我的專輯設計師Misc Lin撿到三隻超Q小不點,目前中途中。有沒有人想要養貓咪?請跟她聯絡~~~~
除了謝謝,還是謝謝,謝謝身邊所有朋友、臉書朋友的關心,因為你們的愛心及協助,他們現在都有了溫暖的家 : )
更新 2017.5.31
今天帶小松(男)、小島(女)、小子(男)複診, 醫生說小松、小島身體健康適合送養,歡迎有興趣的人跟我聯繫隨時可以帶牠們回家喲!
目前將近兩個月大,尚未結紮打預防針,需要經濟狀況穩定、愛動物、有耐心與愛心的主人認養,若有興趣領養請私訊我,也謝謝跟歡迎大家轉貼分享 <3
更新 2017.5.24
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[時事英文] 2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa (2014年西非伊波拉病毒)
老師自寫自錄的時事英文新聞,希望幫助大家更了解2014年西非伊波拉病毒疫情! 同學們,讓我們一起來了解國際大事吧!
錄音檔: https://soundcloud.com/eric-yang-51/ebola
Related video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBBE4UkeZKQ
Updates: https://goo.gl/YmnEkX
1. Ebola outbreak 伊波拉疾病暴發
2. officially recognized 官方認可
3. tend to occur 往往發生
4. remote village 偏遠的村莊
5. largest ever recorded outbreak 有史以來最嚴重的疾病突發
6. underway 正在進行
7. it is thought that…它被認為是...
8. host 寄主
9. forest antelope 森林羚羊
10. porcupine 豪豬
11. introduced into 引入
12. close contact 親密接觸
13. secretion 分泌
14. bodily fluids 體液
15. spread through 通過傳播
16. human-to-human transmission 人對人的傳播
17. direct contact 直接接觸
18. contaminated 污染
19. incubation/latency period 潛伏期
20. ranges from…to… 範圍從...到...
21. infectious 傳染病
22. develop symptom 症狀發展
23. the sudden onset of 突然發病
24. fever fatigue 發熱乏力
25. vomit 嘔吐
26. diarrhea 腹瀉
27. rash 皮疹
28. symptoms of 症狀
29. impaired kidney and liver function 受損的腎臟和肝功能
30. hemorrhagic fever 出血熱
31. fatal in between 50-90% of cases 死亡病例中50-90%之間
32. specific treatment 具體的治療
33. vaccine 疫苗
34. reported cases 報告病例
35. fatality rate 病死率
36. trace the current outbreak to 追蹤目前疫情
37. rapidly spread 迅速蔓延
38. neighboring countries 周邊國家
39. suspected cases 疑似病例
40. vastly underestimated 大大低估
41. receive treatment 接受治療
42. the number of new cases 新發病例數
43. reach 到達
44. compared with 相比
45. over the course of 以上的過程
46. epidemic 疫情
47. survival rate 存活率
48. eroded the economies 蠶食經濟
49. economic impact 經濟影響
50. ravage 蹂躪
51. acute 急性
52. public health emergency 緊急公共衛生事件
53. afflicted countries 受災國
54. never before in recorded history 歷史記錄上從未出現
55. pathogen 病原體
56. broad geographical area 廣闊的地理區域
57. provision of basic protective gear 提供基本防護裝備
58. surgical masks 外科手術口罩
59. disinfectant 消毒劑
60. trained staff 訓練有素的工作人員
61. treatment centers 治療中心
62. tackle 解決
63. contain Ebola 控制伊波拉病毒
In March 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a major Ebola outbreak in Guinea, a western African nation. The disease, caused by the Ebola virus, was first officially recognized in 1976 in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These outbreaks tended to occur in remote villages close to tropical rainforests in Central Africa. However, the largest ever recorded outbreak is currently underway in three countries in West Africa, where the virus has not previously been reported.
It is thought that fruit bats are natural Ebola virus hosts and the virus affects other forest animals such as chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, forest antelopes and porcupines. Ebola is introduced into the human population through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of these infected or dead animals in the rainforest. Once a person is infected, the virus can then spread through human-to-human transmission. Surfaces and materials such as bedding and clothing contaminated with these fluids have also been found to spread the disease.
The incubation period of Ebola ranges from 2 to 21 days. Humans are not infectious until they develop symptoms, which include the sudden onset of fever fatigue, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. This is followed by stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, symptoms of impaired kidney and liver failure. Some patients may develop a rash, red eyes, hiccups, and both internal and external bleeding. Ebola hemorrhagic fever is fatal in between 50-90% of cases. Before March 2014, there had been about 2,200 reported cases with 1,500 deaths. No specific treatment or vaccine has yet been developed.
Researchers traced the current outbreak to a two-year old child who died in December 2013. The disease then rapidly spread to neighboring countries and is the largest Ebola outbreak ever to be documented. By 10 October, over 8,000 suspected cases and 4,000 deaths had been reported; however, the World Health Organization has said that these numbers may be vastly underestimated. Aside from the human cost, the outbreak has severely eroded the economies of the afflicted countries. Financial reports have suggested the economic impact of the outbreak could kill more people than the virus itself.
To combat Ebola, two things are urgently needed. The first is the rapid provision of basic protective gear such as gloves, gowns, surgical masks and disinfectant. The second is for trained staff to run and work in Ebola treatment centers. In August, the WHO estimated that it would take roughly nine months and $490 million to contain Ebola. Now it estimates the cost has risen to over $1 billion. The longer the world waits to tackle Ebola, the harder and costlier it will be to contain the outbreak.
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