Today marks the end of an era of tyranny that many have prayed for. I grew up looking up to these two individuals, loving them, respecting them. There was a time when i would have walked through the fires of hell and back for them. As i grew older, i saw the selfishness and greed of one above all else. I experienced firsthand emotional, physical and mental abuse at the hands of the one on the left. I witnessed firsthand the same abuse she caused onto the one on the right. I witnessed many trespasses, deals and handshakes these two made for the benefit of power and to fuel their appetite for greed. I wotnessed the side deals made behind the back of the one on the right. The amount of money in briefcases exchanging hands and being spent like water not for the benefit of the rakyat but to be spent like water on jewels, bribery of officials and used in the pursuit of gaining more power. Shamans, witch doctors, aesthetic doctors and the like walking the pathways of my home for one reason or another but mostly to bring to heel and gain dominion over their peers and over their family members, even to cause harm on those who were audacious enough to cross them. The numerous offshore accounts opened to launder money out of the country for their personal spending. The steel safes full of jewels, precious stones and cash amassed. Being made a cash mule or even crystal shoes mule carrying these quietly into and out of the country was no fun either, let me tell you. The countless attempts to sell me into marriage to the highest bidder or even persons with the highest position that will be able to help them gain political and social advantage. The greed, avarice and pride that grew with each step that was gained closer to the top position. Nothing could stop their reign of terror and yet i stayed out of loyalty and duty. When this terror was then focused on me and became too unbearable a burden to carry, i decided to leave. Thus began my self imposed exile from this unfortunate family.
When i married the man of my choosing after exhausting all ways of trying to convince them to release me from my bond, my new family unit was harassed and exposed to countless cruel, intolerable, degrading treatment at the hands of one Rosmah Mansor and her collaborators. Unchecked, she engaged different government machinery, civil servants, media and members of Parliament to harass the family. Too many other creative methods were used to terrorise us and shut all ways of providing for the family and our children.
Throughout all of this and despite numerous attempts to seek help from the Prime Minister it was all to no avail. In fact, he covered his wife’s tracks instead. The one person who could have helped, refused to do so and turned a blind eye and a deaf ear. Too scared of his bed partner to exercise any semblance of mercy. Just as he was too scared to stand up for the rights of the people when he realised something malignant had creeped into 1MDB but instead this family resorted to committing the disgustingly treasonous act of stealing from their people billions of dollars which they proceeded to use not just as their personal coffers to the detriment of the people but to bribe, extort, silence, maime and kill.
The day i left home, i left you a warning. That one who has been elected into office has powers only at the will of the people. They are there to serve the people, not the other way round. There will come a reckoning when the people will punish you for your trespasses on them. There will come a day when God will punish you for your trespasses the very people you swore to protect.
Today, my message to the both of you, to any siblings i have related by their blood who partook in this affair, to the eager collaborators and conspirators who sold out your people and the innocent for cash is this: You reap what you sow, not a penny less and not a penny more. God has answered the rakyat’s prayers. God has answered my family’s prayers. You have finally been summarily removed. As a blood relative to this family, i pray that you will use this experience and time to repent and return to the right path. Allahuakbar, May He have mercy on your black souls. Only He has the power to forgive the lot of you.
money safes 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
【玳瑚師父玄學論】 «財來就我»
Be a Wealth Magnet (English version below)
Do you start your day early and end very late in the night, busying with your daily lives? Do you feel that you are more hardworking than everyone else, but yet your pockets and bank account are always empty? A few more 'empty' and it will become the 'Four Emptiness' as expounded by the Dharma! Ha ha! (Laughter makes you younger)
Being a wealth magnet means we should not have to work tirelessly in order to have money, but instead to have wealth come to us uninvited. Money is necessary to preserve your life, as well as for those pursuing the Path. Both worldly and spiritual pursuits require money. How do you attract wealth? Today, Master Dai Hu shall divulge this knowledge which is equivalent to donating tonnes of gold to you. Should you have the affinity to read this, and practise it diligently, you will definitely chart a new course in your life and change your fortune. You can then congratulate yourself and bid farewell to poverty!
The man on the street will deposit his valuables in the safe of his bank. Besides being comforted with a sense of security, he will also feel wealthy. But the fact is, it is the bank, not you, who is getting wealthier with all your valuables deposited in their safes. If you really wish to be wealthy, and remain there for a long long time, it is essential to maintain the 'wealth chest' of your body, internally and externally, as well as the one in your house.
The internal wealth chest in your body refers to your soul or spirit. You must demonstrate generosity with all sincerity. Do not be ignorant and be deterred by the failings of some charitable organisations and, in doing so, remove the seed (cause) to a wealthy and fulfilling soul. Please know that all things are manifested from our mind, our thoughts. Our mind is the true creator of all. The external wealth chest of our body resides on your face, or your nose (the areas left and right of your nose tip) to be more specific. Maintain it well by ensuring there is no visible green or red vein lines appearing, no white head or black head or no mole or scar. Do it well and your life will be smooth. Please diligently check for visible nose hair every morning and trim them immediately. There is no need to wait for the New Year! A single strand of visible nose hair will be sufficient to cause you to lose your wealth.
As for the wealth chest in your home, I am referring to the secret location which is derived from your individual birth chart. If the affinity is ripe, I will visit your house and personally pinpoint the location of your wealth chest.
May you benefit from this article. Gratitude to All.
money safes 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的精選貼文
Home safes are probably not the best places to keep large sums of money...especially if you have termite issues at home.