很多人都有在關注喬治•佛洛伊德(George Floyd)的死亡事件和美國各地的抗議活動,這些事件反映出在應對種族歧視、執法人員與有色族群之間的不信任,以及社會正義方面的廣泛挑戰。作為一個民主社會,美國努力實踐立國理念的工作永不停歇。為紀念喬治•佛洛伊德及其他遭受警察暴行和種族不公義的非裔美籍受害者,美國在台協會將推出一系列貼文,讓大家進一步了解美國過去和現在爭取社會正義和人權的抗爭之路,希望這些線上資源對大家有幫助。
以下是今天的資源: 美國國家民權博物館官網:https://www.civilrightsmuseum.org/
Many of you have been following the news about the death of George Floyd and the ongoing protests in the United States. These recent developments reflect broader challenges involving the legacy of U.S. racial discrimination, distrust between law enforcement and communities of color, and social justice. As a democracy, the work of living up to our own ideals is never done. To honor the memory of George Floyd and other African American victims of police brutality and racial injustice, AIT will present a series of online resources that we encourage you to explore to learn more about the past and ongoing U.S. struggle for social justice and human rights. We hope you will find them insightful.
Today’s resource: Make a virtual visit to the National Civil Rights Museum: https://www.civilrightsmuseum.org/
memphis police 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[時事英文] 美國暴警引發示威
我仍記得1992年美國的洛杉磯暴動(LA Riots)。該事件乃肇因於三名歐裔白人警察與一名拉丁裔白人警察毆打一名涉及交通違規事件的黑人羅德尼・金(Rodney King)。惟當地陪審團宣判四名被控使用過當武力的警察無罪(acquitted for the use of excessive force),導致上千名對此判決不滿的非裔與拉丁裔美國人上街抗議,最終引發一連串暴動(a series of riots),波及包括亞裔在內的各個群體。
當時,我還在唸國中。直到現在,我還清楚記得,一大堆韓裔美國人在他們住家的屋頂上,拿著散彈槍捍衛自己的家園(defend their businesses and homes)。由於我當時還小,雖於電視上目睹了暴動,但並不完全理解非裔美國人如此憤怒的原因。根據事後統計,暴動所引發的內亂,約造成10億美元的財產損失,並至少有53人死亡,數千人輕重傷,震驚全球。
二十多年過去了,至少在表面上種族間的張力(racial tension)有所改善,但近來不負責任的政治修辭(political rhetoric)——尤其是總統的言論,導致移民與少數民族遭受赤裸裸的種族歧視。在喬治・弗洛伊德(George Floyd)於5月25日不幸逝世前,社群媒體上也已廣泛流傳著近年來警方對非裔美國人施暴(police brutality against African Americans)的影片。
週五,美國總統川普卻在推特貼文中火上加油(added fuel to fire):
“Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”
總統在第一時間並未尋求與抗議者公開和談,反倒持續以言語攻擊他的政治對手,甚至威脅要對示威者「更加強硬」(MUCH tougher),並聲稱他將動用「我們軍隊的無限力量」(the unlimited power of our Military)來加以干預。
延伸說明: https://n.pr/3doBALf
EDIT: Updated at 6:08 p.m. ET
President Trump on Friday evening struck a more conciliatory tone talking about the death of George Floyd and recent protests in Minneapolis.
"We have peaceful protesters and support the rights for peaceful protesters — we can't allow a situation like happened in Minneapolis to descend further into lawlessness, anarchy and chaos," Trump said. The president said he had spoken with Floyd's family before the news event.
Trump also said he understood the hurt and pain of people who have "been through a lot."
週五晚間,在一名前明尼亞波利斯(Minneapolis)市警察遭到逮捕並被以謀殺罪名起訴(was arrested and charged with murder)的幾個小時後,喬治・弗洛伊德的死亡激起了全美各地的憤怒。儘管洛杉磯與紐約街頭的遊行大多相當和平(largely peaceful),但部分示威者棄置垃圾,甚至有警車失火。CNN位於亞特蘭大的總部也遭到示威者的破壞。
身為成年人,我終於明白非裔美國人為何抗爭。他們之所以為自身權益奮鬥,乃因當局並未傾聽他們的聲音(their voices go unheard)。他們之所以提出抗議,乃因他們在生活中遭到系統性的歧視而面臨無形的阻礙(face systemic discrimination and invisible barriers)。他們之所以走上街頭,乃因他們每日皆須為自身性命而感到惴惴不安 (fear for their lives)——哪怕是因輕微的交通違規(minor traffic infractions)而被警察攔下,甚或是在光天化日下慢跑之時。但是,當局依舊無視他們的哭聲與請求(ignore their pleas and cries),並以空話與暴力(use rhetoric and violence)來對待他們。
亞伯瑞(Ahmaud Arbery)槍殺案: https://bit.ly/2Melyrp
memphis police 在 吳祥輝 Brian Wu Facebook 的精選貼文
信中提到 在飛彈危機時 美國國防部長 佩里 下令尼米茲航空母艦進入台海 寫了My Journey at the Nuclear Brink 我的核(戰)邊緣旅程
Hi Brian,
Enjoyed reading this Vol. I. I must say even though I have been to almost all the places except Bohemian Grove, for the obvious reason, and Arizona, I learned a lot of new facts and data.
I laughed when you passionately talked about Steve Jobs etc. didn't finish their college education or went to graduate school. It is true that people born smart doesn't need formal nor structured education. But they are few among a few.
Stopped by traffic police while driving over 90 miles per hour on a straight highway, we all had that experience "one day when we were young". If your young driver is carrying an International driver's license, most police will let him go. The four guidelines you set for trips afterwards are good. One thing we always have to remember is that always fill up before returning the rental car. If not, they charge top price for gas. I am glad you guys had a taste of using a RV. I love taking kids out in that because they don't complain so much and we don't have to make wee wee stops. It is not easy to drive one though.
We all love San Diego. Only there, the water of the ocean starts to get warm. Mr. Bill Perry was the Secretary of Defense during the Clinton's administration. He ordered the Nimitz to head towards Taiwan Strait during the missile crisis. My husband accompanied him on his book tour to China and Taiwan earlier this year. "My Journey at the Nuclear Brink" is the name of his book.
Thank you for including me as one of the proofreaders of your new book.
I am taking a river cruise from Memphis down the Mississippi next week. Will learn some small town history along the way.