💡DETAILS: [SUITABLE FOR ALL SKIN TYPES] A soothing gentle milk textured cleanser that effectively removes daily pollutants, excess oils and makeup without stripping the skin of its natural oils. Cucumber and Lavender Flower Extract are ideal for more sensitive skins, whilst Rosehip and Aloe Vera provide expert hydration. Rosehip Oil is rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, which are integral for tissue and cell regeneration in the skin, as well as the reduction of scars and fine lines. Cucumber Seed Oil is rich in Vitamin C and caffein acid, both of which help soothe skin irritations. Applied topically it is helpful for dermatitis or skin inflammation. Aloe Vera Leaf Juice Powder will help sooth and moisturise your skin, helping it retain moisture. Desert Lime provides a high concentration of Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant to help rejuvenate the skin, enhance firmness, even out skin tone and revitalise the overall appearance of the skin.
🔴MY REVIEW: I have extremely dry and sensitive skin and there are certain products that make me breakout and cause redness and itching. I’ve been using this milk cleanser for a few weeks now. I must say honestly, my skin is noticeably better. It works much better when rinsed off with tepid water. It’s definitely gentle and doesn’t make my skin feel tight and dry. It takes off makeup easily. It also helps my skin to relax and absorb the serums that I slather on at night. It’s perfect for my dry and sensitive skin. Highly recommend.
💡DETAILS: [SUITABLE FOR ALL SKIN TYPES] Infuse moisture into your skin with our Hydrating Gel Mask. This gel based formula rich in Hyaluronic Acid and plant based Peptides penetrates the skin easily, replenishing lost moisture so you can wake up with dewy soft skin. The other active ingredient is Jojoba Oil. A powerful natural moisturiser matching our skins oils, so it is suitable for any skin type at any age. It is naturally hypoallergenic and non-pore clogging, rich in Vitamins, Antioxidants and Omegas. Jojoba is a liquid wax ester which means your skin allows it to penetrate deeper to nourish and heal. Suitable for all skin types & particularly beneficial for dehydrated skin. Spritz your skin with purified water before applying the Gel mask to face, neck & décolletage.
🔴MY REVIEW: I’ve only been using this gel mask almost a month now and so far my skin already looks so much healthier and more moisturized. It hydrates my skin and has a watery texture. I absolutely love it and if you have dry sensitive skin definitely give this a try.
💡DETAILS: [SUITABLE FOR ALL SKIN TYPES] First the science: Peptides are fragments of proteins, and proteins are the fundamental building blocks of skin. Without Peptides, skin doesn’t remain intact and the result is loss of firmness, appearance of wrinkles, texture changes and skin that doesn’t bounce back as it used to. As we age, Collagen and moisture deplete in the skin. The strong cell walls that maintain a youthful complexion become thinner and less capable of keeping the skin taut and firm. Peptides help restore a more youthful appearance by communicating with the cells, signalling them to create more Collagen. They essentially trick the skin into believing it has recently lost Collagen and needs to generate more. So you can successfully minimise wrinkles and give your skin a Collagen boost with the application of our Youth Peptide Cream. This luxurious cream also contains Hyaluronic Acid to boost hydration, and Co-Enzyme Q10 which acts as a strong antioxidant to neutralise free radical, one of the major cause of ageing. Other Key ingredients include Native Snowflower Extract which comes from the white flowers of the Tea Tree Plant, this ingredient helps reduce damage caused by the sun and environmental factors. Suitable for all skin types particularly beneficial for Mature, Ageing Skin. Apply a small amount on to your skin in small circular movements, including your neck and décolletage, for added hydration apply onto damp skin. This cream is very rich, and a little goes a long way.
🔴MY REVIEW: This’s a great face cream. I have dry skin and I find this very hydrating. It’s not greasy and absorbs immediately. The ingredients are clean, cruelty free and effective. Overall, my skin seems plumper, softer and more supple. I totally look younger. I would definitely recommend this product.
