[New York Mets賣25億美金]但同等收入嘅歐洲球會,價值半億咋。
TLDR:史上最貴嘅球會交易,MLB New York Mets賣25億美金。睇收入,不及歐洲十大足球會,低過多蒙特,但多蒙特係5億歐市值。似乎係因為北美球會比較賺錢,至少唔使大蝕。但又點解?似乎同薪酬開支有關,又好可能同薪酬上限有關。
WSJ原文:Billionaire Steven Cohen Reaches Deal to Buy New York Mets (https://bityl.co/3W6t)
1. 講明,MLB完全唔識,細節肯定好多錯,但,明我主題就得啦
2. 香港精神,唔爛玩到爛為止,我都不例外,上次寫球會值幾錢出奇地冇票房仆直,就寫多篇,寫到仆為止。
3. 早兩日講過足球會唔多值錢(https://fbook.cc/3FZZ),紐卡素講緊3億英鎊左右,仲係肺炎前嘅價。其他聯賽嘅更不堪,例如一代嘅「意甲七雄」,而家又上返意甲嘅柏爾馬,呢排傾賣,盛惠1億歐元左右(https://bityl.co/3W6R)。真係香港仙股咁嘅市值。
4. 舊文入面亦有寫,美國啲球隊值錢得多。「例如洛杉磯快艇,2014年已經賣超過20億美金(班主正係微軟嘅上任CEO Steve Ballmer)。但已經多年前,而家估計,頂級嘅NBA隊,紐約人湖人金洲勇士嗰啲,冇40億美金你唔使買」
5. 舊文入面亦有講,我只識NBA隊,因為NFL NHL MLB 都唔識。但我唔識唔緊要,有人識嘛!我咪睇啲識嘅人講!所以站在巨人肩膊上幾咁緊要。(記得訂Ivan Patreon)(https://bit.ly/31QmYj7)
6. 正題,今次MLB球隊New York Mets,賣盤。作價?24-25億美金。等於一間曼聯咁滯,Mets應該值錢過絶大多數歐洲足球會。今次亦係北美球隊新高價,NFL Carolina Panthers早兩年賣22億,NBA籃網之前蔡崇信買就23.5億。
7. 但,條數點計?
8. 雖則我唔識MLB,但都知唔係最勁最大嘅會,New York Yankees,Boston Red Sox之類先係。點解一間中間規模嘅MLB(香港有幾多人睇?)球隊,貴過啲好似好出名嘅足球隊咁多?
9. 計多人睇?其實有啲難計。但斷場計,德甲多人入場過英超添(當然大家可以恥笑德甲呢啲米奇老鼠聯賽,賣到咁平,入去傾計都抵)(*),而英超一場四萬人,當然亦都多過MLB三萬人 —但,聞說MLB場數多好多。加上剛剛都有講,票價不同,我亦懶睇,所以睇人數冇乜意思。況且仲有一大堆係睇電視嘅,你咪當係啲大肚腩廢老(例如我),但呢班人先最緊要,英超係,德國係,MLB都係。
10. 所以,講到尾,都係講錢。粗略計,MLB成個聯賽,收入真係多過英超一截,差不多五成(不過場數多好多,有理由相信票價低好多,但我冇查)。但,我地講一隊球隊,唔係講成個聯賽嘛。MLB 30隊,英超20隊,拉返勻,其實MLB隊同英超隊,每隊平均收入係差不多。有趣。
11. 好啦,直頭講New York Mets。如果冇睇錯,一年3.6億美金收入。放在歐洲或英超係咩水平?順手睇下你平時有幾熟我啲文。
12. 講緊,係史浩克零四咁上下嘅收入!死未。都仲排到去歐洲頭15嘅。但就低過英超迫悉匙,亦當然低過巴塞皇馬,拜仁多蒙特。
13. 但呢隊咁嘅嘢,賣25億美金喎。條數點計?多蒙特講緊5億歐元市值
14. 講到尾,好簡單,就係唔止睇收入,仲講賺唔賺錢嘛。而足球會絶大多數都唔多賺錢,有微利已好,更多係蝕錢,甚至要班主科水。北美啲球隊呢?多數有錢賺
15. 點解?就複雜了,寫幾十篇文都得。但最關鍵應該係成個set up,北美(其實即係美國)玩大聯盟制,大家都係聯盟嘅棋子。就行到薪酬上限,難聽啲講句,就係剝削勞工,即係啲球員。
16. 證據?我粗略望過,New York Mets 3.6億收入,薪酬開支講緊1.7億,佔收入47%唔夠,但已經係比較高嘅一隊。成個聯賽,薪酬佔收入,應該係40%左右,個別隊低過30%。
17. 足球會呢?勁咯,英超細啲嘅會去到80%都有。一般都有60%,歐洲可能低少少,但所謂克制嘅拜仁多蒙特都50%。
18. 唔好以為大會先高,係細會高,因為要搶,歐聯帶嚟嘅收入多。正如英冠嗰啲隊,薪酬佔收入,你知唔知最高可以去到幾多?100%?錯,挑戰你常識,去到超過100%都唔止一隊。係喎,未計其他開支,已經要倒蝕。玩乜?就係搏上英超。搏唔到?唔知呀,破產又好清盤又好咩都好。
19. 我幾相信呢個就係同競爭有關,大家搶人,好似公司挖角咁。但如果有個大聯盟限住嘅,或者有協議嘅,就員工冇咁惡了。
