#TQA #TemQueAcreditar #YouGottaBelieve #你不得不相信 中文在下
After being back in Taiwan only 10 days, I am already feeling exhausted from work and events, and to be honest, I am f***ing anxious about what’s coming the next few months: travel, shooting, projects, sourcing, investing, trainings, meetings, modeling - and all that while my health feels pretty sh** right now👎🏽 the upcoming stuff is fun, but I am so freaking stressed because I don’t know if I can do it all. I want to, but I feel overwhelmed🤮
But... I saw this pic today, and it reminds me of the last surf trip, and what I admired them crazy boys for (probably without that them realizing it 😆) ... they know better then us girls how to let LOSE, how to give a SH** when there is no need to give a sh**, and most of all, BELIEVING in yourself! 👊🏽 🌊🤟🏽🍺👻💦
I like consciousness and thoughtfulness, but damn... I do need less THINKING and more ACTION 🌊🌟👊🏽 anyways.., cheers guys! Hope you are all good!! 🍺
回到台灣只有10天,我已經對工作和活動而疲憊不堪 🙈 說實話,我對未來幾個月即將到來的事情感到焦慮:旅行,拍攝,新企劃,採購,投資,培訓,會議一堆 - 而且我現在身體感覺比去年虛弱👎🏽 我想可能是太緊張?即將到來的事情其實是很有趣跟有意義的,但我總給自己的壓力很大,因為我不知道我是否可以做到這一切。我想要做到!但我感到害怕!
這張是我在Mentawais船衝最喜歡的照片之一,因為它讓我想起船上的男生教我的事情~ 雖然他們自己可能都沒意識到但這些對我來說很重要😆 他們告訴我並做給我看:該放下的時候要如何放下一切,該give a sh** 的時候(不要管其他人事物的時候)就真的不要管,還有當你要下一道很可怕的浪 或你要做一件很可怕的事情時,就是要「相信自己!」那三個字就是葡萄牙語的 「你不得不相信!」的意思👊🏽 我生命中真的需要多這樣的態度!少猶豫,多行動!🌊🌟👊🏽
#ments #mentawai #mentawaiisland #surftrip #memories #funtimes #attitude #tattoo #fisttattoo #rockstar #lifestyle #surfers #philisophy #surflife #activelife #travel #smiles #friends #entrepreneurlife #stress #believe #ineedtosurf #idgaf
「mentawai surf trip」的推薦目錄:
mentawai surf trip 在 Eileen Carls 艾玲 Facebook 的最佳貼文
#一個女人的旅行 #創業的初衷 #surfacebikinis #心得 ♥️ 每次一個人去遙遠又陌生語言不通的地方衝浪,帶給我的真是一個無法形容的經驗與收穫!😊
結束船衝的那天他們給了我一個綽號:Marathoner (馬拉松選手)哈哈⋯ 因為我像小孩一樣,一下水玩就不想回家,不想吃飯只想繼續衝浪衝到關燈😊🐒
每個人都有他的 happy place(“開心地方“)永遠別忘記常回去那裡,找回你的心靈 你的意義 你的精神♥️ 這個happy place 可以是一個地方,也有可能是一個人,一個活動,一個運動,一本書,一種感覺⋯
我們在創業跟人生中難免會有疑問,努力過生活的人們都會遇到卡關,像我自己到現在也會懷疑 設計衝浪比基尼有沒有意義😂🙈 這時刻回到海裡衝浪我就會得到答案了⋯ 我真的喜歡這個生活風格,熱愛這個運動,所以選擇了創業♥️
謝謝 我們 SurfAce Bikinis - SurfAce Apparel 小團隊無時無刻讓我出去冒險,去各個浪點測試我們比基尼的設計品質和功能😋
There’s something special about traveling alone. Every time I come back from a solo trip I feel happier and stronger, clearer in my mind, and more grateful in my heart. ♥️
Last trip was no different. Even though it was only for two weeks and I was most of the time on a boat, it reminded me how important it is to go on adventures by yourself. Do what you like, go to places you don’t know, and you’ll meet people who share the same passion, make amazing memories and remember what it means to be born in a first world country.🙏🏽🙌🏽😌
The trip to Mentawai was the refreshener I needed. Every time I surf in a different place it reminds me why I take the choice of being and entrepreneur, what I work for and why I do want to keep on making functional surf bikinis. 🤓🎨👙Thanks to my girl team behind @surfacebikinis for letting me go on my adventures and test our designs in the field and on the waves😇💦🏄🏾♀️
#surfacebikinis #surfaceapparel #surface #ocean #surf #surflove #mens #mentawai #indonesia #surfindo #surfing #surfgirl #bikini #surfbikini #surfapparel #maccaronies #explore, #entrepreneur #passion #dowhatyoulove #challengeyourself #adventure @ Mentawai Island
mentawai surf trip 在 Eileen Carls 艾玲 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Day no.1 of the boat trip: 船衝第一天 (中文在下面)Hollow trees - Lances right and lances left😬 ...Beautiful monsters 👹💥🔥☄️ For me it’s funny to see the photos now and remember the powerful sets that came through at hollow trees, just half an hour after paddling out. I wonder why I even paddled out hehe💩 But well, it was nice to see the people getting barreled (or crashed💩🤧) ! This wave is way beyond my abilities.. but I mean who knows, maybe maybe... one day I’ll be joining those dare devils👻🙃 for now though - I am very VERY happy with smaller waves😝🙊 #thankyou
#美麗的怪物 👹☄️💥🔥🌊 船衝第一天:醒來就看到了衝浪雜誌常出現的那種又完美又可怕的浪!現在回想這一天,我覺得還好當時我雖然覺得很大 但是我還是划出去坐在浪肩,試著追裡面小一點的浪,同時從最近的地方看厲害的人鑽管(還有直接跳樓或被炸掉哈哈🙈💩😅)
這個浪點很明顯超過我的能力⋯ 不過不要說「永遠不」 誰知道哪一天我們都有可能當那群人其中一個瘋子😜 不過現在我還是很珍惜我喜歡的「小浪」😊 #謝謝海洋 🙏🏽
#mentawai #mentawaii #surfacebikinis #surfaceapparel #surfbikini #surf #surfgirl #surfindonesia #indonesia #indo #surftrip #aileoita #bikinis #waves #oceanoholic #dreams #activeliving #travel #explore #courage #surfers #stoked #衝浪女孩 #旅行 #比基尼 #冒險 @ Hollow Tree's Resort, Mentawai