💡DETAILS: [SUITABLE FOR ALL SKIN TYPES] Their Hyaluronic Acid Serum is a natural, powerful moisture binding Serum that delivers gentle hydration. It is a normal component of the human body helping the skin channel nutrients deep into the Dermis and remain hydrated, in fact Hyaluronic Acid is what causes skin to be taut and firm. Hyaluronic Acid Serum has anti-oxidant properties and acts like a shield against free radicals, strengthening the outer layers of your skin. A healthy skin barrier feels softer, smoother and looks younger. Hyaluronic Acid also offers protection by releasing anti-oxidants, it restores skin on a molecular level, turning back the clock to create a toned, firm and youthful appearance of the skin. What makes Hyaluronic Acid so special is that it is capable of retaining moisture, in fact it can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water, more than any other natural or synthetic polymer. This is vital for ageing skin as healthy moisture content is one of the most important properties of youthful looking skin. If skin is sufficiently hydrated, it feels super soft, plump and looks so much more radiant, fine lines and winkles appear diminished, as well as enlarged pores, and your skin returns to its youthful perkiness. Hyaluronic Acid is suitable for all skin types, even sensitive or breakout prone skin, as well as those with an oily complexion. Apply a small amount to clean skin with damp hands for added hydration.
🔴MY REVIEW: I’ve been using it daily for almost two weeks now and my skin feels so hydrated already. It also seems to have reduced oil production and eliminated the formation of whiteheads. The significant difference is how luminous my skin looks. My skin looks glowy and feels hydrated, wrinkles are less pronounced. It didn’t cause me to have any breakouts or irritation. I would highly recommend this product.
💡DETAILS: [SUITABLE FOR ALL SKIN TYPES] A must have for all skin types. Their multifunctional Serum uses a Plant based Collagen from Seaweed to help repair and strengthen the skins natural Collagen and Elastin. This works to improve your skins firmness and elasticity while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen peptides have more bioavailability and are better absorbed by the skin, thus slowing the ageing process of your skin by restoring elasticity and helping skin retain moisture. The Vitamin C stimulates the bodies own Collagen production, while detoxifying and rejuvenating the skin on a cellular level. The main hero in this Serum is Hyaluronic Acid. This powerful moisture binding ingredient gives the skin an intense hydrating boost exactly where it is needed. Gathering 1000 times its weight in water, it plumps, softens and gives the skin a radiant youthful glow. When skin is hydrated, lines and wrinkles (even the deeper ones) appear diminished, so this is a great ingredient for those with mature skin who want to see their skin return to its youthful smoothness. Collagen Serum is suitable for all skin types and particularly beneficial for Dry/Mature Skin. Apply a small amount to clean skin and allow the Serum to become fully absorbed before applying a moisturiser.
🔴MY REVIEW: Tightens and softly plumps my skin. I use it as a moisturizer on the daily basis and love how my skin texture looks and feels. It absorbs nicely and it eliminates the dryness on my skin as well. My skin looks smoother, brighter and more supple, especially on my forehead. I highly recommend this product.
📌Disclaimer: I received these products for free in return for providing my honest and unbiased review. Please note that what may work for me, may not work for anyone else. Results may vary from person to person, so please take this into consideration if you decide to try those products.
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「molecular clock」的推薦目錄:
molecular clock 在 北歐心科學 NordicHearts Facebook 的最佳貼文
話說《Scientific American》登了一篇文章,是位人類學家質疑分子遺傳學的人類演化研究,說那些科學只是「說故事」,沒有歷史基礎,而且「政治不正確」,明明人類99.99% DNA是一樣,人類都是一家人啦,沒有族群之分,你這該死的分子遺傳學家,居然用DNA差異來講人類遷徙歷史,就像German Nazi一樣,很危險!有Racist之嫌!
每次見到很多不懂科學的人寫科學,我就很苦惱。不懂科學,居然可以在《Scientific American》裡攻撃科學,真是奇趣。我不是說一定要是科學家才能講科學,但講之前,起碼弄懂科學好嗎?科學不是你隨便讀兩讀腦補就能變磚家的,好嗎?