20. 再講一次,唔係專家,MLB我半場都冇睇過,其實NBA都少睇。但大致應該差不多。你見美國啲球隊,收入唔係高得咁交關,MLB最巴閉嘅Yankees,都不過係7億美金收入唔夠,低過皇巴拜利曼曼,「同窮撚熱刺差不多咋」。但間嘢值幾錢,主要唔係睇收入,係睇盈利。「CX未停航莩收入夠勁啦」。似乎美國啲球隊就有錢賺,至少唔使蝕入肉。點解?相信都係同薪酬上限有關。
21. 我就無意講邊種模式好同唔好,畢竟國情唔同。美國嗰啲自己一國玩晒(多倫多是美國一部份啦),但足球會嘅,大家各國唔同,點傾?英超行薪酬上限西甲唔同,咁你英超等於自殺。仲要好多班主係啲俄羅斯佬中東佬中國佬,點玩?除非你歐盟咁多個聯賽坐低傾,「但會唔會犯反競爭法?」「英國脫歐添喎」「或者到時全部去俄超」,很難搞的。
22. 講返少少關於New York Mets,個買家Steve Cohen,基金佬,真係冇你想像中咁富貴。講緊都係百幾億美金身家,但拎廿幾億出嚟買隊波,都幾係嘢。係愛呀,細細個就係fans,大個就返嚟玩。其實佢之前已經渣咗少量,之前亦傳過會買,所以今次個作價都不意外。
23. 單嘢仲要得到30隊入面23隊班主同意,但相信問題不大:因為有隊波賣到高價,等於自己第時都水漲船高,why not
24. 最後,更有趣係,NBA隊平均收入,係低過英超嘅,但樓上講咗,NBA隊值錢好多,原因亦應該同今篇文講嘅差不多
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mets意思 在 大A&小c生活館 Facebook 的精選貼文
好文分享~用神邏輯 正確防疫
⛔️轉發給不戴口罩的外國朋友們 😅😅
I just chat to my friend (French) that he is still telling me whether to wear a mask. He thinks that the sick person needs to wear it.
I just say that it is also possible to protect people with safety and health. (Epidemic prevention)
He : That anyway, This disease is as good as a cold for young people, so don't worry.
Me: do you have sex with condoms?
Friend: Yes!
Me: Oh, do you have any STDs or AIDS?
Friend: No! Why do you ask like this?
Me: Ah, you are not sick, why do you want a condom?
Friend: Well, now I understand what you mean.
🙄️Divine logic goes against divine logic.
Conclusion: Explain that wearing a mask is tiring.
Tout à l’heure j’ai discuté avec un pote français de la nécessité de porter le masque pendant la crise du Coronavirus. Il pense que les masques sont pour les gens malades.
Je lui ai dit que les masques servent aussi à ceux qui sont en bonne santé pour se protéger par précaution. Ensuite il m’a répondu que l’on ne doit pas s’inquiéter puisque chez les jeunes c’est juste comme la grippe.
Moi: tu mets la capote quand tu fais l’amour?
Lui: Oui !
Moi: t’as des MSTs ou le SIDA?
Lui: non mais pourquoi ?
Moi: bah si t’as ni l’un ni l’autre, pourquoi th mets la capote?
