近來在考慮如何分配social media內容才不重複,大概這樣吧:
FB: 同人+少許生活日常(中文+英文)
IG: (英文) 幕後花絮(?) + 大量生活日常+ 同人(看我今天吃了什麼午餐之類www)
Twitter: 憤青暴怒文+碎碎念(英文)
Tumblr: 完全的同人作品集 (英文)
Plurk: 掛掉www (中文)
I have been thinking about how to diversify my use of social media, and not overlapping the content. I mean, if my fb page, IG, twitter, tumblr post the same thing, it’d be boring and there’s no point to follow everyone of them.
So here’s the plan:
FB page = mostly fanfic / comics and fandom related stuff, with a bit of daily life update (in Cantonese & English)
IG = more photos and more personal then FB. If you wanna know where I’ve been to, whats for lunch, the behind the scenes of art works, you are going to get that in my IG story~ (In English)
Twitter = If you wanna know my thoughts, like those super angry one, go follow it. If you not ready for the political arguments and the amount of mentally unstable, don’t go there. (In English)
Tumblr = only comics and fandom related stuff. (In English)
Plurk: dead (in cantonese)
Tumblr: Monkeys Comics
Twitter: @monkeyscomics
Instagram: monkeyscomics平丸一也
Facebook: 猴子的動漫部屋 Monkey's Comics
Plurk: 瑟蘭督伊親衛隊