨酸等,可以有效的调节人体 ... ... <看更多>
manpower藥 在 日本新壯陽藥品MAN POWER 持效72小時 - 催情藥ptt 的推薦與評價
台灣健康養生專賣店線上壯陽藥貨到付款很方便,日本高科技產品瑪卡MANPOWER能讓陰莖快速增長、增粗、增大、防早洩,男性增硬助勃最好的壯陽藥,純天然健康養生品有效 ... ... <看更多>
manpower藥 在 ManPower日本瑪卡日本男性保健品,陽痿早洩治療 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
健康食品絕對不是「減肥藥」! 有合格認證! 想要有完美的身材找我! 絕無副作用! 歡迎私訊我!! ... 這是一個專門生產各種茶的品牌,在#日本有悠久歷史, ... ... <看更多>