Lui: (silence) ok je comprends maintenant.
mets意思 在 歐洲大丈夫 Bonjour Jerry Facebook 的最佳貼文
🇫🇷 不可以打擾大人說話(laisse parler les grandes personnes) - 在法國,突然插嘴打斷大人說話是一個禁忌,因為小孩必須尊重大人,凡事應該以大人優先,小孩居次。
🇫🇷 不可大叫(ne crie pas) - 小孩從小就會被提醒說話要放低音量,所以小孩成年後,在街上看到朋友的身影不會大聲呼喊對方的名字,因為這是庸俗的行為,上流階層說話的音量總是比一般民眾低。
🇫🇷 腳不要拖在地面走(ne traîne pas les pieds) - 在法國從小會讓小孩養成抬頭挺胸、腳步筆直走路的習慣,單憑走路方式就可以看出一個人的品行。
🇫🇷 大人優先(adults d’abord) - 法國餐桌禮儀從料理、水到任何東西,都是以大人優先,有客人時就客人優先取餐盤料理。小孩面對美味甜點,得由媽媽和爸爸優先挑選後才輪到女兒和兒子。
🇫🇷 先拿自己面前的料理(prends ce qui est en face de toi) - 輪到自己拿取料理時,要從盤子的邊緣開始拿取,這是禮貌,等吃完時可以再去拿,所以是可以反覆拿取,如果一開始拿太多,會吃相難看。
🇫🇷 不可以用手抓著吃(ne mange pas avec ton doigt) - 寶寶在剛開始吃東西時會想用手抓食物吃,這時父母會把食物送到小孩嘴邊,避免養成用手抓食物的習慣,等小孩更大時會給小孩使用湯匙,差不多三歲就開始使用刀叉。
🇫🇷 不可以咬麵包(ne croque pas de pain) - 法國吃麵包的傳統禮儀是用手把麵包撕成一口大小的份量,然後沾著奶油或果醬嚐,招待賓客的麵包多半已經切好。不過在桌上不可以自己用刀把麵包切成小塊,因為麵包象徵基督肉體,用刀切割是不敬行為。太大塊的話用手撕成小塊就可以了。此外,不可以再用餐前就拿手取麵包,會給人飢腸轆轆的印象,另外鄰座的人想拿麵包籃的麵包時,應該傳遞整個麵包籃,而不是只拿麵包。
🇫🇷 吃飯時不要發出聲響(ne fais pas de bruit en mangeant) - 在法國餐桌上發出聲響是禁忌,使用刀叉也不能發出聲響,切東西不小心發出聲音時,要小聲說對不起(pardon)。所以十八世紀時,宮廷貴婦們礙於聲響會影響他們聊天,所以很喜歡慕斯狀的食物,就連喝紅茶時都是小口小口地喝,以免發出吞嚥的咕嚕聲。
*據說法國引進叉子是在1574年,法國王妃Catherine de Medicis的兒子亨利三世Henry III,在義大利威尼斯發現叉子時覺得很特別就帶回法國,用叉子的話,不只手連當時流行首飾(fraise)也不會弄髒,但到十七世紀叉子仍然沒普及,因為天主教會是叉子為魔鬼道具,所以當時連太陽王路易十四也是用手吃東西,法國平民開始用叉子是在十八世紀之後。
🇫🇷 把手放在桌子上(mets les mains sur la table) - 在法國把手輕握成拳放在餐桌是法國禮儀,這種習慣可追溯到中世紀,中世紀時一張餐桌可以坐滿許多人,人越多越容易引起紛爭,所以手放在餐桌上,就可以證明吵架時,手上也沒有武器,如果把手放在看不見的地方,會顯示對他人的不信任感。
🇫🇷 不可以把手肘靠在桌子上(ne mets pas les coudes sur la table) - 這句話起源於中世紀,一張餐桌許多人使用時,手肘會佔據空間,妨礙到彼此,所以將手肘緊貼身體姿勢才會看得俐落一些。
🇫🇷 吃胡蘿蔔會變漂亮喔(mange des carottes, cela rend aimable) - 不管哪個國家的小孩都不喜歡吃胡蘿蔔,家長會把細嫩的胡蘿蔔切成細長棒狀當做點心給小孩們吃,一般胡蘿蔔則會和甘甜的南瓜一起烹煮放到攪拌機打成泥,做成濃湯給小孩喝。遇到法國傳統夏季立食派對,也可以把胡蘿蔔或芹菜等夏季蔬菜製成棒狀。
🇫🇷 不要有比肚子還大的眼睛,意指想吃多於自己食量的欲望(ne pas avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre) - 小孩面對美食容易大量拿取食物,導致吃不完,但法國父母不會吃小孩剩下的食物,為了讓小孩珍惜食物,父母比較誘導孩子不要讓食物剩下,尤其是在別人家作客,不能殘留食物。
博客來 https://wonderfulapple.net/2c_8u
金石堂 https://iorange.biz/2c_8y
mets意思 在 [問題] 為什麼METS要翻譯成大都會呢?? - 看板NY-Mets 的推薦與評價
我第一年看MLB 所以不是很知道我有查字典找不到MET這個字的意思請問有沒有人夠幫我解答!!謝謝!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◇ From: ... ... <看更多>
mets意思 在 [情報] New York Met's Top 15 Prospects - 看板NY-Mets 的推薦與評價
New York Mets’ Top 15 Prospects
Scribbled by: Mike Newman @ 1:37 am | Filed under: Articles
The Mets are in a period of transition from the look of their minor league
organization. After a handful of arguably disastrous drafts, the Mets have
been busy signing top international talent and have focused on drafting top
college talent in the hope of providing a quick organizational fix while
their top tier teens develop. This leaves a very tough organization in terms
of ranking players. Each prospect has legitimate question marks and many
would not be in other teams top 20’s. With that said, my rankings are based
on a combination of production, age versus level, pedigree, and perceived
