【玳瑚師父隨筆錄】 《在世諸葛亮》
The Living Zhuge Liang (English version below)
During my school days, I loved to wrap my textbooks with drawing papers, and draw, free-hand, mythological characters and historical figures onto the covers. I remembered drawing the characters of Zhuge Liang and Zhang Fei from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Zhong Kui as well, etc. My drawings attracted praises from those who have seen them. However, I draw not because of those praises, but for my own passion.
Speaking about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, one of the four classical novels in Chinese Literature, there is a key character that captured the imagination and awe of the readers. He is Mister Zhuge Kong Ming. To be respected and addressed as a Mister in those ancient times, the person must be of an exemplary character in his morals and cultivation. In the modern society we are in today, almost every male can be addressed a Mister. Alas, the title has lost the air of prestige and reverence it once commanded thousands of years ago. I must admit that I have deep admiration for Mister Zhuge Kong Ming. Firstly, how many people in history, or even present times, can match his commitment, and contribution to the country, devoting his entire lifetime to the servitude of the people? Secondly, I admire his wits, wisdom and resourcefulness in commanding an army of inferior numbers to stand as equal during his era of the Three Kingdom. He delivered peace and stability, a rare commodity in those days, to the common folks.
My late father is the Zhuge Liang in my heart. Deep inside me lies the unwavering wish to be as great a man as my father. Up till today, my relentless pursuit of excellence in Chinese Metaphysics never ceases, in the hope of living up to many expectations to impart my knowledge and experiences, for the benefits of all sentient beings. To be a person of use to the society. I take in your every praise and every criticism and reflect upon them, so as to achieve near perfection and completion.
I am not born with natural talent nor flair, thus I pray to the Buddha and Bodhisattva, the past Masters of the lineage, as well as the Universe everyday for their empowerment. With honest and sincere diligence, my spiritual cultivation continues daily, step by step, heading towards a future of limitless potential. I wish to be the wise and resourceful Zhuge Liang for you. Am I?