Found this famous martabak from Indonesia where it touched down around in KL recently. If you are looking at these sweet-tooth mouth watering picture, can you resist from it? Let's call today a cheat day, take a break from your calories control. Order your favourite sweet or savory martabaks from @tetanggakita 😋
I am having these martabak with Nutella Keju Kacang and martabak with Lotus Biscoff. Supersized and flavorful caramelised in distinct of martabak. This is really satisfying! Grab a set of martabak via online and have it delivered to your doorstep to cheer your mixed crave. Enjoy!
#tetanggakita #martabakmanis #martabak #martabakindonesia
#angietangerine #martabaknutella #martabaklotusbiscoff