【阿姨 如果不懂,你可以學,而不是望文生義,偏差解讀】
知名的科學媒體「科學美國人」,前幾天刊出一篇文章《"Plug and Play" Genetics, Racial Migrations and Human History》,讀來令人吐血。作者對遺傳學一知半解,卻望文生義,胡亂解讀,要是不加以澄清,恐怕會造成惡性影響。
隨著古代 DNA 研究愈來愈多,這類一知半解,卻美其名批判反思,實則散播錯誤訊息的文章,未來大概會漸漸浮上檯面。像這篇文章作者這樣的人不知道有多少,發言不論有無道理,都是個人自由,不過提供平台,散佈低劣品質言論的科學美國人,我這裡雖然無關緊要,還是要嚴厲譴責。
這篇文章的作者不是阿貓阿狗,而是 John Edward Terrell,業內聲望很高的大洋洲考古專家,1971 年起就任職於菲爾德自然史博物館。如此資深的學者,卻以十分輕蔑的態度,寫出一篇不忍卒睹的文章。
這篇文章的重點,在於批判 David Reich 的新書《 Who We Are and How We Got Here》,以及當今蓬勃的古代 DNA 領域,特別是大洋洲這塊。David Reich 是當今最多產的古代 DNA 專家之一,這裡也常常介紹他的新研究。他的新書我沒有看過,不過 Terrell 的批判,不用看過書也能看出一大堆問題。
由一些寫法推論,Terrell 對遺傳學,以及某些科學方法的了解,恐怕相當偏差,不過這裡先不多提,直接來看本文中 Terrell 最糟糕的錯誤:對 population、migration、admixture 望文生義,而作出錯誤批判。
事實上,這三個名詞也許都還有其他意思,但是最近的族群遺傳學研究中,都有相當清楚的用法,假如稍微熟悉這個領域,都不至於像 Terrell 誤讀那般離譜。
先來看「population」,中文是「族群」,我覺得這是最中性的名詞。不過 Terrell 眼中,族群竟然跟「race(種族)」沒什麼差別。姑且不論不同名詞,即使內涵大致相同,若是背後承載的使用脈絡不同,也能帶來不同的觀感;這邊的問題更基本:族群遺傳學上的族群,跟 Terrell 聯想到的民族(people)、種族完全不一樣。
族群遺傳學的族群,就是為惹研究需求,用各種方法把樣本歸類為一群,每一群可大可小。你我他 3 個人,可以是一個族群,全台灣上的居民,也可以是一個,或好幾個族群,整個東亞也能歸類成一或多個族群;一部火車上,可以按性別分為不同族群,也能用年齡,或是各種標準分群。
過去的人類學家,將玻里尼西亞人分類為一個種族,是歷史事實。但是最近的研究,至少 Terrell 點名批判的 3 個古代 DNA 論文中,族群就是用來研究遺傳組成的操作型定義,意義上跟種族一般的用法完全不一樣;假如能多讀點類似的研究,看懂人家在講什麼,應該是不會有這種誤讀。
不然你把「族群遺傳學(population genetics)」改成「種族遺傳學(race genetics)」看看一樣不一樣 XD
《DNA 分子鐘找尋祖先蹤跡》…/…/11/03/dna-molecular-clock/
再來看「admixture」,中文意思是「混血」,或是我常用的「情慾交流」。Terrell 似乎不太能掌握基因組的概念,所以將情慾交流錯誤地聯想成,把蛋、奶油、起司等材料混在一起做奶酪蛋奶酥。由此衍生的批判,當然是完全抓不到點,下錯交流道,愈開愈遠惹 XDDDDDDD
跟另一個 Terrell 搞不清的問題一起討論。Terrell 還批判,2015 年的論文,只有「4 位萬那杜人」,不足以代表 3000 年前,萬那杜最初的移民(其實只有 3 人,另一位來自數百年後的東加)。
問題是,為什麼不行?假如最初的萬那杜移民,遺傳上同質性很高,那麼只要樣本品質夠好,甚至不用 3 人,只要一個人就足以代表整群人。然而,若是這一群人(族群!)的異質性大,大家遺傳組成不一樣,取樣不足之下,才會產生缺乏代表性的問題。這點我有注意到,在介紹今年 2 篇新論文的文章中,也特別解釋過。