也讓頂級的年輕球員發展成長. 這讓去評價這個組織的球員顯得非常的困難. 每個新秀
One notable exclusion is Ruben Tejada, the Mets’ slick fielding shortstop
prospect. While none doubt the glove, .229/.293/.296 with a .588 OPS looks
like the reincarnation of Rafael Santana. I just can’t bring myself to
include a player who lives and dies off of one tool.
有個值得一提但沒被排在名單中的Ruben Tejada, 一位守備平滑流暢的SS. 雖然守備
是毋庸置疑的但是.229/.293/.296的三圍與.588的OPS簡直就像是另外一個Rafael Santana
1. Wilmer Flores, SS
At 17, his hype is compared to that of other top shortstop prospects Carlos
Triunfel and Elvin Andrus only Flores is already showing power potential.
With comparisons to Miggy Cabrera already being made, expectations for him
are enormous. Hopefully, the Mets will allow him to move one level at a time
and avoid the same mistakes they made with Fernando Martinez.
Grade - B
在17歲的年紀, 他已經被和其他的頂級游擊手Carlos Triunfel和Elvin Andrus拿來一
起比較,但是只有Flores已經顯現出力量的潛能. 再已經被拿來和Migg Cabrera做比較
2. Fernando Martinez
At 19, F-Mart’s performance in Double-A was a mixed bag. His .292/.345/.440
line was solid, but scouts still wonder when the power is going to begin to
show in game situations? At this point, Martinez seems an injury free season
away from really breaking out. He’s the one player on this list with the
best chance of reaching A status by this time next year.
Grade - B
19歲的F-Mart在AA的表現是個大雜燴. .292/.345/.440的三圍紮實. 但球探們在猜想
到底甚麼時候他的打擊力量才會在比賽的時候展現. 在這當下Martinez需要的是一個
3. John Niese
Niese was the Mets’ fastest rising prospect on the mound during the 2008
season. However, Mets fans tend to overrate him because of this fact. He’s
projected to fall somewhere in between Brian Bannister and John Maine
statistically and receives an additional bump for being a lefty. 2009 could
be a tough year for him should he break camp as the Mets’ number five
Grade - B
Niese是2008年梅子投手新秀中爬得最快的一個. 梅子的球迷們也因為這件事實,
而有高估他的趨勢. 他被預期是繳出在Brian Bannister和John Maine之間在加上
一些左投的額外影響. 假如2009 Niese成為梅子的五號先發,那麼2009將會對他來說
4. Bradley Holt
Take Holt’s fastball and Niese’ breaking pitches and you would have the top
prospect in the Mets system. Unfortunately for the Mets, this isn’t the
case. For a college pitcher, his secondary offerings are underdeveloped,
leaving scouts split on whether he ends up in the pen or rotation. I can see
a scenario where Holt winds up the Mets closer and dominates. The path of
least resistance may be the way to go.
把Holt的快速球和Niese的變化球結合,你就會擁有梅子農場中最棒的新秀. 不幸的是
對梅子來說,事實並不是如此. 對一個大學投手來說,他的第二種球路是練得不夠的
Holts成為梅子的終結者主宰著球賽. 最沒有阻礙的路正是該走的路.
Grade - B-
5. Jefry Marte
First discussed here, Marte finished 2008 with a .325/.398/.532 line. He
should be receiving more hype, but the performance of Flores has overshadowed
the rest of the Mets 2007 IFA class. He has the most “helium” potential
system wide and could see his prospect stock rise more than any other player
in the organization with a productive 2009.
