My dearest secondborn, happy 14 months. (Thou it’s a few days late.. 🙈)
This is exactly what I would like to apologise to you. When your Daddy and I had your older brother, we would eagerly anticipate every milestone, scrutinize everything he ate, every word he spoke. With you .. we felt more confident as second time parents, so as long as you slept, and pooped - we were fine. 😅
With your brother, I could spend hours looking at him sleep, but now I no longer have the luxury of time. There seem to be a thousand and one places to go, stuff to do : for 3 year olds don’t generally keep very still.
We bring you along at every outing, every time, for you seem to be really happy looking at your kor kor’s antics, or laughing at his funny songs and dancing, even if it is not the most age appropriate. 💃🏻
Sometimes I feel sorry that you have to play his old toys, or wear clothes that he has outgrown so I’m really glad when you have new stuff to wear or new toys to play (Silly, I know) 🙆🏻♀️
So thank you.. for being you. For being so unassuming sometimes, for letting your brother choose toys for you, or play the songs he likes instead. Maybe it will change very soon.. as you grow up, you might have your own opinion, make your own choices. But in the meantime, thank you for being our precious second son - and for letting us know how much love our hearts can fill. ❤️✨ Happy 14 months and many more.
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