Terrell 對人類遺傳史的了解,恐怕還停留在粒線體、Y染色體這類單一遺傳標記,可是這 3 個論文,用的都是基因組。最大差異在於,單一遺傳標記不會重組,一種標記代代相傳,一個人只可能配備一種;但是人類基因組,有 60 億個可能變異的位置,而且源自母方與父方(各貢獻 30 億)的變異,在寶寶的基因組中還能交換重組,並且繼續傳承下去。
這才是為什麼分析 admixture,能帶來那麼多演化史訊息的關鍵理由。假如只有粒線體或 Y染色體,這麼少樣本當然不能做太多推論;可是萬那杜的古代 DNA 都是基因組,配備大量可供比較的遺傳變異(想成幾十,甚至上千萬個粒線體共存,可能比較好懂;或是類比為考古:粒線體是陶器上一種母題(motif),基因組則是整個遺址訊息的合體)。
考量到 3000 年前,萬那杜非常有限的人口數,若是他們的祖先幾代以前,曾與遺傳上差異甚大的巴布亞人,有過明顯的情慾交流,萬那杜人的基因組中,幾乎不可能沒有痕跡。更何況,數百年後,距離更遠的東加人基因組上,也見到類似狀況。若是懷疑 4 個人沒有代表性,那麼今年 2 個論文,提供惹更多樣本、更高品質的基因組,也足以證實之前的推論或許過於簡單,方向卻完全正確。
有人用做菜推廣科學,卻也有人卻把做菜想成科學,還是錯的 LOL 在高唱「DNA 能代表一個人、一個族群嗎?」之前,麻煩先搞清楚,這是哪一種 DNA?
最後來看「migration」,中文很簡單,就是「遷徙」,去問研究生態、演化,或是族群遺傳的人,應該都不會有任何理解問題,所以我實在不太懂,Terrell 怎麼會把遷徙想成那樣啊!
他的 migration 小劇場超澎湃的,有興趣請自己去看內文,超精彩。比方說,Terrell 看不慣用箭頭在地圖上描述,長距離、耗時數千年的遷徙事件;Terrell 也譏諷地表示,遷徙者知道自己是遷徙者嗎?
Let’s be honest,假如故意看不懂,或是根本不想懂,沒人有能力解釋。對這類研究稍有涉獵的人,甚至是科學門外漢,只要有一般人的常識,應該都能理解,遷徙就是在地理上,由一地移動到另一地的過程。而我們怎麼知道,某族群在歷史上發生過遷徙?最直接的判斷是,比較兩地族群,是否有共通的特質(例如都有素面紅衣陶),然後再參考其他證據。
歷史上,遷徙當然是無比複雜的歷史事件,遷徙者自己往往不清楚遷徙的全貌,but again, let’s be honest,舊石器時代的人,知道自己身處舊石器時代,以後還有新石器時代嗎?拉匹達文化的人,製作陶器的時候,可能曉得自己正在生產的產品,幾千年後被一群大洋洲考古學家,稱呼作他們從未聽過的拉匹達陶器?最初的金屬工匠,打造出第一件鐵器的時候,他們可曾歡呼:「哇!我們剛剛進入鐵器時代」?
夠惹!假如看不懂別人的用字遣詞,正確的作法應該是虛心學習,徹底了解別人那樣講的脈絡與意涵,如此才能提出有意義的批判(遺傳學研究還真的很多地方值得批判,可惜好的批評太少見惹),而不是抱持由於誤解而來的既有敵意,7pupu 地寫一大篇說文解字、冷嘲熱諷,靠著名氣發表在能見度很高的平台,平白造成不同領域間的誤解。
古代 DNA 如今是個全新的領域,背景相當不同的遺傳學家,與考古學家有惹碰撞的機會,出於各種理由,古代遺傳學家多半不會公開直接反駁,甚至只是批評考古、人類學家,這卻無助於溝通。
沒有批判,沒有進步,但是只有根基於正確理解的批判,才能成為有價值的批判。我寫這些的目的,不是要責罵 John Edward Terrell 個人,與任何與他抱持類似想法的人,而是希望能解釋清楚,他這樣思考的誤解何在,實際上古代 DNA 研究該如何解讀,如此才能促進遺傳學與考古學共同的進步。
原文《"Plug and Play" Genetics, Racial Migrations and Human History》還有一些詭異之處,沒法一一列舉,大家自己品味吧:…/plug-and-play-genet…/