Grade - B-
先討論這,Marte在2008年繳出了.325/.398/.532的三圍. 這應該讓他獲得更多的注意.
但Flores的表現掩蓋了整個梅子2007的IFA. 他有著在各方面最'helium'的潛力
但都不是最頂尖的). 再有著一個充滿生產力的2009年之下,它的潛力股會是整個組織
6. Eddie Kunz
It can be argued that Kunz has disappointed since being drafted in the
supplemental 1st round in 2007. With 27 saves in Double-A, his season could
be viewed as a success on save totals alone. However, so-so peripherals have
tempered expectations dropping his stock some. Kunz may break spring training
in the Mets pen, but Triple-A would be a good place for him to hone his craft
if the Mets still consider him to have closer potential.
Grade - C+
7. Reese Havens
Projected as an average defensive second baseman with plus power potential,
Havens showed pop in Brooklyn with eleven extra base hits in eighty-five at
bats. However, his balky elbow kept him from playing the field and rumors
have surfaced of his possibly needing Tommy John surgery. Should he prove
healthy and spend 2009 manning second in the FSL with a late season promotion
to the Eastern League, Havens could make a push into the top five within the
organization and the top six-to-eight second base prospects in all of
Grade - C+
8. Mike Carp
Surging up Mets prospect charts in 2008, Carp’s stock has risen as much as
any player in the organization. A .299/.403/.471 line as a 22-year old in
Double-A makes him the offensive version of all these small college pitchers
with good numbers and limited upside. His upside is similar to Lyle Overbay
if everything breaks correctly, although I’m not sure he will get there.
Grade - C+
9. Cesar Puello
Carlos Gomez part two? Everything about him seems eerily familiar, only Puello
’s first taste of baseball in the lower forty-eight was even more
successful. The only knock on Puello is he may profile as more of a corner
outfielder than a center fielder. With speed to burn and the size to project
a little power, he’s the third 2007 international free agent to crack the
top ten.
Grade - C+
10. Ike Davis
How much should a disappointing debut overshadow a dominating college career,
first round draft pick, and major league pedigree? Enough to warrant his
barely cracking the top ten. At another position a .652 OPS in Brooklyn would
be less concerning, but as a first baseman expected to mash, his debut was
Grade - C+
11. Scott Moviel
Still a project, his 2008 season in which he posted solid but unspectacular
numbers across the board was more of a success than his peripherals would
indicate. With continued progress in 2009, the 6′11〃 right hander could
crack the top five in the organization and become the high-ceiling pitching
prospect the Mets are looking for.
Grade - C+
12. Bobby Parnell
Maybe the most overrated prospect in the organization by Mets fans, Parnell
is a decent prospect with limited upside. His peripherals have been nothing
more than average since reaching Double-A. At 24, his taking a significant
step forward is unlikely. Parnell could be a productive swing starter or
bullpen arm, but expecting much more is more a product of hope than
Grade - C+
13. Dillon Gee
Boosted by his small, but dominating four start sample in Double-A, Gee is
the most advanced of their small 2007 college pitching crop. His ceiling is
limited, but continued success could lead to him becoming a number four or
five starter, which is quite an accomplishment for a 21st rounder.
Grade - C+
14. Jenry Mejia
A finalist for best fastball in the organization, Mejia is an intriguing
high-ceiling prospect. However, he’s also a project, as his violent delivery
and lack of secondary offerings leave many without a clue of where he fits
into the big picture. His numbers as a teenager (2.89 ERA, 8.00+ K/9) between
the GCL and Brooklyn demand recognition. His prospect status could either
shoot through the moon or crash with a thud by this time next year.
Grade - C+
15. Francisco Pena
From watching Pena in person, his catching skills are impressive. His bat is
an entirely different story. Plagued by poor pitch selection, his career OBP
is under .300, and his slugging percentage is reminiscent of a slap-hitting
shortstop. With that said, his age (18), major league pedigree, and size earn
him a mulligan until then end of the 2009 season.
Grade - C+
Click here to view the rest of the Mets top 20.
Overall, the Mets’ system is vastly improved from this time last year, but I
’m not sure that’s saying much. Much of their top tier talent is either
extremely young or unproven at higher levels. With that said, the Mets’
minor league system still ranks in the bottom half (maybe even bottom third)
of the league. However, the Mets have found a number of high ceiling talents
in Latin America and are coming off of their best draft in years. With
another decent draft and a few more quality international players, the Mets
could find themselves among the top dozen minor league organizations by this
time next year.
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